Just opening the first holy cave is like the world collapsed and turned upside down. The mountains and seas can’t be compared with one percent of the great prison!

Lin Chen's imposing manner has become the center of the mountain range of the funeral saints!

"The old man has never seen such a terrifying first holy cave to open a natural phenomenon!"

"This kid is too fucking strong! We all underestimated him! Just now! Fleshy body is sanctified and spiritually sanctified, he simply didn't stimulate his life potential!"

"It's not over! It's not over yet, his continuous burst of holes has begun!"

Countless Saints Disappeared in horror, the first lost self-control shouted loudly!


The second holy cave, such as True Dragon flying to the sky, rushes open! The imposing manner is as strong as the first one!

Lin Chen's clothes fluttered, his robe was hunting and hunting, divine splendor ten thousand zhang, holy light shining thousands of miles, imposing manner swallowing the wasteland, like a Heavenly God!

The five avatars shone with nine-color divine light, and their hair fluttered. Yan Ruyu's face was glowing with renewed brilliance. The eyes of the five were closed, Transcendent Saint!

Bang~! Boom~!

The third holy cave exploded immediately, and the Holy Force penetrated the next holy cave, radiating endless holy energy to nourish Lin Chen's fleshy shell!

Lin Chen's whole body seems to have opened up into the Great Desolate universe, a series of three explosive holes, like the stars turning and the moon, shaking the sky and the earth!

"The fourth holy cave, open for me!"

Lin Chen thoughts move, and at the same time as Avatar, the holy energy in a spurt of energy rushed into the next The location of a holy cave!

Boom! boom! boom!

This time, it's a continuous explosion! It was a continuous hole explosion that was more violent than before, and Lin Chen's 4th, 5th, and 6th holy caves were completely exploded!

"He really has a breakthrough! My God, that record that even the enchanting evildoers of the enchanting list failed to reach the success of the record!"

"This has all hit the fourth holy cave Now, he can even explode to the 6th in a row, my God, does he still have more energy?"

"There must be more! The 6th is all exploded in a row, he has hope I hit the 7th one!"

Whether it is Heavenly Ghost or the Lord of Saint Kingdom, it is almost a roar of lost self-control!


The face of Xiao Jing from Absolute God is extremely embarrassed!

At that time, his blasting score was only 5 holy caves, and he was already on the list of evildoers!

Now Lin Chen has surpassed his previous achievements!

This mortal who he regarded as rubbish, trash, and aphid-like insignificant, actually stood on a higher starting point than him!

"hahaha! Xiao Jing, don't put on that dog face, the man my Little Demon Empress wants to protect is a mortal man, let me tell you, he is much more than that!"

The Little Demon Empress is in a cheerful mood, and she overwhelms all sentient beings with a charming smile. When she casts beautiful eyes to Lin Chen, her heart throbs a little.

"You can repel that Lin Xingchen, Lin Chen, you should be more than that!"


Ao of Wanqing Palace Qing can't help holding his breath...

Continuously burst into the 6th holy cave. This is already an extremely high score!

Holy realm Early-Stage, 1-3 holy caves. In the middle stage, 4 to 6 holy caves. In the later stage, 7-9 holy caves. The tenth holy cave is a perfection, and the eleventh holy place is the 2nd layer.

4 to 6 holy caves are the mid-term Saint Realm 1st Layer, and Lin Chen is now equivalent to the peak of the mid-term Saint Realm 1st Layer!

The seventh holy cave is the late stage of Saint Realm 1st Layer! It is countless times more difficult to get here in one breath than heavenly ascension!

This is a cultivation base dividing line node in a realm!

Everyone hasn’t come back to his senses yet, Lin Chen seems to have never expected anyone, Lin Chen and the five largest Avatar’s imposing manners soared, and the Holy Force went through the sky and slammed into it!

Boom! hong long long ~!

The nine-color holy light exploded, and the whole world rose to level, gathering Eight Desolations Six Directions! The seventh holy cave was completely exploded!


Lin Chen is surrounded by seven six-pointed stars, and the Holy Splendor is shining and powerful!

The scalp of all Saints and even the geniuses exploded!

Seven burst holes in a row!

What a peerless talent this is. Looking at the origin of the sacred world and the extreme of the sacred world, how many people can do it!

"The thirty-six regions of the holy realm, there will be a rising star, eternally green, and the holy realm will come to a peerless evildoer!"

Two retired old Saints are in tears, Excited tears filled my eyes!

However, Lin Chen acted as if he would never follow common sense, a group of blazing aurora radiance began to emerge from Lin Chen's eyebrows!

“Sure enough! After the fleshy body sanctification and the spirit sanctification, both will have a vital improvement to my blast!"

The flesh shell sanctification can make Lin Chen The life potential breakthrough boundary! With the power of Nirvana of the ancient gods, like a tiger that has grown wings!

Going into the sacred spirit can greatly improve Lin Chen's spiritual touch and make his fighting spirit, consciousness, courage, and perception reach a whole new level!

Lin Chen's spiritual touch and Holy Force instantly locked the position of the eighth holy cave!

"The eighth holy cave, break for me!!!"

Lin Chen shook the sky, shaking the universe!

He mobilized all the power of the five avatars, and the Holy Force was transformed into a mighty force that pushed the three thousand worlds horizontally. The sky destroys the world, swallows the stars and breaks the moon, and rushes into the eighth holy cave!

The space is shaking, trembling! In the changeable situation, Lin Chen and the Avatars’ spiritual starry sky illuminates thousands of nine-color Holy Splendor!

Boom~! Bang~!

The eighth holy cave, open!

At this moment, all excitement, ecstasy, jealousy, anger, envy, all stopped!

From the Southern Territory, Savage Territory, Odd Territory, Flame Territory, Profound Territory, Huang Territory, Sword Domain, etc., all the heads of forces or Elders, all the noise and discussion came to an abrupt end!

The people and the Saints who are floating in the air, look like they have seen a ghost, staring at Lin Chen and other Avatars with unbelievable eyes!

The eighth one?

Eight burst holes in a row!

Countless people are dizzy!

They haven't reacted yet, Lin Chen actually burst into the eighth holy cave!

Heavenly God is down!

The Saints are almost crazy!

"Is this guy still a human?"

"The blast hole gets more terrifying the farther back! The old man felt it very clearly back then. This blast hole hits the back. It is simply not just an innate talent. That's it!"

"It is the tempering of the soul and the accumulation of the spirit! The encounter and experience of this child so far must far exceed my imagination!"

"Look He now has an imposing manner like a rainbow, swallowing the sky. There is a smell of Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World, and the imposing manner still has a long history. It's not like a person with eight holes!"

"He What has gone through to reach the point where it is now..."

Han Yizhi, who was trapped in a difficult melee, felt Lin Chen's breakthrough, slightly smiled, and peerless demeanor—"It's really the monitor!"

The little demon queen’s cherry lips lifted slightly—"Sure enough, I didn’t disappoint, Lin Chen!"

The second old Zixia Wanggu who secretly protected Lin Chen witnessed this moment with his own eyes , Take a breath of air-conditioning!

Back then, the first-generation founder of Zixia Wanggu, the one who left a shocking legend from the Holy Realm, never reached this height!

Potential is potential, strength is strength. But at any rate, Lin Chen already has the probability of reaching Peak!

"In other words, the potential of this child has surpassed the strongest ancestor of Zixia King Valley..."

The heart of the two elders set off a stormy sea!

Miss's vision, after all, is still vicious!

The future of this child is boundless!

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