Crack~! Click~!

With the essence of many medicine ingredients being refined, the Saint Level alchemist in the front row finally noticed the change!

"Huh? What is this? Is Lin Chen's pill concocting mudra already used?"

Two pharmacists wondered.

Shih~! More than a dozen Green Rong Ling berries burst into juice and twisted into light azure jade liquid.

"That's not right..."

Many Heaven's Chosen refining medicine came back to his senses. It seems that refining medicine has already begun!

Yes, why is Lin Chen motionless sitting there? Without showing the pill concocting fingerprints, is it really just for bluffing?


next moment, spirit strength is like a bunch of storms, it seems to appear out of thin air, mixed with pure power, strong wind scattering the last clouds, covering thousands of medicine ingredients!

Lin Chen's pupils are as dark as the stars, and the brows lightly jumped.

Boom! boom! boom!

spirit strength Like the Thousand-Fold Mountain mountain, it is crushed and crushed with pure power. Its 15 pieces of body tempering ground crystal marrow are instantly crushed into slag, and the milk-white stone marrow drips down. under.

The expressions of the three elders in the void are becoming more stunned, puzzled, and incredible!

Can't see through!

Even they can't see what Lin Chen is doing!

Next moment, Lin Chen's subtle changes did not escape the eyes of the old man, his eyelashes rose slightly.

Shih~! ka! ka!

The shells of the seven blue sea jade pine cones are peeled apart by strong spirit strength!

Immediately after Lin Chen frowned, the pit of the blue sea jade pine cone was pulled out and merged with the chalcedony of body tempering!

As soon as my eyes turned, the energy essence of hundreds of medicine ingredient poured out into the sky!

In an instant, in the sky turned and condensed into dozens of energy vortexes. Different heaven, material and earth treasures are matched with different attribute energies, mingled with lithe and graceful medicine ingredient fragrance, permeating the audience!

Heaven's Chosen, the concoction in the audience, is stunned!

What's the situation?

When did Lin Chen's refining medicine begin?

He is sitting there obviously! Did nothing!

The pill concocting fingerprints did not end, the pill furnace did not come out, and the holy spirit did not appear. Why would the medicine ingredients start to be processed automatically, and there was no stagnation between the refining and matching!

"Here...he cheated!"

"I didn't see any of his pill concocting handprints, how did he pill concocting?"

"Look again! Take a closer look! There is the Third Elder from Pill Saint Island. No matter how much this kid cheats, it is impossible to hide from the Third Elder's eyes!"

Many pharmacists are surprised and suspicious. !

Lin Chen frowned, and the quintessential Wood Element sage is like a small turquoise dragon, drawn from a piece of green vines!

Lin Chen smiled evilly, blinked a little, the whole body was as magnificent as crystal jade, the eighth rank medicine ingredient of one foot long, Tianshan snow bone ginseng quietly shattered, and the wood element holy yuan gathered together. piece!

The young man’s long and sultry eyelash was lightly hooked, and the two groups of glazed glaze energy group ingested Tianshan Snowbone Ginseng in an instant!

Everyone gasped slightly!

These terrifying refining speeds are close to the orange pill concocting mudra!

But, it's not right!

Some refining medicine Heaven's Chosen showed a dumb expression of suspicion!

What the hell is going on!

He just sat there and didn't do anything!

Can he still conjure up a pharmacist with orange-level pill concocting fingerprints out of thin air to help him concoct medicine secretly?

Long Yijing of the enchanting list has become more and more solemn!

An extremely outrageous thought crossed his mind!

"Impossible! How could anyone in this world do such an outrageous thing!"

Long Yijing denied it, but stared at Lin Chen, for fear of missing a detail!

At this moment, the energy storm of the void gathers in the center of many medicine ingredients, and an eighth rank fierce beast core, which is like an exquisite crystal in azure blue, is suspended, transmitting deep blue light.

Lin Chen blinked his left eye.

Bang~! !

The blue and crystal-like water chestnut Saint beast core exploded! Such a violent treatment method even stupefied the Saint Level alchemist, so extracting the energy of the holy beast core would easily drain most of its essence.

Although the energy of the holy beast core is strong, there are a lot of impurities, and it needs to be carefully stripped and removed. This is by no means an overnight step!

However, the exploded holy beast core sputtered hundreds of streams of light, and the various and complex energy contained in each stream of light was enough to easily pierce and smash the defense of the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign!

Suddenly, the Spiritual Storm that maintains hundreds of energy vortices is like countless blades!

If these energy streams are compared to a plump and tender river fish, the infinite spirit strength is like countless'scale-scaling knives'!

chi! chi! chi!

A burst of violent smoke burst out, and all the colorful impurities of the holy beast core were removed!

Hundreds of streams of light are gathered together again. The Water Element Saint Yuan is filled with a faint mist of water, which makes Heaven's Chosen suck in a breath of cold air!

"My God! In just an instant, he completed the step of removing the impurity of the holy beast core? That is the life energy contained in the holy beast!"

"No, this is not the focus now! How did he do pill concocting without using pill concocting handprints!"

Heaven's Chosen are almost crazy!

This is definitely the most silly pill concocting they have ever seen!

The Little Demon Empress became very playful, beautiful eyes swept Lin Chen with great interest, and said with a smile: "That's amazing. He defeated Chen Ziyu with two fingers last time concocting medicine, no Do you know what new tricks he has played this time? It seems like he said last time that there is a chance to try the highest realm of refining medicine?"

For Lin Chen, the Little Demon Empress will never doubt!

Just as the Little Demon Empress met Lin Chen who was the base of Battle Sovereign cultivation that day, he dared to shake the mysterious Lin Xingchen!

This seemingly cheeky guy, sometimes once he gets serious, no one can guess what he wants to do!

Lin Chen is still sitting upright, his body is straight, his eyes are slightly turned, hundreds of medicine ingredients are hundreds of empty zhang high bursting and tearing apart!

All medicine ingredients are accurate, and the excess impurities and husks are properly processed! Lin Chen turned his eyes horizontally from left to right, peaceful, all medicine ingredient was swept away by the wind, caught in a tornado storm!

After each medicine ingredient is removed from the storm and extracts energy, it immediately melts in the storm, and all the energy is not wasted!

"Oh my God! Could it be that he was?"

At this moment, a dozen Saint Level alchemists stood up suddenly, their mouths trembled, and their eyes fixed on Lin. Chen's direction!


Powerful mental thoughts burst out of the seats in the sky!

When Heaven's Chosen looked towards in the sky, the three elders of Heaven's Chosen looked towards in the sky, and the three highly respected and powerful alchemists stood up at the same time!

The gaze of the old man became more and more shocked, horrified, and even opened his mouth so wide that he was about to lay an egg!

These three giants of medicine refining, they have experienced a lot of time, and they know the geometry of the evildoers. There has never been a single person who can make the three giants lose self-control like this!

I have never seen a big scene!

But they are still scared by this scene!

Yes, Lin Chen's subversion of common sense caused the three old men to be frightened, not shocked!

"Damn it!"

Among the three elders, I don't know which of the giants made a swear word!

"Outrageous! Outrageous! This fucking is not a human!"

"This kid, he actually pill concocting with his eyes!!!"


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