Take advantage of the double saint's shot, Lin Chen waited for the opportunity to flap the holy phoenix wings, driving the speed to the extreme, flashing to the side of the mountain, his eyes narrowed.

"It's not Saint, it's the eighth rank Sacred Beast of Human Transformation. It shouldn't come from the outside world, it's the Sacred Beast in Rainbow Island!"

Lin Chen has a heavy heart, two eighth rank Sacred Beast, enough to suppress all geniuses!

Unless all the geniuses rush to fight desperately, perhaps with the background of the peak genius, the power of Sacred Beast can be slightly shaken, but this is by no means realistic.

"What's going on!"

"These two black clothed persons are terrifying coercion, they are the Holy Land! My God!"

The geniuses who arrived one after another had their pupils trembling and did not dare to act rashly!

The geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace were rescued, and there was a lingering fear.

Except for the super-class talents within 10,300, if you want to compete with Lin Chen's nine-color light beam, there is almost no life!

Super-class geniuses are also at risk of falling!

Nangong Mieyi cup one fist in the other hand: "Many thanks, two seniors are taking action!"

Two black clothed persons waved their hands, "Repay that's all the kindness of the year, Then follow your plan."

Nangong Mie Yixi, proudly stood out of the void, sound transmission announced in the face of all the geniuses who rushed here.

"Listen, everyone, here is my Sun Moon Palace. From now on, all the treasures passed down from the Rainbow Sky Bridge will belong to our Sun Moon Palace."

As soon as this statement came out, the geniuses looked shocked, both shocked and angry!

The women in the Palace of Refining the Heart also rushed to Lin Chen's side. Hearing this announcement, Jiang Yun complexion was slightly changed.

"Aren't these guys afraid of causing anger, they dare to swallow them..."

"With the background and status of the Sun Moon Palace, even if they provoke all the geniuses, you don't need to be afraid of them. The forces behind retaliated. It's awful. I didn't expect them to invite Sacred Beast..."

Jiang Yun bit her teeth, this is indeed a bit cruel!

"How can you be so excessive..."

There are two genius gnashing teeth, two black robed man eyes are like electricity, one hand is grasping into the void, plain and breezy Flashed.

Shih~! boom! boom!

Two peak genius were bombarded by a huge force, one of them burst into blood mist, the other vomited blood and turned into a blood light at the same time, fleeing, barely saving his life!

"Who else?"

Nangong Mie's indifferent voice echoed the audience. At this time, more than two thousand geniuses arrived, but no one dared to act rashly!

The end of those two geniuses is killing the chicken to warn the monkey!

"It's too difficult. Without the means to contend with the Holy Land, I can't compete with these two Sacred Beasts at all."

"What should I do, do you want to retreat? Or look at the dark horse. The clubhouse? Didn’t he and the dozen or so holy realms not be caught?"

Although the strange crystal fragments in the sky fell like a meteor shower, the geniuses did not dare to act rashly.

"Hehe, let's take a look first, maybe those guys in the Sun Moon Palace will let the two Sacred Beasts deal with them in the Dark Horse Club, when the time comes, we will fish in troubled waters..."

Some geniuses even set their sights on Lin Chen entire group, expecting him to have some amazing performance.

"I don’t have any nirvana. The only probabilities against these two big guys are Godslayer innate talent and War God wristbands, as well as the rune energy that consumes a lot of money. These guys are being used as a tool."

Lin Chen sneered in his heart as he felt the eyes gathered on him.

"But, the shard of alien crystals is right in front of my eyes, maybe I can try and grab it? If I grab it, I will disassemble it immediately, replace it with a nirvana, and immediately snowball?"

Hesitate Lin Chen really hesitated. Judging from the alien crystal fragments falling under the rainbow skybridge, there are at least two hundred alien crystal fragments now, and it is still increasing!

Once he gets so many different crystal fragments, his nirvana will suppress the audience, and no one can beat it!

However, if the action fails, it will mean that Lin Chen will lose the existing 1990 points of advanced talisman energy, and he will lose a big trump card against the outside world!

