Swipe~! !

A fascinating and beautiful blood-colored blade glow flashed out of the magic knife in Luo Yaoer's hand!

Wherever blade glow passes, everything is emptied, life is gone, the light is distorted and dim, the Holy Splendor imposing manner of the Saints comes to an abrupt end, and it collapses in an instant!

Gu Changtian and Saint Burning Heaven hurriedly exploded the trump card battle skill of the orange rank! The power of the orange battle skill exploded by Saint Realm 5th Layer is enough to destroy hundreds of millions of absolutely living creatures!


Shih~! The blade glow trembled and swallowed Bahuang!

The full power of the two 5th layer holy realms was instantly sucked into the blade glow and swallowed thoroughly by the blade glow!

The two people complexion slightly changed, this Demoness is getting serious again!

"It is worthy of being a magic knife..."

Gu Wanquan grabbed it with one palm! This palm seemed unremarkable, but it turned the space upside down in an instant, and instantly squeezed the blade glow through a thousand times of Holy Force squeezing until it shattered!

A shocking battle, set off again!

On the other side; Xiao Jing looked at Lin Chen with a sneer, as if he wanted to witness his death with his own eyes!

Although the Little Demon Empress is flustered and exasperated, she can only watch from one side to guard Lin Chen against Xiao Jing and avoid this person's sneak attack.

Lin Chen looked around the twelve holy realms all around, it can be said that no one puts him in his eyes!

The twelve veteran sacred realms are just recovering from the loss of the battle against Luo Yaoer...

"If you solve this kid, go and support the three of them..."

When the 4th layer of the sacred realm with the broken arm sneered sneer, the infinite nine-color starlight flowed into Lin Chen's palm.

His lips are slightly moving, it seems to be moving something...

"system, activate Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent!"

【Activate Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent, accumulate energy value: 39.7 billion points, which will increase the host's next attack. 】

When Lin Chen entered the Antiquity Battlefield of the mountain range of the Burial Saint, he turned on the'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World' innate talent ahead of time. height!

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and looked around, smiling sternly.

"Desperate life and death, come on!"

Shh~! Lin Chen chose the Broken Arms Holy Realm as his target, and the orange flame brilliance flowed all over his body for a short time, and Life Essence began to burn!

Crack~! Click~!

Lin Chen's body is gradually condensing the illusory tenth holy cave!

Desperate life and death, burning life force in exchange for power, Lin Chen burning Saint Physique in exchange for power, far surpassed him during the Battle Sovereign period!

"It's not enough...Sky Adversity, come!"

[Host uses (one-time) Orange-level active innate talent · Sky Adversity. Began to enter the state of sky rebels! ]

[Warning: This innate talent is an extreme offensive innate talent. Please pay attention to the location of your attack. When the host’s attack can break through the enemy’s defense and penetrate the enemy’s body, Causes life instant killing effect. Scope of application of this innate talent: Temporarily valid for Saint Realm 9th Layer and below, temporarily invalid for the first transfer to the Saint Realm of the Ninth Realm. 】

In Lin Chen’s eyes, a blue divine glow flashed across!

Boom~! The flames were like waves. When Lin Chen opened the three innate talents, the Broken Arms Holy Realm turned his hand and grabbed it at Lin Chen, his five fingers burst out the power of Star Fragmentation, and he condensed into a giant flame hand and grabbed it!

This palm can severely hurt any Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection!

The opponent didn't pay attention to Lin Chen at all, and even ten holy realms began to lean in the direction of Luo Yaoer!

"Holy realm 4th layer, right, try this!"

Lin Chen shook it horizontally with one hand, the stars of the Nine Tribulations pierced the sky, and the destruction aura that penetrated made many Saints. The powerhouse of Realm 3rd Layer Early-Stage looks serious!

Xiao Jing of the enchanting list browses tightly frowns.

"This kid Saint Realm 1st Layer can explode such a strange attack, if he and I are in the same realm......"

The old man in the Saint Realm with the broken arm was slightly surprised. "Interesting, this is your dying counterattack? It's still pretty good to deal with Saint Realm 3rd Layer, and it's not enough to deal with old man!"

tone barely fell!

Boom~! The stars of the Nine Tribulations trembled suddenly, and the formidable power skyrocketed more than twenty times! 'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World'innate talent blessing!

