Lin Chen walked out of the nine-color holy light, with 21 six-pointed stars shining all over!

21 holy caves, Saint Realm 3rd Layer Early-Stage!

Lin Chen has crossed over to Saint Realm 3rd Layer?

All this is definitely not a mistake, it has already been planned!

But what is even more serious is Lin Chen's state, his constantly passing life force, like the last rays of light before the fall of the Pole Star!

The innate talent burned life force and brought Lin Chen more than one hundred thousand times higher. His cultivation base, second only to the False God, entered the state of'Sun God' during the war of false gods. My own!

“quickly retreat! ”

Mo Xieyue and Chihong are so sophisticated, inwardly shouting that they are not good, Lin Chen looks desperately trying to urge the movement method When shuttling through the void...

Shh~! Boom~!

Two gray-white talisman appeared, and the space was extremely frozen and slow, and their movements were restricted!

This is Lin Chen’s strongest Rune of Slowness so far, which consumes 1,400 rune energy!

"Not good!"

The two of them felt a stunned heart. At the moment Rune of Slowness burst, all the heads of the holy realm were rolled up and many offensives continued to stack, and lightning appeared. The turbulent wind is like a tide, and the dust is raging!

[The host activates 13 blue-level high level special moves, and the remaining special moves: 0. 】

Lin Chen played the last batch of nirvana! Under the superposition of the two waves of nirvana offensive, all the actions of the holy realm can be described as severely restricted!

Everything is so smooth! As if it were all planned in advance!


A bright blue blade light echoes Heaven and Earth like a dragon, and the young man stands with his sword!

With a single knife in his hand, Lin Chen is arrogant!

His eyes are extremely firm and sharp! The ambition of Tu Sheng was revealed, and he did not waver from beginning to end!

The sword force of a qi rushing into the sky suddenly rose from Lin Chen's body!

Everyone was shocked by his imposing manner!

[Activate Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent, accumulate energy: 500 million points, which will increase the host's next attack. 】

"I've been waiting for this moment, so what about Saint, what about Sword Saint, what about Sun Moon Palace, die for me!"

Lin Chen burst into shock, sick Then he waved his knife and cut it off with a slash!


The blue moon throbbed and trembled lightly, and the blade split a blazing white glow across the sky!

The snow-white blade glow rotates at an extreme speed of 360 degrees, and the sky is shattered wherever it goes!

between Heaven and Earth is illuminated by this dazzling brilliance, reflected in everyone's heart.

A sorrowful air of sadness emerged in everyone's heart.

Shih~! The blade glow shuddered, and it was divided into five!

This blade is Lin Chen's strongest blow after entering the Holy Realm! Godslayer + Desperate Life and Death + Monarch Overlooking The Whole World + Instant Light! Double purple double orange innate talent superimposed!

Five fast-rotating snow-white blade glow overturned the Sea Territory and slashed towards 16 holy realms!

"Why! The formidable power of this blade is far more than any battle skill he has used before!"

"At least twice as powerful as the Blood Moon Scared Dragon in this constellation , What is this blade method......"

When all the saints were frightened, they frantically urged the defensive hole cards!

What makes everyone didn't expect...


An explosion burst open!

The five extremely fast-rotating white blade glow suddenly exploded, bursting into the sky, like tears and flying shadows! Several hundred li, blade light shrouded!

The pupils of the 16 holy realms trembled with fear...

They were caught by the attack of the special move, and there was no chance to avoid this terrible attack!

The moment the terrible Blade Qi burst into pieces, the formidable power exploded! Blade Qi Fragments free from the void, like flowers and rain in the sky, crushing wind and clouds!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Shards of Blade Qi resembling a squally rainstorm slammed into the holy light defense of the Saints!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Each piece of Blade Qi fragmentation can penetrate an eighth rank Sacred Beast animal body!

Thousands of Blade Qi strikes to the 16th Saint, penetrated the multi-colored holy light defense!

The Saints are bloody, lying in the sky, and despite their many methods, they can't resist the infinite Blade Qi piercing through their bodies!

