If there are only two trump cards of'Blue-level high level nirvana' and'Godslayer', facing so many sacred sieges, Lin Chen has no chance of a comeback!

Lin Chen clearly feels the difficulty of leapfrogging in the holy realm, especially the 21 holy cave dividing line, skipping grades to challenge is as difficult as heavenly ascension!

Lin Chen has Holy Artifact and his opponent also has it.

Lin Chen's core method has been'enhanced' and is close to the orange level, and the core method of others is not inferior!

Lin Chen can burst out the formidable power of the orange battle skill, but the cultivation base of others also suppressed him!

Lin Chen has the spirit strength of'Transcendent Saint' and the sanctuary body refinement strength of 3 billion dragon strength. And Mo Xieyue has a low-grade strange crystal in the genius holy realm, and his cultivation base has been greatly increased.

Chi Hong is a generation of sword saints, Blade Dao is pure, lethality and the same level of sword saint are generally terrible, Lin Chen’s spirit strength and pure strength advantage failed to play a decisive role in front of these two people effect!

Even if you singled out Mo Xieyue or Chi Hong, Lin Chen may not be one of them. This is when they are involved in a part of their strength by nirvana!

This battle is not comparable to the battle of false gods. When fighting against false gods, they were seriously injured, and their offensives were limited and did not dare to fight against Lin Chen. In addition, they had the'Sun God' innate talent at that time. This is not the time!

Except for one heavenly demon, the 16 holy realms are all peak states!

The battle of the Holy Land, skipping grades to challenge, is as difficult as heavenly ascension!

However, Lin Chen still has something to do!

"Now, it's my turn to attack!"

When Lin Chen laughed, he drew his sword out of its sheath, the sword sang like a dragon, and changed the sword!

The sword is red and domineering, just like the sword of the king!

Lin Chen poured into the holy spirit, raised his sword and slashed straight down! The orange lightsaber rainbow slashes all directions in anger!

The sword rainbow divides the Sea Territory, the sword cuts the sky, one sword turns into five swords, five long rainbow threads penetrates the sky, and one sword cuts Nine Heavens!

At this moment, the Divine flame who retreated to the sidelines and watched the battle. The lady in Gong Hongshang's eyes brightened!

"Interesting, Lin Chen, you really are not simple!"

Chi Hong imposing manner monstrous, blood light holy sword cut across the sky, Blade Qi Dragon Transformation, blood pattern giant dragon swallowing heaven devouring earth, Blade Qi Hengsheng!

"Blood Devouring Dragon!"

Mo Xieyue’s holy sword has skyrocketed in power. When holy light rolls like a dragon and is injected into the sword, it turns into a huge zhang Flowing Light Sword. The whole body burns with Yang Fire holy light.

"Fentian Zhenyang Sword!"

Mo Xieyue lifted the sword with a swift swing, and the hundred zhang sword light slashed past!

Tear and pull~! boom!

The two men’s offensive finally smashed the five sword rainbows. Mo Xieyue’s Sun-burning sword was suddenly'torn' to pieces, and 30% of the penetrating formidable power penetrated his sword qi for the first time. defense!

"pu chi ~!"

Mo Xieyue vomits blood! A quarter of an hour after the two sides started fighting, Mo Xieyue was wounded.

Beside him, a dozen orbs of attribute light dropped, dazzlingly transparent, far exceeding the attribute value dropped by Battle Sovereign!

More than two hundred holy realms who watched the battle were very air-conditioned!

"What kind of divine ability is this? It is possible to divide the orange-level battle skill into five without reducing the formidable power?"

The Saints who are knowledgeable and have experienced the vicissitudes of life are also Never heard of this amazing divine ability!

"Oh...has several points of ability..." The red dress woman raised her brows, and she didn't expect Lin Chen to have this hand.

"My elemental attribute value is the highest in the fire and water elements, then the winner will be determined before the nirvana is used up!"

[Consumption of 800 points of advanced talisman energy . 】

Swipe~! There were two more runs of Rune of Slowness, and the space above their heads burst!

"This trick again, this kid will block our space!"

Chi Hong horrible to see, Mo Xieyue's face was horrified!

