The two beautiful and alluring lovers of Crimson Fairy covered their red lips lightly with their hands, their brilliant eyes gleaming.

"He, he actually used the void thunder pool in body refinement?"

"Oh my God! This is too overbearing! What core method does his cultivation use, he can resist it Can thunder pool energy be tempered physique at the same time?"

Both of them are Alchemy Sect masters, especially the refining of Body Refining Medicine Pill, Lin Chen’s cultivation is equivalent to them. Suicide is undoubtedly!

Crimson Fairy gave Lin Chen another high point in her heart!

This child's actions may seem absurd, but in fact they have hidden mysteries! If it is as magical as the legend, no one can guess what he will do!

In the void thunder pool, Lin Chen's bones, flesh and blood, and a faint scarlet gold, with this thunder pool body tempering, Lin Chen absorbed the scarlet vines no more! His pure meat shell defensive power will be stronger than the powerhouse of the same level!

Lin Chen from the very beginning needs to resist the energy of this thunder pool with the'power of the different crystals', and slowly becomes only need to run Thunder Tribulation holy energy to resist.

Finally, it becomes a level that only requires hard resistance to overcome the past, and the efficiency of body refinement is increasing!

"Lin Chen, how long will it take for you? I can't hold it anymore! Your Avatar is dead!"

At this time, Xi Xiao Xian's screams came. He was crushed by the thunder spirit of the void thunder pool. If it hadn't been for the movement method and years of escape experience, he would have belched long ago!

"Wait a second, I'm coming out soon."

Lin Chen lazily's sound transmission went out, and everyone at the Red Moon Platform was full of laughter.

This Xisao·Xixiaoxian was smashed to death by Lin Chen!

After another quarter of an hour, Xi Xiaoxian’s scream came again!

"Mom, Lao Tzu's Second Brother! Wow, it's all burnt, Lin Chen, what's the matter with you, if you can't figure it out, Lao Tzu will withdraw! Your Avatar is finished!"


Lin Chen chuckled said: "It's coming soon, you wait for one minute, maybe one minute, I'll be out soon."

Lin Chen is almost almost done, the void thunder The energy of the pool is no longer so irritating to him, there is even a tingling sensation, and there is no harm in it.

Lin Chen nodded: "Well, it’s almost there. My fleshy shell has developed a lot of lightning resistance, and my Body Refinement Realm has skyrocketed. The thunder pool here has little effect on my fleshy shell tempering. "

"Fuck! What the hell are you doing?"

Xi Xiaoxian rushed over angrily, when he saw Lin Chen's appearance in the bath , Completely stunned!

next moment, he angrily roared: "My day! Your fucking scumbag! I'm dying, do you take this massage?"

Lin Chen is shameless and shameless I made a haha: "Sorry, it's so comfortable, I can't help it."

After that, Lin Chen threw the fish intestine thunder sword to Xi Xiaoxian!

Xi Xiaoxian took the sword, subconsciously exclaimed: "Good sword! Get the condensing of the thunder pool energy, formidable power to catch up with Grade 2 Thunder Element holy sword! Your character is not bad enough for you. Extreme."

Theoretically, the value of this holy Thunder Sword is higher than that of Thunder Sacred Vine. The latter is just a raw material that may become a Thunder Element alien crystal, not a real Thunder Element alien crystal.

If it is taken away forcibly, it can only be regarded as a rare treasure at most, which is not worth the value of a high-grade crystal. It's just that Lin Chen has the method that's all to grow it into a different crystal, so in Xi Xiaoxian's heart, he still earns it.

Compared with Lin Chen's actual gains this time, a Thunder Element holy sword is simply worthless! The new orange-level innate talent fragments, low-grade Thunder Element crystals, and thunder pool Body Refinement are all far beyond the value of Thunder Element holy sword!

This time, Lin Chen has gained too much!

To put it bluntly, it is much larger than the breakthrough of the 11th holy cave to advance to the holy realm 2nd layer!

His pure power soared to 1.4 billion dragon power. Because of the power blessing of the flesh shell [Awakening], his pure power is 2.1 billion dragon power!

The lethality of pure power alone can be comparable to the mid-stage 2nd layer of the Holy Realm!

Before blasting the hole to become a holy, Lin Chen faced more frightening opponents, which caused his pure power to not play some dazzling effects.

If Lin Chen uses this terrifying pure power blessing on the battle skill at this time, the burst of power and vigor will increase the lethality by many times!

Especially with battle skills that rely on pure power, formidable power has skyrocketed!

bang bang bang!

The space vibrates, and the thunder roars, Xi Xiaoxian immediately put away the thunder sword, waved at Lin Chen: "I will drive away first, we That’s the end of the cooperation with Xi Xiaoxian, you can do it yourself, the power of the Thunder Spirit is simply inexhaustible, so I won’t be with you!"

After that, Xi Xiaoxian transformed dozens of afterimages for a moment. disappear.

Do you know that Lin Chen not only did not leave, but was fighting intent soaring!


The sword came out like a dragon, Lin Chen held the azure blue moon, a mysterious deep blue brilliance flowed, that is a rays of light unique to the +12 enhancement level!

"This...No way? This Lin Chen doesn't plan to run?"

"Does he want to face that terrible Thunder Spirit? Impossible, even if his body refinement hits The 2nd layer level of the holy realm is impossible as one-tenth of it!"

"Is he going to take out the trump card of the 4th layer of the holy realm?"

Red Moon Terrace The geniuses and Saints stared at the light screen intently.

The aggressive Lei Ling woman pointed a little, ten thousand lightning mobilization, heavenly thunder rolling, thunderclouds gathered behind her as if following its mobilization, and shot out dazzling lightning in an instant!

Shih~! Sneer~!

Eight lanes of purple light are like electric dragons, winding and sturdy. Each of several hundred zhang is thick and long, spanning the void and across the sky in just an instant!

Lin Chen's remaining 30 million enhancement points have been decreasing during the thunder pool!

Boom~! The endless water tribulation brilliance soars into the sky! The glory is prosperous, 10 holy caves and 10 "Taiyi holy caves" have all injected the Holy Force into the water element different crystal interior!

At this moment, the blade light skyrocketed! Lin Chen's pure power burst, his arm swung swiftly, and he slashed out!

"Jingyue Evil God!"


A radiant and beautiful blade glow of the mirror moon is like a stream of water and moon, mixed with the pure power of vigor that penetrates the crystal wall of the space and slashes out horizontally!

Om~! Bright like a mirror, the moonlight shining like a moon trembled and divided into five!

Except for Crimson Fairy and Han Yizhi who can see this blade clearly, everyone at Red Moon Platform suddenly felt that Heaven and Earth were illuminated by moonlight in an instant!

Tear and pull~! Boom~!

The moonlight across the horizontal plane slashed all the lightning dragons, and the 30% penetrating formidable power exploded the lightning fragments into the sky!


Xi Xiaoxian, who just evaded and escaped, was dumbfounded!

"This guy is still deeply hidden... How dare to face the Lei Ling hard and brutal! Cannot afford to offend cannot afford to offend, slipped away!"

The geniuses of the Red Moon Terrace sucked air-conditioning slightly!

That cut has become perfect, integrating all the strengths of Lin Chen, and directly erupting formidable power comparable to Saint Realm 3rd Layer Early-Stage!

Lin Chen exhaled excitedly.

"Finally, I crossed that line!"

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