"Regardless of whether the action is successful or not, I will consume a lot of advanced talisman energy. It is not worth it, calm, I must be calm!"

Lin Chen's eyes are getting deeper and deeper. , The more this kind of moment, the more calm he is!

He stared at the people in the Sun Moon Palace, who was also looking at him.

Obviously, neither side intends to take the initiative.

The people in the Sun Moon Palace are also guarding against him. They know that Lin Chen has escaped the pursuit of the Holy Realm, and they don't plan to let Sacred Beast attack him first.

Their goal is to capture all treasures of the Rainbow Skybridge first, rather than strangling Lin Chen first.

"Do you want to use the Innate Shadow Technique to fish in troubled waters? Unless all geniuses riot, otherwise it is unrealistic. In the case of no one to snatch, once the alien crystal fragment is missing, it will be found immediately, and the Avatar will be immediately caught Sacred Beast bombarded and turned into scum?"

"The risk is too great. If there is only one Sacred Beast, you can fight it, but while blocking the two holy realms, you must also block the Hundred Holy Sect and Sun Moon. All the geniuses in the temple."

"Tianyin rune and Innate shadow tactics are matched, try Rune of Slowness to delay the time? Even if it is done, these geniuses nearby will take the opportunity to act immediately, and they will do everything. The big risk is not worth it. It's too bad. I didn't have to fight this battle."

Lin Chen sighed in his heart, and the idea was determined.

Unless all the hole cards such as Godslayer and War God wristbands are used, and these all are time-limited trump cards, if you can't kill the two Sacred Beasts, what about afterwards?

It is not worth it to knock out the family property for a part of the alien crystal fragments.

There is actually another way, and that is to take out the refining alien crystal fragments.

But this will seriously affect the cultivation base and reduce the elemental attribute value. Take out the refining foreign crystal fragments, which can easily leave the defects and internal injuries that are difficult to repair, so Lin Chen does not want to do this to himself or the people around him Kind of thing.

He does not regret that he sent the 13 Fire Element alien crystal fragments he finally cultivated to Shen Lingshuang.

To use Dongfang Yao as your opponent, you must spare no effort.

Lin Chen raised his hand and said to everyone around him: "Let’s go, we can’t do this battle..."


Suddenly, a shocking thought came out of Lin Chen's mind!

He stared at the two Sacred Beasts, his face was full of excitement, and his eyes burst into ejaculation!

The eyes staring at the two saints are like a thousand-year-old drinker foreseeing a thousand-year-old wine, like a hundred-year-old bachelor taking off his pants and rushing into the beautiful boudoir!

The genius next to him saw his weird eyes, and couldn't help but have one's hair stand on end!

"Really, how do you feel that this kid's eyes are a bit perverted..."

"Fuck, look at him, he looked at the two Sacred Beasts and swallowed his mouth? This I'm afraid it's crazy?"

"Does he really have the means to contend against the holy realm?"

It's better than two Sacred Beasts, and he can't help but be puzzled.

Does this kid really have a way to deal with the two of them?

The woman in Lianxin Palace also stared at Lin Chen curiously.

Under the focal point of ten thousands; Lin Chen suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed!

"hahahaha, Sun Moon Palace, Sun Moon Palace, it's up to you to be one of the best players, this time you are considered to have won."

Lin Chen laughed very happily.

Next, a frenzied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"But what I bet on is the next thing!"

Lin Chen waved his hand and said with a smile to everyone around him: "Let's go, since the rainbow sky bridge has been They booked the venue, so we went to see the scenery. Going on a scenic tour is not good for a few days."

Lin Chen's almost weird behavior caused everyone's doubts!

Really crazy?

How about going on a scenic tour on Rainbow Island?

"This person has lost his mind."

"Let’s go, too, I didn’t get the treasure from the Rainbow Skybridge, and there are a lot of rare treasures in other areas."


Some geniuses began to leave disappointedly, and some geniuses cast enviable eyes to the Sun Moon Palace.

There is no doubt that the two Sacred Beasts will help, and all the next rainbow bridges will appear, and basically no one can beat them!

The dark horse club is just the loser!

When Lin Chen left, a playful smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

"Good show, only now starts."

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