Shih~! boom!

When the snow film blade light and Gengjin Changhong smashed together, they shattered the void, unexpectedly beyond everyone's expectations, Lin Chen actually took Chihong this blade!

Blade Qi's lingering rhyme is violent, strikes Lin Chen's chest, crushing his'Yu Tian Geng Jin Qi', shocking the corners of his mouth to bleed, and his body shape retreats!

Om~! Ripples appeared in the space, and a holy light that rolled up the dim-blue sea mist wave slapped Lin Chen's top of the head angrily.

22 blooming holy caves, Saint Realm 3rd Layer's Canghai Saints also shot!


Lin Chen had been on his guard, gritted his teeth, and struck a pillar of annihilation divine light, shattering the holy light fingerprints!

The pale blue holy light aftermath shook Lin Chen's whole body with the sound of bone cracking!

"Using the cultivation base of the holy realm 2nd layer to take over the Blade Technique of this seat, I have to say that you are really a freak. This move spear technique, I am afraid it is already an orange rank. "

Chi Hong stepped into the air with a knife, disdainfully sneered.

There are a vortex-like Blade Qi above his head. The storm strangles many energy strikes with nirvana, and is not harmed at all!

The Saint of Canghai wore sackcloth, his eyes were blue, and he said indifferently—“There is also a body refinement power comparable to 2nd layer Peak, an interesting youngster, not to mention the other 14 people, a Saint at random. Realm 3rd Layer, one person is enough to kill you. It is enough to surrender obediently. Isn't it okay to avoid these sufferings? Maybe you can die happy."

All the holy realms who watched the battle shook their heads and sighed slightly.

"This battle is too difficult to fight, and the Dark Horse Clubhouse is impossible."

"Unless he steps into the 4th layer of the Holy Land, it will be difficult to get out."

The holy world watching the battle shook their heads.

There is almost no skipping grades to challenge among the holy realms!

Especially the more a great realm, there are few cases in the history of the sacred world!

Same as Saint Realm 1st Layer Early-Stage, there is an absolute gap between the holy realm of 1 holy cave and the holy realm of 2 holy caves!

For every additional holy cave, the holy energy contained in it will skyrocket! The difficulty of skipping grades to challenge in the Holy Land is too difficult and too difficult!

It's like when you have the same body shape and the same fighting skills, your opponent is twice as strong as you. How can you fight this?

To make up for this huge difference, only a handful of methods such as orange-level cultivation technique and low-grade crystals can fill it up!

Of course, this probability refers to the case of heads-up.

But Lin Chen is now going to play 17 in 1, which is impossible!

The 11 and 21 holy caves are also the dividing line of the realm. There are only three people who suppress Lin Chen from the cultivation base!

Mo Xieyue, Canghai Sage, Chi Hong, any of these three can suppress him!

There is no Saint who thinks Lin Chen can break this dilemma!

The dark horse clubhouse is sure to die!

The only probability is that the Eight Saints will protect each other to death. Lin Chen tries to break through with all his strength. This is his only chance!

The other end;

In the horizontal and vertical collisions, the bear saints of the wild domain, the Jiao saints rushed to the sovereign of the holy kingdom and the others said with a sneer.

"tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity, your kindness, he didn't accept it, but insisted on working hard."

The lord laughed instead, "We never regret what we do. , We have witnessed too many miracles of him along the way, and today is no exception, we believe that this little fellow will not be brave!"

He has a calm mind, and his fingertips are healed. Fast growth!

In addition, the Chen Family Holy Land Old Ancestor eyes wide staring angrily Heavenly Ghost and the others-"Go away, the old fart of the strange land, come to the Southern Land to mix with something, offend me Chen Family, I can make you the queen in the palace!"

"Hehe, let’s see who is the queen! The Mo kid in our palace has never missed anyone, and the old man believes in his vision, No matter what the result is, we will witness to the end."

Heavenly Ghost is the peaceful laughed of the Sect Founder of the palace, trying to block the Saint of the other side.

The 16 sacred realms fought murky heavens dark earth, so that both the Yimei Sage and the Fengquan Sage had to protect Qiyun Island with all their strength!

The sun wheel above the head bears the strikes of nirvana, Mo Xieyue holds the sword and cuts diagonally, 21 holy cave rays of light flourish!

"Let me see how long you can hold on."

One pick Mo Xieyue sword edge, hundreds of sword qi lotus flowers bloom in the sky, and each one is hidden Peerless edge, surrounded Lin Chen!

