【Get 79,000 high level Gold Element energy. 】

In three days, in a blink of an eye, Lin Chen perfectly refining new low-quality crystals!

In addition, the cultivation of "True Dragon Flurry" is perfectly integrated, and the newly obtained low-grade crystal is the Gold Element. With the new orange-level cultivation technique, it will definitely be able to play a new divine might!

"Three days, it's time to set off."

Lin Chen did not stay. Once three days were up, he immediately set off and left Pill Saint Island.

Same as before, Lin Chen wears a thousand fantasy mask, uses Avatar as the'body' as bait, and heads from different directions.

What made Lin Chen feel apart is that within four days after leaving Pill Saint Island, it was calm and tranquil.

Lin Chen did not encounter any danger, ambush, or sneak attack.

"It's strange, is this guy so generous? When I left Pill Saint Island, Long Yijing was indeed still on the island, and my Avatar did not encounter any ambushes or any danger..."

When Lin Chen was puzzled, shuttling through the void and flew to the sky above an island.

For four days, Lin Chen kept tore the void without letting the Sacred Dragon swallow the dragon blood saliva and the red golden vine cultivation.

Finally, on the sixth day, Lin Chen rushed to the location near the southern boundary of the blue area.

The southern boundary of Cangyu is located in the joint management of three Grade 6 sects. Here powerhouse as clouds, there are few people who have caught offenses.

"Is this guy not showing up, that's all, I'm almost at my destination anyway."

High in the sky, Lin Chen released Sacred Dragon and hurried.


Suddenly, a shocking lightning exploded from the crystal wall of the open space hundreds of miles away, shooting straight at the dazzling blue Sacred Dragon!

Lin Chen's eyes are like electricity, the ultimate moment and the 8th layer erupted, and the four as thin as cicada wing throwing knives with one hand on the waist flashed out of Lin Chen's hands if there was spirituality spinning. , Like a flash of electricity, instantly cut off!

Sacred Dragon opens its mouth to condense the dragon's breath and spit out, like the blue dragon's breath of a spiral storm hitting a dark lightning glow head-on!

Boom! boom! boom!

Lightning glow penetrated Lin Chen's flying knives and dragon's breath, and it was able to smash Sacred Dragon's azure light body guard, dragon blood hurricane, and Sacred Dragon falling!

Lin Chen took Sacred Dragon into his body with a calm expression.

The bright laughter of the sun echoed in the void, one after another space talisman burst open, and several hundred li around the corner set up the Space Formation in an instant!

"It’s a big hit, Major Perfection’s Avatar technique, Lin Chen, is it you yourself abandon your hands, or I abolish your hands and feet and then take you away. It seems that there are many secrets in your body. Ah."

In the sky slowly walked out of the three silhouettes, the first one was Long Yijing, and the other two were full of 21 holy caves, two Saint Realm 3rd Layer Early-Stage!

"He saw through the disguise of Qianhuan's mask? No, he locked me directly, and there was a mark on me?"

Lin Chen brows tightly frowns, suddenly realized!

It is an alternative order for the enchanting list! He moved his hands and feet in the alternative order, tracking himself!

"Unexpectedly, he would do it in this most unexpected place, hehe, interesting. What's the matter with the enchanting list, just do it when you come!"

Lin Chen unveiled the mask of Qianhuan, revealing When you are true, you can see the fighting intent of the world in your eyes!

The rays of light flashed, Lin Chen held the Youhuang Spear, calmly said with a smile.

"Just bring such a few people to arrest me, will it seem a little bit inadequate."

"Haven’t Yijing Little Young Master heard the legend of this handsome guy? , The 4th layer of the Holy Realm is dead. If you bring two Saint Realm 3rd Layers, will it be a little bit not enough."

Long Yijing's mouth is full of disdainful sneers, as if he is in control of the overall situation. ——"Lin Chen, I really don’t doubt your record in the funeral mountain range, but this Young Master is not so easily frightened by you. This Young Master will bet on your battle strength that erupted in the funeral mountain range, now It’s impossible to reappear once."

"The world is beyond common sense and will always be a figure above the enchanting list. Only this Young Master is listed on the enchanting list. It is very clear that the more power beyond common sense, the more you have to pay The price, this Young Master does not believe that you did not pay any price in the previous battle. There is a kind, you can take out your previous strength! Dare to encroach on the woman this Young Master loves, Lin Chen, you are playing with fire and self-immolation."

