The Little Demon Empress is not a pharmacist, but she is also a member of the enchanting list, and the means of sensing energy is far beyond ordinary people.

He can perceive a horrifying spirit strength in Fei Xiaoyu's medicine pill!

This is a spiritual Grade 3 sacred pill! This kind of sacred pill is often more difficult to refine!

"Look, they are all Grade 3 sacred pill!"

"Is it a tie?"

Heaven's Chosen exclaimed in shock!

Grade 3 Holy Pill! This proves that the two girls are both Grade 3 Saint Level alchemists. With this identity, in any Grade 6 sect, they can obtain an extremely noble identity!

The veteran Saint Level alchemist immediately noticed the clue, and he was shocked.

"No! Look carefully, the rays of light of the little girl's sacred pill 3rd holy ring of Chi Mei'er should be dim, not as bright as the latter!"

High Make a judgment!

Chi Meier shook her head and laughed: "Unexpectedly, I still couldn't surpass you..."

Fei Xiaoyu said seriously: "No, Chi elder sister has been very difficult to deal with Now, I’ve tried my best this time."

Indeed, apart from Lin Chen, the most surprising thing is Chi Meier. Her public information has always been that only Grade 2 can be refined. Sheng Dan, the performance this time was extremely dazzling!

The gap between Grade 2 and Grade 3 is like a chasm!


At this time, the medicine pill of in the sky blue light wandering and condensing is about to take shape, and the young pill will begin to be transformed into the finished holy pill!

It's Lin Chen!

His medicine pill is about to be born!

"He has to finish it too!"

"So strong energy fluctuations, almost the same as Chimeier!"

Everyone exclaimed , The three elders and Long Yi in the empty seat stared at Lin Chen intently!

"It's not enough. I can't win the championship at this level. I didn't think I would have to try my new tricks so soon!"

Lin Chen doesn't seem to be surprised, he doesn't stop, his eyes look While staring at the stable medicinal properties of the young pill, slowly raised his hand.


Lin Chen snapped his fingers.


A stalwart blue dragon light flowing like floating clouds appears around Lin Chen. This dragon light is blue with purple and purple with green.


Dragon Roaring at the Ninth Firmament, changeable situation!

The two-hundred-foot-long Sacred Dragon, born out of the sky, is lying in the square. Each piece of dragon scales is like azure jade. The center of the scales flashes with azure light. A pair of purple and red wings is extraordinary. , Dragon pupils are blue, Dragon's Might Town Eight Wastes!

The pharmacists gasped slightly!

This Lin Chen even kept a Sacred Dragon in captivity?

In the battle of the mountain range, Lin Chen's performance was so dazzling that his Sacred Dragon had no sense of existence and was almost forgotten by the world.

In World War I, Lin Chen killed 37 Sacred Beasts from the tomb of Saint King. His beast core retained 6 for refining medicine. Being swallowed by Sacred Dragon with divine ability refining, Dragon Vein blasted wildly!

Therefore, Lin Chen’s current Sacred Dragon has 90 million Dragon Veins in full bloom, with a pure power of 900 million dragon power, which is comparable to the battle strength of the late Saint Realm 1st Layer!

In addition, during the breakthrough of eighth rank Sacred Dragon, the capacity of each Dragon Vein has increased tenfold!

There is no need for Lin Chen to say hello. Sacred Dragon opened his mouth and breathed out. The breath of the blue dragon, like the eyes of a hurricane, roared the audience.

Angzang’s dragon's breath enveloped the energy in the young pill, and instantly activated the bloodline divine ability of'Divine Sea'!

At this moment, the faces of all the people in the room changed dramatically!

Shangguan Liuli's female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts gradually appeared astonished and shocked!

He even uses Sacred Beast with pill concocting!

Shangguan Liuli's situation is at the level of 100 million in ten-thousand does not have one. In life, I rarely encounter a companion Spirit Beast born on the same day, at the same place, and at the same time.

And Spirit Beast is limited. It must be a beast with super wisdom among the beasts. Not all beasts can be Spirit Beast.

And Spirit Beast can cultivation to the Sacred Beast level, it is absolutely nothing in 100 million, so the situation of Shangguan Liuli is almost regarded as the first case in the world of become Saint!

"Lin Chen, does he have...the same experience as me..." Shangguan Liuli stared at Lin Chen's sordid smiling face, his heart complicated.

bloodline divine ability ·Tianyu Divine Sea, can adjust Water Element Spiritual Qi or consume Dragon Vein power, greatly increase the formidable power of dragon breath, greatly increase its defense, attack, and recovery power!

The medicine pill refined by Lin Chen this time is also a Water Element medicine pill. He and Sacred Dragon have the same will, and can perfectly control the sublimation of medicine ingredient energy by the'Tianyu Divine Sea'!

At this time, the faces of the three alchemy giants in the void seat changed again!

"The energy in the young pill is rapidly climbing and transforming, and it has been combined with Lin Chen's energy integration to a higher level!"

Some Saint Level alchemists of sinister vision also found that With this natural phenomenon, the corners of my mouth tremble!

How many times does Lin Chen have to go beyond common sense...

"Multiple furnaces pill concocting, he will too! No furnace pill concocting, he can do it too! With Sacred Beast, he can do it!"

"Other Legendary geniuses, he will too. No, he will too! This makes people not live, this person and Why is there such a big gap between people!"

The individual alchemy Heaven's Chosen wailed and sighed, and the older generation alchemists were convulsed!

"Give me up!"

Lin Chen screamed, and the divine ability of'Divine Sea' has been exerted to the extreme!


The sacred energy of the heavenly pill shines on the sky and shines on the entire Genting Plaza!

A azure blue medicine pill of dragon eye size, floating in the void, slowly falling down.

Holy light began to transform, the audience held their breath, staring at this medicine pill!

It turned into a blue Flood Dragon, imposing manner noble and domineering, dragon pupil has the spirituality and dominance of looking over the world, when a dragon roaring starts, the holy rings on the body begin to increase!

One, two, three!

It is also a Grade 3 holy pill!

Furthermore, after these three holy rings, there is a light-like white circle of halo desire forming, which eventually became a vague shadow!

The Holy Pill of Grade 3 Peak!

"He...he actually surpassed it at the last moment!"

Chi Meier's eyes flickered, her heart throbbed, and she stared deeply at Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, I remember you...You are the second person to beat me..."

When the blue Flood Dragon was caught by Lin Chen, Turned into a holy pill, he slowly raised it.

The Little Demon Empress's hands lightly covered her red lips...


The ultimate comeback!

Lin Chen played the final trump card at the last moment. With the Sacred Dragon bloodline divine ability, he forcibly upgraded the attribute and spirituality of the sacred pill, making it under the Grade 3 sacred peak. Ranks!

At this moment, the audience shouted Lin Chen's name!

Fei Xiaoyu stood in a daze, staring at Lin Chen with jewel-like eyes.

"I lost... But, I lost to Big Brother. Although I am unwilling, why I am so happy and look forward to the next duel with him!"

Women geniuses admire His eyes became stronger and stronger. When he stared at Lin Chen, charming eyes were like silk, and his eyes were full of peach blossoms.

For men like this, the temptation is too deadly for the women of Heaven's Chosen who are pursuing Alchemy Realm...

This champion, no one refuses!

He was born in the most unreasonable way and crushed all geniuses! Strongly win this medicinal sacred champion, which represents the top of the genius list!

Multiple furnace pill concocting, Sacred Beast assistance, furnaceless pill concocting, and even pill concocting in the eyes are coming out!

If the previous refining representative is'Divine Immortal fighting', then Lin Chen is his ancestor of Divine Immortal!

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