The four saints of Dark Pavilion, Pavilion Lord should be destroyed, Old Ancestor should be heavenly demon and other Saints, perished in the destruction of Blade Qi fragments.

Before they died, their expressions were all horrified and unbelievable...

Lian Wanjin and the two Saints of Chamber of Commerce wore the'Eight Sects Xuanyun' A series of defensive Holy Artifacts such as "Seven Stars" only resisted the first wave of offensive, and was penetrated by Blade Qi fragments, the flesh exploded, and the holy light shattered!

The five sages from the strange land, the fog sage, the cicada sage, etc. are even more unbearable. Most of them are no more than 8-10 holy cave cultivation bases. Under the premise that they are involved in nirvana skills, one When you meet, you will be annihilated to nothingness by Blade Qi fragments!

Qin Family’s sword saint, Qin Zhentian, used the lore sword technique to resist for only a moment, and was crushed into blood mist by the nirvana strikes and Blade Qi fragments!

【Death to life and death innate talent The locked target is dead, and the innate talent state is released. 】

A touch of fear and joy that can't be concealed appeared in the Canghai Saint!

Fortunately, his opponent is Ao Qing of Wanqing Palace! If he suffers from this blade, he will be disabled if he does not die!

Ao Qing’s old face twitched slightly, and said with a trembling—"It is worthy of the old Palace Lord who has instructed the person to be good, with this blade, this child is enough to compete for the enchanting list!"

After a while, the sea is rough.

A strange silence has ushered in Qiyun Island.

For the geniuses on the genius list, this is destined to be an unforgettable scene!

The sea is full of flowers, and the terrible waves once lifted Qiyun Island on the verge of collapse. Thanks to Fengquan and Yimei Sage desperately suppressing it, Qiyun Island did not turn over.

in the sky, silver robe, the young man is tall, and when a ray of light illuminates Qiyun Island, it spreads on the young boy’s childish face. He is flowing in the sky, standing with a knife, majestic and majestic. In the peaceful appearance, there is a domineering look at the world, like a Heavenly God descending from the earth!

All the battles in the Holy Land have stopped!

The sacred realm of the barbaric domain swallowed hard, and Sheng Xiong trembled and said: "This...what the hell is this Blade Technique..."

No one is shocked. This blade, like a sword of the gods, kills Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

"Hey, my eyes..."

The geniuses found two tears on their cheeks!

Not only geniuses, all those who witnessed this blade, tears were drawn, or a sense of sadness of heartbreak emerged from the bottom of my heart, and the corners of the eyes as strong as Saint are also faint Tears flickered.

"What the hell is this Blade Technique......"

There was Saint muttering like a dream.

Lin Chen in the sky carefreely smiled ——"Immemorial has a god, and its tears have no traces. This blade is called god tears."

Orange Blade Technique · "God tears"!

The red dress woman fell into deep thought.

"Doubled? No, it's almost doubled! There is no doubt that this is an orange-level Blade Technique. The moment it is killed, not only is it divided into five, but the blade glow is formidable. The power has soared nearly twice!"

The red dress woman in the Divine flame palace clicking one's tongue in wonder——"Great, I thought that the nine-color stars were the killing move of this little fellow, didn’t 't expect that he still has this hand. This Blade Technique is also the best in my Divine flame palace."

Several Old Ancestors from Chen Family stared at the front in a daze, and their hearts were chilling. , Have one's hair stand on end!

At this time, Lin Chen's up ahead, there is no Saint!

Dark Pavilion Four Saints, all destroyed!

The five sages of the strange domain are all destroyed!

Wanjin Chamber of Commerce Three Saints, sword saint Qin Zhentian, all destroyed!

Two Saints in the Profound Realm, one killed another injured!

Hongtian Hall Chihong, Sun Moon Hall Mo Xieyue, and fleeing seriously injured! Even his own genius can't take care of it!

Shocked! Teeth can't stop shaking in horror!

One slaying ten saints?

No, to be precise, the 14 Saints were slaughtered!

The battle is shocking!

Chen Family Old Ancestor muttered: "This is the Heavenly God of the Dark Horse Club... Lin Chen!"

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