"This Elder, dare you to ask what's going on inside?"

The Lord Fu Sheng is very polite to the two Ancient One Battle Sovereign sound transmissions in the distance. Inquired, the other two saw that the attitude of the Lord of the Holy Kingdom was acceptable, and said casually.

"Saint King inheritance was born, but the first test was extremely terrifying. To slaughter Sacred Beast, I waited to ask myself if I didn’t have this strength and continued to break in. Those who withdrew were the first batch of voluntarily left. ..."

Another person said: "Speaking of which, or because of the dark horse club, that Lin Chen, Zhen De Shuai, Zhen De Xiu three people, killed a lot of Sacred Beast..."

The two Ancient Ones briefly explained the situation inside, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly!

Not only the Lord Fusheng and the others, but also the leaders of all influence gathered here, the faces of all people are very wonderful!

"Lin Chen of the Dark Horse Club, alone blasted all Saint's remains?"

"The people in the Dark Horse Club were also facing monster-level geniuses such as Yan Wuxie and Fei Anxing The confrontation is over?"

"Are you sure you are not mistaken? The people in the dark horse club killed 37 Sacred Beasts? Are these boys the Battle Sovereign cultivation base?"

"Battle Sovereign? It's absurd! This is ridiculously nonsense!"

Many Saints were so dizzy and unbelievable that their mouths were open enough to put eggs.

The youngsters in the Dark Horse Club are going to turn the sky over?

What's happening in the mountain range of the funeral saint is more ridiculous!

Battle Sovereign is out? Kill 37 Sacred Beasts in a row!

The most important thing about Saint in the Southern Territory is that everyone’s answers are the same.

The three women, including Yue Qingli, are happy and worried. This dark horse club is too crazy. Now...

Everything I've been through can be described as world shacking and weeping Ghost God!

Ning Qingxuan's elegant and refined beauty raised a bitter smile--"You always exceed everyone's expectations. Am I going to miss you again this time..."

Mountain range of burial saints, inside the tomb mansion.

"This method of cultivating pills is really amazing. Pill Saint senior in the cloud dome can create this kind of stunt. He was at least a Grade 4 Saint Level alchemist during his lifetime, or even higher!"

Lin Chen opened his eyes suddenly, clicking one's tongue in wonder, the blood flame Sacred Dragon pill has been completely integrated by him, and he can nourish the pill with the body. When the holy pill is completed, the fleshy body will be sanctified!

Lin Chen looked around all around, after the first round of screening, after two days and two nights of fierce battle, there are more than 1,500 people left! What a tragic battle!

The deceased’s item and taking the ring will be deprived by the victor, and the winner’s gains are also not small. What’s more, some Ancient One encounters Peak’s super genius, and the two sides fight to the end and directly perish together. Not in the minority!

The two Avatars, Zhendexiu and Zhendeshuai, respectively encountered an Ancient One and a super genius. Fortunately, they were suppressed by their strength and movement method and survived the first round.

Next, Lin Chen's jade token lights up, and it's his turn to play!

He jumped up and fell into the stage, which attracted the attention of many people.

"Finally it's brat's turn. With so many killing moves, I don't know who the opponent he draws is?"

"The one who can cure him is probably only the top ranked 3000 guys..."

The geniuses have serious eyes, and most of them want Lin Chen to die quickly!

This kid used everyone as a tool in the first test, and no one accepted him.

As if responding to everyone's expectations, a black wing burst out of layers of black lightning and swept above the dragon platform.

Everyone looked intently, and their expressions changed slightly.

"It is actually the dark star of the Southern Territory?"

"hahahaha! That kid is dead!"


Fei Anxing black robe is like night, patted shoulder dust, and said with a smile at will: "The people in the dark horse club have long wanted to meet you. You really made a lot of noise on Rainbow Island in my southern region. "

Lin Chen raised his brows: "This Life and Death Battle, can you still be so calm?"