The white light dragon shadow flashed behind the two, Lin Chen grasped the'blue moon' this time, and moved towards the back of the two with a slash!

The bright moon-like blade light bursts, and the moon shines in the fourteen states! Instant light and shadow!

"Jingyue Evil God!"


between Heaven and Earth seems to be reflected in the moonlight in an instant, all Saint's feelings of water, moon and aurora are flooded with Heaven and Earth!

Red Hong’s energy pierced through the sky, slashing into a bloody world with a single knife, the blood moon hung high, the blood butterflies fluttered, and the purgatory-like murderous intention lurked under the beauty!

Mo Xieyue’s sword took out the blazing sun burns the sky, swiftly slashed, and the blazing sun was crushed from above Nine Heavens to the bottom, stirring the water and moon blade glow!

Boom! boom! Boom~!

Sea Territory vibrated, and the space crystal wall fractured like a python spreading across the sky, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi exploded into clusters, endlessly enveloping!

Mo Xieyue each exhibited divine ability, Absolute Art appeared one after another, and finally no longer retained!

They no longer regard Lin Chen as a descendant far inferior to them, but as an opponent of the same level!

All Saints looked dumbfounded!

The geniuses even trembled their teeth and witnessed this heaven-shaking, earth-shattering scene!

Lin Chen actually faced Mo Xieyue and Chi Hong, and they had a good relationship with each other!

While he is one against two and still skipping grades to challenge, he hasn't lost the slightest!

Lin Chen either wields a gun swiftly, or holds a sword and cuts, or shoots with a bow, or dances with a sword!

Orange! Orange order! Still orange!

Lin Chen used no less than five orange-level cultivation techniques in one go!

"Too terrifying, every trick of this child is an orange-level cultivation technique, it’s just killing my life!"

"This is not the key, the key is his orange-level Each of the cultivation technique can be divided into five moves, and the formidable power has no effect at all!"

"This is the number one genius of the Dark Horse Club, the power of Heavenly God Lin Chen!"

More than two hundred holy realms are extremely moved, and they are the first time they have seen such a heaven-defying holy realm!

Lin Chen can be one against two positively, thanks to the burning of the innate talent of'Death Life and Death', one second of life force increases 15 times the strength of the Four Tribulations cultivation base, making Lin Chen the more fights the more brave is!

The increase in power brought about by the burning of life and death has exceeded 30,000 times! Lin Chen's 21 holy caves are faintly broken!

And the most important thing is the'snap light split shadow'!

This is the only permanent orange-level innate talent Lin Chen has, and it finally blooms its peerless edge!

It is not like'Sun God','Godslayer' such innate talents that meet the prerequisites and directly give strength.

The strength of the instant light splitting depends on the strength of the host itself!

This innate talent will be accompanied by Lin Chen's strength and will eventually reveal its peerless divine might!

However, it consumes a lot of money. Lin Chen has to consume more than 300 intermediate innate talent points for every battle skill blessing of Lin Chen!

A dozen Saint horrible to see trapped in nirvana, this child is so powerful that it is so terrifying!

"The situation has changed, we have to take action, don’t let this kid get out!"

"How many hands does he hide? This youngster will grow up in the future, and we will be one Don't even want to escape! Kill him, must kill him ahead of time!"

Many holy realms sound transmission to each other or roar in their hearts.

Only the heavenly demon is battling nirvana, while staring at Lin Chen stubbornly!

The information he got at the cost of serious injuries, he knew that Lin Chen had a more defying'kill move'!

"pu chi ~!"

The change in the fighting situation started from the moment Chi Hong vomited blood!

After Chihong's soaring blade light was'torn', Ji Guang's shining arrow shattered his defense, rolling down many attribute light balls.

Mo Xieyue looks pale, mentally injured!

"After the attack to lock the seat slows down, this child must be crushed!"

Chi Hong gnashing teeth, painfully swallowed a holy pill to heal the wounded body.

The two must be distracted to resist the formidable power of the nirvana, and the battle strength is limited in the battle with Lin Chen. If the defense is broken, their Saint Physique will also be damaged. Saint is injured and healed The price is often great!

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