"Unfortunately, after the complete refining of the lower-grade alien crystals, the energy will go to the host. Even if you kill the opponent, it will only break the alien crystals. Unless I have the Saint 4th layer cultivation base, I can Under the premise of absolutely crushing Fei Tianxing, together with his bloodline, Battle Qi origin and alien crystals, it is possible to maintain a complete alien crystal, otherwise there is no possibility of retention..."

Lin Chen's heart It's a pity that after the lower-grade alien crystal is refined, the original source system of the alien crystal and Battle Qi is lineage, "Death Crystal Destroyed", even if the host is killed, it is impossible to obtain the alien crystal.

Fortunately, Lin Chen has a genus system, and this time I harvested all high-quality high level dark light balls!

I can't get a complete alien crystal, but at any rate 20800 dark energy is obtained!

Lin Chen's high level dark energy has reached 28680 points! It became the second only to the existence of Light Tribulation Battle Body!

Lin Chen took away Fei Anxing's incomplete Holy Artifact and the ring, Lin Chen opened the ring with no difficulty.

Next moment, Lin Chen's expression showed ecstasy!

"In Fei Anxing's Ring, there is actually a complete lower-grade Dark Elemental Alien Crystal!"

This is a huge profit!

This low-grade dark crystal, perhaps Fei Anxing wants to step into the holy realm and then refining, while controlling two dark crystals, it must be far stronger than the same level of the holy realm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen is cheaper!

Lin Chen licked his tongue excitedly.

"Although the geniuses who have different crystals can't get complete different crystals, if I can kill the super genius who is refining the complete different crystals, I can get a lot of attribute light balls. Don't lose it!"

Lin Chen's gaze looked towards the top 5,000 super genius. Among these guys, the higher-ranked guys, and those who refining inferior crystals, are not rare!

Those who were swept by Lin Chen's gaze are all suffering from a chill!

A very small number of 2000 geniuses remember Lin Chen's tricks and cards in mind.

If they meet Lin Chen in the next round of reincarnation, it will undoubtedly be a death match for them.

Only Sword Qingcheng, from the beginning to the end, looks calm, even frowning. It seems to be disappointed with Lin Chen's battle strength!

Lin Chen is at the bottom of the ranking. After killing Fei Anxing, his ranking suddenly rises to 1910!

Ranked 1910 on the genius list, Heavenly God goes down to the world·Lin Chen!

The Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle race is still going on. After the first round of the battle, everyone’s jade token lights up and they get a new number. It’s not like letting people rest at all. If you follow the first round There are rest periods in the order, but the ranking is completely random.

Lin Chen’s Avatar Zhendeshuai drew No. 76, the first batch to play, the opponent is a ruthless character Ancient One.

The Zhende Show was drawn to No. 66, which was also the first batch to play. The opponent is a genius ranked 5,800, and the odds of winning are relatively high.

Lin Chen himself is more dramatic. The jade token is displayed as number 13, which is actually the first batch to come on stage.

Lin Chen, who jumped directly to the dragon platform according to the ranking, settled, and when he waited to see his opponent, Lin Chen almost laughed!

His antithesis is Zhao Tiankun, Zhao Eldest Young Master who ranked more than 4,000!

Zhao Tiankun was dumbfounded!

Why did this fucking get this plague god!

"hahahaha! Young Master Zhao ah Young Master Zhao, I didn’t have time to take care of you before. I actually met in the Samsara Tournament."

Lin Chen laughed heartily and rolled up his sleeves towards him. Zhao Tiankun walked and said badly with a smile: "Don’t worry, Young Master Zhao, I’m definitely not counting on your previous sneak attack on me. After all, I’m a good person, right. It’s just that the reincarnation match is divided into life and death. , I will let you die without pain."

Zhao Tiankun clenched the teeth: "the one to emerge victorious is not necessarily true!"

Lin sighed in his heart.

Thanks to Young Master Zhao for the high level Earth Element attribute value of the low-grade alien crystal. Lin smiled!


Outside the mountain range of the burial saint, when all influence has gained more information.

"What? You said that the Fiend women were protected by Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club!"

"How dare this child protect the Demoness?"

"He is going to be an enemy of the Human Race of the Holy Realm? Courting death!"

The Saints in the sky with the strongest aura are thundered and furious!


Suddenly, the space vibrated, and the ridiculous laughter of the Domineering Danger Land echoed in the void, causing space distortion, and the cloud shattered!

Some Saints with a low cultivation base were shocked to eardrums, some Saints who were too late to protect their own Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign, dozens of Five Tribulations cultivation base Ancient One were actually laughed on the spot. Shattered!

Saint surprised and angry of all influence, who are you in the end, who dare to release their breath and hurt them!

Ao Qingyan quickly released a holy light barrier, covering everyone, and everyone was not harmed.

"Interesting, Interesting. Is Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club? If you come out today, I will let you die in a rhythm."

Everyone will follow the prestige and count ten Above the thousand zhang, a handsome young man walked out slowly.

He has cold eyes like a knife, picturesque facial features, brows with reddened brows, and a three-foot red sword with no sheath or splendor. He wears a snow-white robe, both hands crossed near chest, and his whole body is shining brightly behind him. The Holy Splendor is highly illuminated, turning into a roulette-like sword light spinning, like a new moon.

The young man’s eyebrows are haughty with disregard for Heaven and Earth innumerable living beings!

Those Xeon Saints who chased Luo Yaoer previously complexion slightly changed!

"Sword saint genius, the enchanting list of the Absolute God Sect! Xiao Jing, known as the One Sword Splitting The Heavens!"

The enchanting list of the Absolute God Sword saint genius!

"He actually came here too..."

"Is it for Lin Chen in the Dark Horse Club? Is there any festival between them..."

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic, and even the sword saint of the enchanting list is here!"

The forces on all sides were shocked and horrified. The forces that had lost their lives before dared to be angry and dare not speak!

Every amazing talent on the enchanting list has a huge background, and it is not easy to provoke it by the forces present!

Not to mention the death of a few Battle Sovereigns, even if a few Saints died, no one would dare to question the enchanting list!

"Look! The ranking of the genius list has begun to change again!"

Someone exclaimed in all influence!

Gold List flashes golden light, and a golden light rushes up!

The bleak names of geniuses on the genius list can be described as "disaster". A super genius who has achieved a Legendary in thirty-six domains has begun to fall by hundreds, which can be seen straightforward to teach everyone. Scalp tingling!

The inheritance of Saint King is really crazy!

Among those changing names, one golden light is particularly obvious, soaring from ten thousand names all the way to thousands of names!

"Dark Horse Club; Heavenly God Going Down·Lin Chen, ranked 1910 on the genius list!"

The faces of everyone are particularly wonderful!


[Get 134 high level Earth Element energy points, 99 intermediate innate talent points, 225 high level Earth Element energy points, advanced talisman energy 100 points, spirit strength 90 points...]

[Open two orange crystal treasure chests to obtain: 300 Earth Element energy and 200 spirit strength. 】

Lin Chen killed Zhao Tiankun in less than half an hour and exploded the Earth Element alien crystal on his body.

After that, Lin Chen received a total of 22,700 points of high level Earth Element energy. The attribute value rose again, and the high level Earth Element energy breakthrough passed the 33,000 point mark!

It was another day and two nights. The Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle of the second round was more intense. There were only more than 700 geniuses left, and there were only 91 people left in Ancient One, all of which were ruthless characters!

Cruel! Extremely cruel selection!

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