"Your Excellency will kill me as soon as he meets his face, is it possible that I am jealous of Lin's handsomeness."

When Lin Chen smiled casually, Unleash all Avatars at once, instantly explode the '8th layer change' and the ultimate moment of innate talent, and protect Ning Qingxuan and Shen Lingshuang!

"You should die if you break into a place you shouldn't break into."

When the indifferent voice sounded, the other party stabbed another sword!

The snow-white sword light resembles an aurora in the night. At the moment of witnessing, death has come!

Although Lin Chen was on his guard, he was still shocked by the speed of this sword!

spirit strength The powerful Lin Chen reacted extremely fast, and instantly shot another Rune of Slowness. While delaying the sword's strength, he slashed the "Mirror of Attack" across the air. The bright Blade Qi was spinning like a mirror. !


Blade Qi sword light collapsed, and both sides retreated.

"This man's sword technique is extremely strange, there is a smell of shuttling through the void, the ordinary method can't stand it at all, even if it reacts, it can't keep up with his sword!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, this opponent is even more terrifying than Nangong Mie!

Finally, under the scattered light of the moonlight, Lin Chen saw his opponent clearly!

The young man in Mai holds a sword in his hand, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his imposing manner is calm and concise, like the ascetic swordsman in the ten thousand zhang, but the killing intent between his eyebrows at this moment makes him a little indifferent.

This young man in Mai is like the mysterious swordsman, Ling Jian, who defeated the super genius in the first ten matches of the Heaven Ranking!

He is only one of the biggest dark horses from more than 30,000 in the genius list to the top ten!

"Is it him? I haven't seen him when the Rainbow Skybridge was born before. Is this Ling Jian staying here since entering the island until now?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Can pick up my two swords, it seems that it is not comparable to the rubbish outside."

Ling Jian is extremely indifferent, like a sword without feelings.

"I should have heard of my name under the handsome name Lin Chen and Ling Sword Pavilion. With your strength, why not go out to compete for treasure? In singles, no one is better than you. That’s right. As long as you make a move, you will definitely gain something, isn’t it? Why bother to come to such a ghost place."

Lin Chen peaceful smiled, stepped back two steps, backhanded Ning Qingxuan with his thumb Made a gesture.

Ning Qingxuan knows the meaning, flicks with the finger, azure drops into Lin Chen and the top of the head of all Avatars, Battle Qi speeds up a bit, and then immediately takes Shen Lingshuang away, two Avatars cover.

Lin Chen can feel that even if Shen Lingshuang fights this person, there is almost no chance of winning.

His sword technique is very weird, you can't rely on the number of people to defeat him.

"Oh, my master is matchless in the world, why should I fight with those rubbish, and you will be buried here! After killing you, I will kill the two women and Others!"

Ling Jian sneered, drew his sword awe-inspiringly, and stabbed Lin Chen with a sword light of black and white!

His sword is an ordinary sword, the seventh rank top grade sword, not even the seventh rank Peak!

But this sword is still ridiculously fast! It's like jumping out of space!


Two gray and white talisman were suppressed in the air, one symbol of the sword, and the other symbol of the seal men!

Clang~! Lin Chen made a cross cut with a blade like a crescent hook. The blade light shredded the sword glow, and the aftermath of Blade Qi flashed out a bright mirror blade light!

Boom! Hundreds of sword light exploded from Ling Jian like a rain of swords, piercing the shackles of Rune of Slowness!


With a wave of his sword, sword qi is like a dragon!

The faint scared rainbow is fleeting, piercing the Dragon Mark sword qi!

Lin Chen’s Avatars!

He is not so arrogant that he is going to challenge Ling Jian!

When the orange lightsaber rainbow pierced across it horizontally, such as rainbow piercing the sun, forcing Ling Jian to set up the sword edge to block the sword.

Tear and pull~! Lin Chen held the knife at Ling Jian's top of the head, and slashed in anger!

The half-moon-shaped Blade Qi illuminates the entire underground world!


Blade Qi rolled up the dust and sand in the sky, and Ling Jian was unscathed. Lin Chen and three Avatars formed a group, besieging Ling Jian in turn, blade light and sword shadows, the arrow light swiftly!

Suddenly, a dragon tail burst out! Lin Chen even released the Dragon King!

Four people and one dragon attacked Ling Jian frantically. With his strangely fast sword technique, he actually resisted them all!

"No wonder he defeated a super-class genius with a single sword. This strength far exceeds geniuses other than 10,000!"

Lin Chen's pupils trembled, the more fights the more fearful!

He is now able to compete with Nangong Mie, who is able to crush the super genius at will without using the'Bright Light and Split Shadow'!

The Avatar is exactly the same as the body except that it does not have the Saint Phoenix Wing.

With the perfect cooperation, under the siege, even Ling Jian can't get it?

There is no doubt that Ling Jian, who is also the cultivation base of the Five Tribulations with other geniuses, has already reached the level of the top ten thousand geniuses!

His strength far surpasses all the geniuses who enter Rainbow Island!

"The Three Magical Supreme Sword!"


"Hell Heartbroken!"

"Mirror Moon Evil God !"

The fierce fighting lasted more than 500 rounds. The cards of both sides appeared, and the battle was very exciting. The entire vast underground world was on the verge of collapse!

Ling Jian failed to win Lin Chen even under his full strength.

Similarly, Lin Chen and the Avatars used the'snap light splitting', but they also failed to break the sword technique of Ling Jian.

But the formidable power that penetrated the rune caused him a lot of injuries. Overall, Lin Chen had the upper hand.

When fighting for dozens of rounds, the two sides separated.

"You and your people are really monsters...Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base, using the formidable power of the orange battle skill, and the stunt of turning one into five..."

Ling Jian's indifferent face was moved for the first time!

This is the first time he has felt jealous for peers after worshipping the'master'.

"To each other, I think you are more like a monster."

Lin Chen smiled casually, his eyes became more solemn, and he did not win each other in a flash. He doesn't plan to waste innate talent anymore.

"It seems that I can only use the blue-level intermediate nirvana. Although it is a bit wasteful to use for one person, this guy is too difficult..."

Lin Chen Just as he was about to use his nirvana, a ghostly indifferent voice echoed in the underground world, which surprised Lin Chen!

"Ling Jian, you have spent two quarters of an hour, and this seat is already impatient."

The moment this voice appeared, Lin Chen’s Taoyuan planted the capsule. Violent energy fluctuations!

It's the little shadow that has awakened!

Ling Jian heard the sound, trembled all over, always indifferent and arrogant, he immediately respected cup one fist in the other hand——"Master, wait a moment..."

"Huh Is this little fellow secluded cultivation completed? It’s much better than before!"

Lin Chen glanced at the Taoyuan planting sac, the little shadow has awakened, and it is now facing the Taoyuan planting sac. contorts one's face in agony, like a riotous beast!

"little fellow, calm down, you can't come out."

Lin Chen retreated quickly while comforting the little shadow in the Taoyuan planting sac.

A young man walked slowly out of the darkness. He was pale and thin, like a scholar with no hands.

But his pair of dark eyes, like a bottomless pit, seem to be hiding a world, vast and vast.

Lin Chen only looked at him squarely, and almost fell and got lost in the eyes of the young man, turn pale with fright!

However, what shocked him even more was that the flowing purple black nether shadow of the young man occupies like a dragon on top of the young man's head!

The breath of this purple and black nether shadow has the dignity of Dragon Clan, the demonic energy of Demon Race, and the characteristics of dark shadow!

This is not the first time Lin Chen has seen this kind of creature!

"Difficult...Is he?"

Lin Chen's expression became more and more shocked!

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