Lin Chen’s sacred phoenix wings snapped, and his body guarded the “dragon flash”, a dragon and phoenix shadow flashed one after another, the sword lotus shattered the afterimage, Lin Chen took a look to avoid it, shuttling through the void, Several dozen li in a flash!

"Holy Phoenix's wings? The movement method is good, but I can't escape the palm of my hand."

When Chi Hong's sneer came, the blade pierced and the blade shook. Star River fell horizontally, slashing the space behind Lin Chen angrily, splitting the void!

"Boy, you have no chance."

The sage of Canghai condenses ten holy light dragons to culminate all directions of Lin Chen!

The offensive is too strong! Lin Chen must take care of one and lose the other, and he must do his best to attack from any side!


The holy spirits of the Saint Canghai and Chi Hong collided with each other, and they were completely empty!

The group of saints was taken aback.

But seeing the dark shadow covering Lin Chen's purple-red Phoenix wings, a pair of star-like eyes opened from the wings.

"Innate Shadow?"

"By the way, it is said that this kid can run to the present because of a young Innate Shadow."

"Not right Ah...this shadow always gives me a weird feeling..."

More than two hundred people in the holy realm were surprised and shocked.

"little fellow, it's time to work." Lin Chen smiled at the little shadow behind him.

Little Shadow’s head exploded purple electricity, condensed into four words-'fuck fuck'

'Godslayer' soared Lin Chen's pure power, Saint Phoenix Wings The speed as the tide rises, the boat floats, but this does not mean that Lin Chen's speed can suppress the three of Saint Realm 3rd Layer! They can only avoid part of the offensive in their hands.

None of the three have a movement method inferior to Lin Chen, not to mention that their realm crushes Lin Chen, and Lin Chen has to rely on the advantage of speed. Only the little shadow can be raised to a higher level.

Shih~! The thunder shattered, the wind dissipated, the Heavenly Fire went out, and the many holy realms of the Dark Pavilion and the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce were liberated from the tide of nirvana attacks.

The first round strikes are over, and the opponent's holy realm hardly caused any injuries.

The 17 sacred realms are far away from Lin Chen, and the murderous intention shoots!


Mutation starts again!

ten thousand zhang high A long blue cloud rose in the sky, and an Azure Ox stepped onto the cloud, and an old man in sackcloth sat on the back of the cow.

"Qingxuan, little girl, my old bones are of no use..."

The old man in Mai shook a straw, his eyes swept over the present. Circumstances——"There are quite a lot of old friends here today."

"It's the old ghost of Aoqing from Wanqing Palace. Is this old fart here too?"

Wind The Spring Sage was surprised.

Ning Qingxuan floated up in the air, anxiously sound transmission and said-"Master, please help Lin Chen!"

"old man, do your best..." Mai The old man, Ao Qing nodded, rode Azure Ox to Lin Chen's side.

"Senior, are you?" Lin Chen was curious, the old man seemed not hostile to him.

"The old man is an Old Guy in Wanqing Palace, you are Lin Chen."

Ao Qing looked at Lin Chen's condition and couldn't help sighing; "It's really hard. Even his life is burning..."

Lin Chen is relieved, it turns out that it was the reinforcements Qingxuan called!

Shih~! A sword qi Changhong slashed towards Ao Qing, the old man's eyes dazzled, and he grabbed it with one hand and crushed the sword qi!

"old fart, don't get in the way." Mo Xieyue scolded awe-inspiringly: "Otherwise, even kill you!"

"This Old Guy is extraordinary, let me hold it back He, you guys go and capture that kid."

The position of the Saint Canghai corresponds to Ao Qing, and the two looked at each other, "The old rivals back then..."

"Maybe there is still a chance... At the moment, the battle strength of Saint Realm 3rd Layer has been reduced by one. If Lin Chen can make another unavoidable energy attack, and then forcefully break through the encirclement with Innate Shadow, he may be able to escape. ......"

When the two hundred holy realms who watched the battle tried to see through the situation, the situation suddenly changed!


A group of scarlet Divine flame, like the divine fire above Nine Heavens, descends on Qiyun Island!

In the scarlet Divine flame, a lady in a red dress walks out slowly, showing her beauty.

A pair of flame-like eyes, looking around the audience, only showing a faint lingering prestige, they suppressed hundreds of holy realms!

This is an almost invincible existence!

Lin Chen's pupils trembled!

This woman is the Divine flame palace woman who personally suppressed all the magic eyes on the Nine Provinces continent that day and picked up Bai Ruoyan!

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