Fei Anxing is indifferent and confident, "Because the one who survives, must It will be me."


The one who responded to him was Lin Chen's "Juying Sanlian"!

The three throwing knives are like snow flakes, covering the three directions of Fei Dark Star, and the people outside Longtai didn't even react!

Dark claws passed by, Fei Anxing wore pitch-black bone claws, and his five fingers grabbed Lin Chen's throwing knife and shattered the blade light on the spot!

The genius complexion slightly changed, Lin Chen’s Juying Flying Knife is almost at its extreme, even the top 5,000 geniuses of them feel the deadly pressure, and Fei Anxing shattered with a single claw?

Crush the Juying Flying Knife, Fei Anxing said with a malicious smile: "The flying knife technique is acceptable, but it's useless to me! Covering the Sky Palm!"

Fei Anxing shot a black aperture in the palm of his palm, and the whole body was faint and dark, and he pushed in the direction of Lin Chen!

The black aperture releases terrifying pressure, like the suppression of thousands of mountain ranges. Lin Chen's body is involuntarily suppressed by the black aperture, impossible to move even a little bit!

"It's one of Fei Anxing's Three Great Absolute Arts, Covering the Sky Palm!"

"Fei Anxing is murderous intention, and Fei Anxing will do his best to deal with him. !"

The geniuses have a solemn expression. This palm is enough to instantly kill the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign. Under Saint, there are not many people who can take it directly!

Boom~! A gray and white talisman burst into the air, the pressure of the black aperture suddenly decreased, and the space stagnated!

"oh?" Fei Anxing was surprised.

Lin Chen's pressure dropped sharply, the Saint Phoenix's wings flapped, and the dragon flashed like a tide, flashing behind Fei Anxing, swinging his spear diagonally, and the golden rainbow was world-famous!

Om~! The instant light splitting is activated, the spear glow of the imperial sky is divided into five, and the golden light envelopes the ring!

Fei Anxing's jet black wings slap back, and the black blade flew out!

The black blade burst and the golden brilliance shattered.

The wings of purple red and black flapped at the same time, and they were close to each other. Lin Chen held the Youhuang spear, struck him directly at the neck and shot it out.

Fei Anxing’s holy claws turned over, swept through an angry grip, grabbed the tip of the gun and pierced Lin Chen’s face with his backhand. Lin Chen did not advance and retreated, and the fists of Jin Jie Xuan Gang burst out with seven powers. Dao, like a punch of death and death, beating away violently!

Boom! Fists intersected, the dragon platform shook, and the explosive air currents were set off like a turbulent hurricane.

Fei Anxing looked towards Lin Chen with a surprised look. Can this kid use pure power and unsuspectingly to take his own claw in front of his fist? The fleshy shell is as strong as the Ancient Savage Beast!

Fei Anxing took out another claw on his head, trying to tear Lin Chen into a few pieces. His Youhuang spear fought horizontally, and when the claw was blocked, he made a cross-leg whip on his right leg. After coming out, Qi Jue Jin swept like a barbarian dragon, repelling Fei Anxing.

Fei Anxing was repulsed, and his stamina broke out. The claws ripped out a dragon-snake-like dark glow. The baring fangs and brandishing claws were culled to Lin Chen!

Shih~! The Seventh Gold Qi of Yutian flowing in Lin Chen's body was crushed a lot, Lin Chen was shaken back, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding!

Fei Anxing randomly wiped the blood stains from his nose, said with a sneer: "With the gun of Grade 2 Holy Artifact, I want to see how long your imposing manner can last! "

"Oh? The people in the dark horse club have no advantages, but they are more durable. They like to engage in the back of people. It seems that you want to have a good taste today."

Lin Chen smiled coquettishly and peacefully, both of them have enough confidence in themselves!

The two sides stand and hold their breath!

Can't look away! This is simply the life and death duel of the top 2,000 monster-level geniuses. The two can be described as rivals!

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