Long Yijing waved one hand, and with a tearing sound, two afterimages swept towards Lin Chen!

Although they are the difference between a holy cave, these two are much better than Jiuying Killer Broken Heart Red!

"The people in the enchanting list are not stupid, and it does not matter if they are scrutinized. Even if there is no one who is against the sky, I can still fight!"

"system, nirvana! "Lin Chen feels Hah in his heart!

Shh~! Bang~!

[Launches the blue-level high level nirvana skills·Skyyin and icy storm, purgatory wind tunnel. Target: 3 people, start strikes. 】

Shuangsheng’s head exploded the hole of the hurricane, and continued to lock the two of them. The infinite ice storm fell on Long Yijing's head and swallowed him.

The three of them are Saint Realm 3rd Layer, these nirvana can only delay them slightly, force them out of their holy energy defense, and affect part of their strength.

Long Yijing took a little step forward, the movement method shuttling through the void.

He flashed to the other side,'Skyyin and Ice Storm' still followed him!

"Oh? Is this the unavoidable attack mentioned in the intelligence."

Long Yijing tried to grab another hand, and wanted to give that piece of Yin Demon cold cloud. After catching the explosion, I don't know that in an instant, the broken Yin Demon cold cloud began to condense again.

"Interesting, even this Young Master has never seen such a weird attack..."

Long Yijing's shoulders shook sharply, and the Holy Splendor in the holy cave suddenly skyrocketed, one after another Thunder and phoenix-like lightning entangled his whole body, blocking all the icy storms of the sky!

Take advantage of the gap between the three, Lin Chen is not idle.

"Avatar, come back!"

In a single thought, Lin Chen took all the Avatars back, and the rays of light in the holy cave were blazing!

The holy energy stored in the holy cave temporarily skyrocketed to the critical value of the tenth holy cave!

Even though the attribute value is not what it used to be, Lin Chen now uses the 8th layer to temporarily increase the cultivation base at less than 20%!

As soon as the five avatars came to Lin Chen, the imposing manner skyrocketed. Lin Chen, together with Azure Dragon possession, borrowed Azure Dragon to reach 900 million dragon power, and the status was adjusted to the highest level!


Lin Chen shot'Yutian', blessed the power of the different crystal, and five long rainbow threads were drawn to Long Yijing!

"The battle skill is acceptable, the cultivation base is too weak and broken." Long Yijing didn't even need to lift his hands, spit out a word, like the holy energy and spirit strength of the sea, shattered Lin Chen One shot of the'Yu Tian'!

All the Avatars are swarming!

Lin Chen only used two Avatars to stop two Saint Realm 3rd Layers!

clang! clang! Boom~!

Two groups of holy light storms are rolled together, and the two Avatars use the movement method to deal with each other. It is better to have nirvana to help each other. There is too much difference between the two sides. In the case of one-to-one, Avatar Using the'Blinking Light and Splitting Shadow' one after another can only barely parry, and you will lose if you fight for a long time!

"If you continue to fight like this, Avatar will die continuously, and sure enough, the point of victory or defeat lies with this guy. What about the enchanting list, die for me!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed and his eyebrows were centered. The azure blue light surged violently, and an "annihilation" turned into five divine lights, and the column pushed across the void to grind away!

The remaining three Avatars outflank the third way of Long Yijing!

Long Yijing's mouth pulled out a smirk; "Playing spirit strength in front of this Young Master, Lin Chen, you are still far away!"

His palms were completely suppressed. Next, there is no momentum of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, but it seems that the entire sky is suppressed, crushing Lin Chen's "annihilation" into countless spiritual shatters!

All the holy auras are transported into the crystal interior of Lunguangyi, the Avatar holds the +12 azure blue moon, and the aurora flows through the blade!

Choke~! The Avatar was cut out with a single knife, and the extremely fast-rotating blade glow was divided into five. The majestic sky penetrated the sky!

The opponent is the enchanting list, Lin Chen took out his killer move as soon as he met him.

In spite of the blessing of'Taiyi Time and Space', Lin Chen's cultivation base can be comparable to the Saint with 13 to 14 holy caves, and it is far from the cultivation base of the enchanting list. There is still a shocking gap!

To deal with this kind of existence, ordinary tricks can't even touch the corners of his clothes.

When Lin Chen shot, it was spare no effort's "Tears of God"!

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