Lin Chen is reckless? No, he must enter the core circle of the mountain range of the funeral saint!

After approaching Antiquity Battlefield, Lin Chen saw the golden attribute beam of light in the core circle. He had seen it once!

The last time I saw this dazzling rays of light was in the tomb where the ancient gods fell!

The attribute treasure chest obtained is precisely the Golden War God suit·Ultimate Armplate·Right Wristband!

This is where the War God Bracer comes!

Yes, that is to say...

In the tomb of Saint King, there are most likely other Golden War God suit parts!

Don't do it at this time, but when will you wait!

Lin Chen has a right wrist brace that can leapfrog and increase the sage. What if you have another one?

How about a War God suit? I can't imagine it at all!

The importance of the Golden War God suit is absolutely no less important than his "Heavenly Art"!

"If Saint King is still capable, he can just show up and suppress us forcibly. There is no need to play these bells and whistles. In other words, he is subject to great restrictions. Otherwise, those grades. 6 sect impossible Send the pillar genius of his own to death."

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with bare feet, not afraid of wearing shoes!

"In that case, I still have a chance. Once something happens, my hyper-dimensional teleportation will still have space coordinates, and it will be able to teleport in minutes to the outer ring of the mountain range. At my current speed, after teleportation , Fully urge the movement method, leave the outer ring of the mountain range just a few breaths, enter the War God suit parts, and retreat, you can wipe the yo-yo on the soles of your feet. I don’t dare to do this, Lin Chen, I don’t need to get mixed up. !"

Even if this Saint King tomb mansion is at the end of hell, he has to make a breakthrough!

Swipe~! Brush~!

The Dragon Emperor reveals his body, carrying Lin Chen flying up.

Lin Chen sat on the back of the Dragon Emperor, and the Dragon Emperor carried him and Luo Yaoer.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yaoer's injury has recovered a little, but her strength has not yet recovered. She seems to have lost most of her cultivation base. Want to add it back, seems to need a special method?

Lin Chen was a little puzzled. Although her injuries were serious, she was not as unconscious as she was at the beginning. For some reason, she just stood does not raise.

Lin Chen simply Afterwards, I continued to carry her, anyway, who would hate such a beautiful Heavenly Immortal beauty~

Dashuai Lin is very honest. I, Lin Mou, is greedy for her body.

The Dragon Emperor carried and other geniuses into the depths.

The geniuses either control the sword light, or fly in the air, or release the Holy Artifact. Everyone shows their divine ability, bypassing the mountains and gorges, Lin Chen and the geniuses arrive at a vast expanse Within the peak of vigorous dragon!

This mountain gorge is as high as ten thousand zhang, with no peaks on both sides, no end, majestic shore, standing here like holy relics.

A magnificent mountain gate was built in front of the mountain gorge, with a few large characters engraved!

Haotian Tomb Mansion!

Only Lin Chen himself can see that in the tomb mansion, a golden light dazzling attribute rays of light rises up!

Lin Chen's heart is hot, and the other parts of the War God suit are most likely to be inside!

"Well, there are 5409 geniuses here this time, and there are many good little fellows. Very good, very good. It seems that during the period of this king died during meditation, my Holy Realm Human Race has prospered and prospered, pushing it to a new era and peak."

The voice of Taoist people resounded again, full of praise and gratification. It was like a spring breeze and could not bear a trace of disgust.

Some geniuses blush with excitement and have thick necks. If you go back and let the elders in the family know that they have been praised by a Saint King, you will have a better face when you go back and brag, and your faces will be bright!

Only a few geniuses are vigilant.

Hearing this, Lin snickered in his heart.

"Entering the tomb house, all of you will be tested by the king. Those who pass the test will get rich rewards even if they fail to inherit the king's Legacy and retreat."

The voice of Haotian Saint King is all about the taste of the country, beating everyone's mind, making everyone's heart beat!

If you cannot inherit Legacy, you can also fight fortuitous encounter! Saint senior Wang is really a great pioneer of my Human Race!

"hehe, this king’s wealth, you are these little fellow unimaginable who are not sanctified. Anything you take out is enough to create Saint, the so-called precious spirit plant seeds of luck in your eyes , Low-grade crystals, orange-level cultivation technique, even orange-level core method, high-level Holy Artifact, pill concocting handprints, all have everything you need, hahaha, let’s go through this king’s experiment as much as you want! Let this king take a look at the current Holy World Human Race's strength and courage!"

The laugh of Haotian Saint King ignited a fire in everyone's hearts!

creak ~!

The gate of the tomb mansion is wide open, a breath of eternal vicissitudes is like the remains of Immemorial, assaults the senses, ancient, long-lasting, silent, but suffocating!

"Saint King's opportunity, this Young Master has no reason to refuse!"

"hahaha! To be on the list of evildoers is just around the corner, Lord Saint's inheritance, I am going to make it!"

A crowd of genius heroism reaching to the clouds rushed in one after another, turning into meteor-like afterimages and rushing into the gate.

Even with those Ancient One, no one can resist, this is the true holy fate!

No matter how good the Saint Holy Treasure outside is, it is not as good as one ten thousandth of the Saint King Treasure!

Lin Chen drove the Dragon Emperor to fly into the tomb. The moment he stepped into the tomb, his palm flashed with a faint purple black light.

"This this tomb, there are signs of demonic energy! And the amount is not low!" In Lin Chen's eyes, light flashed.

The complexion under Luo Yaoer's cloak also became particularly weird.

The tomb mansion is very wide, forming a space of its own, opening up a new Heaven and Earth. There are space stacks here, there are several space planes, it is a great generosity unique to Saint King!

Lin Chen immediately confirmed; "No problem, my ultra-dimensional teleportation can still be used, even if I enter it, I can retreat."

Enter the tomb for half an hour, a full eight More than a thousand people arrived at the first spatial plane.

The space plane here all around surrounds the mountain, a large mountain ridge formed by the Primordial Great Desolate!

The voice of Haotian Saint King reverberated again, this time, there was a little more control over the situation.

"This is the first test. The test of this king is about to begin. You must pass the test before you can leave safely. Every time you pass a level, this king will issue corresponding rewards. This first test, what you have to do That is, destroy them."

Bang! boom! boom!

tone barely fell, dozens of groups of Great Desolate Giant Beast-like aura revived from the mountains, shaking Heaven and Earth, sweeping the wilderness!

On the east side, seven hellhounds with scaly armors appeared. Each barb of his body was dozens of meters long. Its vigorous limbs were as large as a huge pillar, and the breath of hell flames breathed out. !

To the south, a group of dragons danced wildly. A savage dragon, python, which is rare in the outside world, appeared one by one dancing with Aung Zang's fierce body.

Ancient Sky-Swallowing Water Swallow Covered in Purple Gold Scale Armor, Immemorial Demon Python with Three Heads, Immemorial Sky Red Water-Swallowing Scaly, Invulnerable, Indestructible and Impregnable with Limbs Transformed into Claw of True Dragon Ancient golden armor python!

In the West, there are ancient apes with huge bodies that lean against the sky, prehistoric giant crocodile with four claws protruding to the ground, Heavenly Tiger with a torso like a mountain peak, and demon fox with light beast body!

In the north, the momentum is the most powerful, with heads of golden eagles, giant falcons, domineering eagles, and raging dome, seeming to tear this sky apart!

Sacred Beast, Sacred Beast! All Sacred Beast!

Many Ancient One and the geniuses have changed their faces!

The four directions of the entire mountain range; there are 37 Sacred Beasts?

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