Lin Chen took a face and took out one of his strongest attacks at this stage; full-featured rune + instant light split shadow + strong attack + power of different crystals, blessing the stars of the Nine Tribulations !

From the instant sneak attack, Lin Chen is almost certain that the sneak attack is his own ghost face gray robe, and his strength is no less than Yan Wuxie and the other three!

Especially his movement method and the technique of restraining interest, even Lin Chen failed to react immediately! Without Luo Yaoer's reminder, Lin Chen would not die or be disabled!

next moment ……

Hey~! Bang~!

The five nine-color beams of light hit the ghost face gray robed man without warning, soaring into the sky, slowly spinning, and spilling a terrifying destruction aura!

Zhao Tiankun, Fei Anxing, and Yan Wuxie unanimously showed extremely solemn expressions. Can Lin Chen even explode such a heaven-defying attack?

Only the sword is alluring, and he is still at ease, not even the sword is drawn. When the indifferent eyes looked towards Lin Chen, he became more curious.

The five beams of light with nine colors are combined into one, forming a nine-color beam of light of several hundred zhang, and the energy of destruction increases sharply!

Even Lin Chen hurriedly retreated to the side, looking at the nine-color beam of light, his face was full of surprise!

He entered the realm of transit through the Holy Realm by virtue of the'Godslayer' innate talent. He probably knew that the formidable power of the'Nine Tribulations Stars' this time was close to the realm of Saint!

"This formidable power, there is no doubt that even the Holy Realm can be shaken!"

Of course, Lin Chen refers to the opening of an Early Stage Saint, if two A holy cave can easily block this blow.

"The formidable power of this move is far beyond what he used to me a few days ago!" When Zhao Tiankun resisted the'Purgatory Wind Gang' nirvana, he saw Lin Chen's'Nine Tribulations Stars' from the corner of his eyes. When'formidable power', my whole body trembled, showing strong fear!

"This Lin Chen's growth rate is too amazing, that's all, I still don't bother to provoke this guy, even if I am now, my best efforts may not be able to kill him!"

After all, this Zhao Tiankun stubbornly resists nirvana, while quickly fleeing!

Some Ancient One who tried to fish in troubled waters twitched their mouths slightly, sighed and then quickly evacuated and rushed to the other side of the battlefield.

It’s not just Yan Wuxie and the others who discovered Lin Chen’s anomaly. Some Ancient Ones also witnessed it, but they didn’t want to risk their lives and risk getting close to the "dark horse club" lunatics. !

The goal of Ancient One is the remains of Saint. The remains of Saint held by the Dark Horse Club are only one. If they were to put it together, it would be extremely dangerous!

The nine-color light beam dissipated, and the ghost face gray robed man appeared.

His appearance is very embarrassed, his robe is ripped, he is covered with blood, the corners of his mouth are bleeding, and his face is slightly pale, but he is only slightly injured?

Lin Chen's eyes were solemn: "What is this person? After eating one of the stars of the Nine Tribulations of Saint that I have enough to shake, it turned out to be a minor injury? What kind of monster is this!"

The nirvana dissipated, and the three geniuses were revealed.

Lin Chen keeps chewing the Dragon Qingguo, and Avatar is on guard!

"Hey, don't fight, don't fight. You guys are grabbing hands. The dark horse club is indeed named not in vain, your Excellency Lin Chen, I don't think you are also a monster."

Yan Wuxie is shrugged like a child, accepts the sword enters sheathe, and gives Lin Chen a thumbs up.

Lin Chen slightly smiled: "I have been rewarded and rewarded. Your Excellency is also very handsome. I am so strong that I am a little bit scared."

Yan Wuxie laughed heartily: "Come on, who can you compare? They are all fierce and have a chance to fight again."

"hmph! With your strength, you are not qualified to protect the woman next to you, so do it for yourself. If you leave now, you still have a glimmer of survival. "

Fei Anxing was coldly snorted, and also left in the air.

Lin Chen has no doubt about their strength. Although these geniuses are the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign, they feel like an endless'ocean' for Lin Chen. Their strength is deep and unmeasurable!

The most intuitive thing is that they are still unscathed in the blue-level intermediate nirvana. This is the most powerful proof! This is a monster-level genius enough to skipping grades to challenge Saint!

Jian Qingcheng looked deeply Lin Chen and Luo Yaoer behind him, indifferently said: "Your strength should be more than this. I look forward to your next stronger strength, if I can I can't ask for it to draw a sword."

She knows that as long as Lin Chen has the'space shuttle' divine ability, the chance of grabbing the ring by herself is extremely low.

Sword Qingcheng rolled up a sword light and flew away vertically.

She came here, only to pursue a fun and invigorating battle, to complete the Master's "last wish", not to engage in a chase. That's boring.

Ghost face gray robe saw all the geniuses leave, and the figure flees. With all the geniuses in the dark horse club, he can't take Lin Chen.

These geniuses are not stupid, they have other goals and tasks in their bodies, there is no need to smash to the end for an unknown ring and the'dark horse club'.

"These one by one, the compelling frame is quite high, come all as soon as you come, and all go as soon as you leave."-Lin Chen curl one's lip.

Next, Lin's heartbeat speeds up, he releases the dragon king, and the dragon body changes to the greatest extent!

The dragon sovereign statue is a free little bird, soaring freely in the vicinity of the area, wherever it goes, take away all the attribute light balls!

[Get 88 Wind Element Energy, 52 Dark Energy, 59 Fire Element Energy, 99 Innate Talent, 200 Heavenly Dao, 28 Spirit Strength, 90,000 High Level Qi and Blood , 110,000 high level qi and blood, 80,000 high level Battle Qi Essence......】

Lin Chen’s attribute value, it's soaring in a straight line!

The fallen Saint and Sacred Beast here are Cheetos, what kind of attribute light orbs are there! Lin Chen has long wanted to catch it all!

Yes, this is also one of Lin Chen's purposes for flying many Saint remains. He wants to fully collect all the attribute light balls in the Xitian battlefield!

If more than two thousand geniuses are allowed to fight here, will they still pick up attributes? Pick up a wool!

It's a good idea that someone Lin hasn't been blasted into a hornet's nest!

But now, Lin Chen doesn't have one of the attribute light orb and the attribute treasure chest!

[Open 52 orange crystal treasure chests to obtain: 1.85 million blank attributes, 5.2 million enhancement points, 5000 intermediate innate talent points, 8500 high level cultivation technique essence, and 8000 intermediate Heavenly Dao points. 】

"hahaha! Cool, so refreshing! I have never seen so many attribute values!"

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing upright.

Luo Yaoer was the most puzzled person. She was more and more surprised to find that Lin Chen's Battle Qi became more and more powerful, both in quality and quantity, all in a straight line!

She can't see through! Since the Nine Provinces continent, she has not been able to see through this teenager.

Lin Chen always hides the greatest benefit that only he can get behind every seemingly outrageous action!

[Open three Supreme treasure chests with five lights to obtain: rune energy 8000 points, quasi-orange passive innate talent fragments·Super Chaos (1/2), Super Chaos Fragments (2/2). 】

【Quasi-Orange-level passive innate talent · Super chaotic, fusion is complete. Innate talent effect: When the host attacks an enemy, there is a 20% probability that the enemy will locally enter a chaotic state. The chaotic state includes but not limited to: Battle Qi chaos, holy Qi chaos, Qi and blood chaos, mental chaos, consciousness chaos, sensory chaos wait wait wait. ]

[Note: The strength of the chaotic effect depends on the cultivation base gap between the host and the enemy, the innate talent can be upgraded to the orange-level innate talent. 】

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