[Parts Awakening—internal organs, first stage ·Transformation, which can transfer part of the damage received from the body to reduce the degree of damage. second stage ·Can transfer the damage to a close target...]

[Part awakening—ear awakening, first stage ·Sound stealing from the universe, perceiving spatial vibration within a specified range, and eavesdropping on the secret of a realm higher sound transmission ……]

[Part Awakening-host'Second Brother', the first stage can increase explosiveness, the second stage can increase flexibility...]

[Meat Shell Awakening: Yes Increase the host's Saint Physique pure power by 10% to 1000%, and each 100% will increase a step. The later, the higher the Heavenly Dao value that needs to be consumed. 】

【Spirit Awakening: first stage · The spirit strength of the host can obtain instant effects, and the speed of mobilizing spirit strength can be 1 to 3 times faster than the same level. The second stage ·spirit strength can have a self-healing effect, if the spirit is injured, it can automatically recover, the third stage......]

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder!

Too amazing, this'life awakening'! It’s just the Heavenly Dao value consumed, which is a bit cruel!

"The power of the flesh shell is essential for me, not to mention the life resilience brought by body refinement, the basis for my use of War God arm armor is also pure power."

Lin Chen sent out an idea and gave priority to [Meat Shell Awakening], simple and rude!

【Consume 500,000 intermediate Heavenly Dao value to awaken the power of the fleshy shell. 】

Crack~! Click~!

There are two azure lights reflected in Lin Chen's body, flashing and disappearing, and the whole body's flesh and bones are like new ones!

The pure power has reached 300 million dragon power!

【The awakening is complete, increase the pure power of the host by 50%. 】

"I still have 1.28 million Heavenly Dao points left. I will participate in the Alchemy Representative Tournament next. Spiritual awakening is more important to my immediate help! The system consumes 980,000 Heavenly Dao points. I want to awaken. spirit strength!"

【Consuming 880,000 intermediate Heavenly Dao value, awakening spirit strength, the host spirit strength has awakened to the middle of the first stage, and the instantaneous speed of the spirit is increased by 2 times.

Om~! Lin Chen felt that his mental thinking was working, and it was more than twice as fast!

In the past, one hundred handprints could be used for pill concocting in an instant, but now you can do three hundred! There is even an illusion that the pill concocting mudra can be activated without the need for concocting!

"This spiritual awakening, combined with my Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra, will have a miraculous effect on pill concocting!"

"And this eye awakening, tsk tsk tsk, spring heart Rippling eyes, Interesting! system, first stage of eye awakening, etc. How much Heavenly Dao value."

【Back to host, 300,000 points. ]

"Take it! Only 300,000 points!"

[Consuming 300,000 Heavenly Dao points, the host's eyes are awakened-spring heart rippling eyes, consuming Heavenly Dao points to activate, according to Use the target to determine the consumption amount. Effect: If the activation is successful, the target's desire will increase by 50%, and if the activation fails, the violentness will increase by 50%. 】

Lin Chen laughed, this move, if used in a group battle, the effect is outstanding, and it can match the'super chaotic' innate talent!

"By the way, I haven't seen what the little fellow stole!"

Lin Chen then remembered the little shadow, exited the system, and his consciousness penetrated the Taoyuan plant.

At this time, the little shadow shrank into a black mist, a dragon shape disappeared, and a golem rose.

The medicine pill stored by Lin Chen is much less, obviously it has entered a closed state again. But according to the agreement, the eighth rank is above the young pill, and without Lin Chen's consent, the little shadow has not touched a medicine pill.

Beside the little shadow, there are only two things!

A piece of scarlet silk and a sapphire stick!

Lin Chen is dumbfounded!

He also has three pieces of scarlet silk. The materials are very special and simple, so far he can't understand the use of this stuff!

From the dean of the Heavenly Song Academy, to the holy prison pseudo-god, then the Haotian Saint King, Lin Chen, by mistake, collected four pieces!

"What did this little shadow steal from Lao Tzu? What about the orange-level cultivation technique? What about the pill concocting handprints, and the peerless medicine pill, it's okay to have a few lower-grade crystals!"


Lin Chen's consciousness appeared in the Taoyuan implant. He sat on the ground, holding the long and short sapphire stick, and he was rarely in a state of awkwardness.

Why is there a stick in Saint King's coffin!

And this stick...it's also a bit like the'massage stick' shape Lin Chen saw when he was in Earth! Is it too long and short?

Think about it in the distance, that Haotian Saint King has a magnificent, magnificent face, a handsome appearance holding a peerless Holy Artifact in his left hand, and his right hand holding a'massage stick'?

Lin Chen gets goosebumps when I think about it! Throw that thing directly on the ground!

This is too nonsense!

all in vain?

A massage stick was found in Saint King's coffin?

mental disorder! Is this world crazy or I, someone in Lin, is crazy!

"No! At the level of Haotian Saint King, ordinary things can't get into his eyes at all. Even the things he has to carry with him, the things in the coffin, impossible are mortal things..."

Lin Chen resisted the rejection of his heart, grabbed the'massage stick' and studied it...

The time went back to two days ago, the geniuses who stayed in the tomb before We seem to have received instructions from Saint King of Haotian, and leave safely.

The geniuses of acknowledge allegiance Saint King just left, and then the mountain range was enveloped with a strong miasma, and the mountain range of the burial saint fell into chaos again, without the cultivation base of the Holy Land, it was impossible to enter.

However, just as Lin Chen was resting in the Purple Realm Valley, and the mountain range of the burial saint, a new battle broke out!

In the inner circle of the mountain range of the burial saint, there are four exquisite and bright red ancient formations in a series of undulations!

A silhouette went straight to the tomb of Saint King, with a sword in his hand, killing Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Haotian Saint King's'bloodfiend burial holy array' can't stop him at all!

You should know that even Saint Realm 5th Layer can easily kill this level! Except for Luo Yaoer, who is beyond common sense, there are not many people in the Holy Realm who can break the formation! Unless crushed with strength!

"Youngster, what on earth do you want to do!"

The anger of Saint King in Haotian shakes the sky!

Saint King is about to vomit blood!

"The breath of this child is extremely simple and noble, and it is countless times more terrifying than the enchanting list! What is the origin!"

Two of his extremely precious treasures were given by Lin Chen It was stolen, and came again by this person breaking the formation!

Two young juniors broke through his grave guard twice in a row. Now he is a little doubtful whether he is the Saint King, or the current youngster is too enchanting!

"The youngster nowadays is really outrageous! I really don’t know if the king’s substitute will be able to compete with them..."

His pupils looked directly at the ancient formation of the void. The man wore azure clothes and looked indifferent, holding a piece of scarlet silk in his hand.

"You are the Saint King of Haotian, right, hand over this thing, or I will let your tomb mansion sink forever!"

The will of Saint King of Haotian was stunned and immediately angry. Shockingly, "Could it be that you and Lin Chen are in the same group! This king's Chi Aya was stolen by Lin Chen's little bastard!"

The eyes were narrowed, and the eyebrows were filled with anger for the first time. !

"Lin Chen?"

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