This is Lin Chen's strongest move in the history of the'Nine Tribulations Stars'!

At this moment, the saints are horrified!

"What kind of attack is this!"

"Can Saint Realm 1st Layer break out such a weird attack?"

"The front is hard connected, even old Using the power of different crystals, man dare not say that he can retreat all over the body. The fight between the beasts is really difficult!"

Many 3rd-layer Perfection holy realms feel a thorny scalp!

The 4th layer holy realm with a broken arm shook his head and laughed: "It's a peerless evildoer, a bit of a killer move..."

Om~! The stars of the Nine Tribulations are divided into five!

The Saint Realm of Broken Arm is shocked!

Such a terrifying attack can be divided into five kinds?

Five nine-color aurora like a meteor, hitting the holy flame giant palm head-on!

Boom! boom! boom!

The giant holy flame hand was torn apart, and the Stars of Nine Tribulations fell to the Sacred Realm of Broken Arms with extra energy!

"Not good!"

When his figure violently retreated, with a wave of his arm, the holy light entangled like a dragon, forming a shield of Profound Light, protecting him layer by layer !

Shih~! Boom~!

Five thousand zhang The vast nine-color beam of light propped up from between Heaven and Earth and slowly rotated. The nine-color destruction energy strangled the space and annihilated all energy!

Finally, the five and nine-color light beams merge into one, fusing into a nine-color light beam connecting to heaven penetrating the earth!

Dozens of monster-level geniuses swallowed hard...

Thinking back a few days ago, the gap between them and Lin Chen is still not very big, even if they are singled out. It is not his opponent, and a swarm can pose a threat to him!

Now? Crowd? I'm afraid it will die, I don't know how to write it! Directly repeat the history of the bloodbathed genius list again!

The light beam dissipated, and the figure of the Broken Arms Holy Realm slowly revealed.

His clothes were torn apart, the only remaining left arm was dripping with holy blood, and a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay! What a peerless evildoer, Lin Chen! Even the old man hurt you, really is a monster!"

The geniuses eyes shrank, Lin Chen That blow was so terrifying that it only slightly injured him?

“Sure enough, the Saint Realm 4th layer and Saint Realm 3rd Layer are completely dividing lines, and Lin Chen is about to be taken down!”

Fu Saint Kingdom’s heart is a little awkward, he I don't think Lin Chen will be able to break out another attack just now.

"Lao Mo, I also support seniors, this kid will leave it to you!"

When the last azure clothed old man sound transmission to the Broken Arm Holy Land, Suddenly stunned!

The 4th layer of the holy realm called'Lao Mo' suddenly looked sluggish, turning to the azure clothed old man numbly, opening the mouth and said with difficulty.

"I seem to..."

Crack~! Click~! Click~!

Lao Mo's eyebrows cracked the horrible to see cracks, like a broken porcelain, his whole body began to split suddenly, Life Aura was annihilated at a rapid speed, and finally burst open!


There was an explosion, and the Broken Arms Holy Land exploded!

The attribute ball of light is scattered all over the sky, and there is also a five-light Supreme treasure chest, floating in the void!

Everyone's eyes became more horrified!

A very weird scene emerged, the blasted arm-broken Holy Land'Lao Mo', Saint Physique fragmented into powder, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

Dead, not even scum!


Weird silence!

The powers and leaders from various regions, Ancient One holy realm, stared at the void of space as if they had seen a ghost.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it! I mistakenly thought that I had hallucinations!

Dead...A holy realm 4th layer has fallen!

A hidden old monster from the Southern Territory, who has lived for millions of years, dignified the Saint of Enlarged Caverns, blooming with 32 holy caves, horizontally and horizontally in the Holy Realm, a generation of Heaven's Chosen, worshipped by countless mortals. At the apex, the powerhouse of the cream of the crop in Grade 5 sect, unexpectedly died in the hands of a youngster who had not reached the 2nd layer of the holy realm!

Saint Realm 1st Layer, the more the third rank, the more the third rank, the expansion of the cave realm!

Moreover, it's still a trick! There is no scum!

"The demon...This Lin Chen must be a demon! He is definitely not a human!"

When I don’t know who came back to his senses, the panic began to explode instantly !

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