"The adults who want to defy the Immemorial Dragon clan, you really have no eyes."

The'Seventh Elder'sneered who just announced that he had left Azure Dragon Clan.

"Oh? People have confiscated you as a dog, so you are so eager to wag your tail? The guy who eats inside and outside?"

A few other Elder Qing Long immediately Go back taunting, and don't miss any old feelings for this kind of guy who flees!

"hmph! Wait to see how Mu Tianqing was crippled by Heaven's Chosen of Immemorial Dragon clan!" Seventh Elder sneered, not arguing.

"This time, we will continue to compete. Until one side can no longer fight or surrender, the winner will be determined."

Tianyue Crown Prince sits in the high position of the Dragon Palace, sweeping his sleeves. He gave orders, as if he was the king here.

Lin Chen is wearing a Silver Dragon mask, a serious nodded.

"Yes, this time it’s just a discussion. Don’t fight Life and Death Battle, but you can freely send out tricks such as eye-piercing, ear-piercing, yin-shaking, and violent chrysanthemum... Aiya, look at my mouth , I didn’t say anything. Let’s start if both parties are ready to prepare."

Azure Dragon Clan executives were shocked collectively, and a group of Elders had their lips twitched...

Why, where's the old yin ratio!

Qianhong said with a slight smile: "How I smoked you on the city wall that day, I will abuse you now."

Mu Tianqing is calm , The cold and lonely look is getting more and more killing cold!


Qianhong moved slightly, her slender shadow turned into the afterimage of the dragon light, driving her 1.6 billion dragon power to tear apart a void crack, forming a billowing wave!


Dragon Breath Huashan Zhenyue, at the foot of Qingshan Doutou Town, hundreds of zhangs, one move and one attack are performed at the same time, and the fighting talents of the Immemorial Dragon clan are fully revealed!

Mu Tianqing puts on a dragon armor, valiant and formidable looking, walking like a dragon, like azure light refraction flashes!

Bang~! Avoid her dragon breath green hills, shake the dragon palace on the verge of collapse.

Tear and pull~! The sonic boom sounded, and two dragon claws collided from the void and smashed together fiercely!

A mighty dragon tail entrained the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, like a mountain range ridge hitting Mu Tianqing!

Her azure light is bright and extinguished, her footwork turns again, and she avoids dangerously and dangerously!

The civil war in the square outside the Dragon Palace resulted in murky heavens dark earth. The two were either transformed into a part, or used the bloodline divine ability, and no one revealed the body first!

The two sides are fighting fiercely, changeable situation. The two turned into two divine lights. They battled from the sky to the earth. The crystal walls of the space where they passed were broken, the light was dim and the dragon's breath was chaotic.

The battle attracted more Azure Dragon Clan people to watch the battle. They saw that Mu Tianqing could only persevere under Qianhong's offensive, and his heart was heavy!

Sure enough, Ancient Dragon Clan is no match for Immemorial Dragon clan, no matter how talented it is!

Only Lin was the most calm in the audience.

“It’s not right, Mu Tianqing’s bloodline aura seems to be different. She only flashes but doesn’t attack. Could it be said that there is a back-up?”

Tianyue Crown who perceives something wrong Prince sound transmission Qianhong——"The woman has a second hand, do it quickly. Don't give her a chance!"

Qianhong listened to the order and immediately revealed his body, and a Xuanyuezhen prison dragon was born. With its four claws black and yellow, the dragon back with yellow scales like armour, and the vast dragon body stretching more than three hundred meters long, it breathes the aura of moving mountains and suppressing seas. Dragon's Might instantly succumbed to all Azure Dragon Clan people!

Xuanyue Town Prison Dragon, Earth Element Dragon Clan, and Wanza Azure Dragon One, are skilled in defense and fighting for a long time! Its ancestor Tianyue Town Prison Dragon was Divine Dragon, but it is currently the Immemorial Dragon clan!

Tear and pull~!

Only the moment before Qianhong changes its body, a thunder-like dragon's breath is vertical and horizontal in the void, rolling and condensing into a Dragon Mark battle spear, ten zhang length, instantly by Mu Tianqing Hold it in the palm of your hand!

"My God, when will my lady be able to use this bloodline divine ability?"

Azure Dragon Clan Elder lost his voice and was horrified!

The beautiful lady's jade arm turns into an Azure Dragon arm, and she crushes a blue shadow with the azure light!

Qianhong, who just revealed her body, had not had time to brew bloodline divine ability. Mu Tianqing swept her chest position and broke Dragon Spear violently piercing her dragon scales defense, tearing it apart. dragon scales, azure light Thunder and lightning burst out, piercing through the dragon's body!


Qianhong roared in pain, slammed his claws, Mu Tianqing punched Dragon Spear through her body, and his claws slammed up into the sky!

The infinite dragon's breath azure light turns into a storm-like light blade, each light blade carries the power of billions of dragons, and the front is hard and powerful dragon claw!

Boom! boom! boom!

The dragon light bursts into the sky, and the energy is shaking the sky! The two slammed with dragon claw, and their four claws danced and clashed!

All the people of Azure Dragon One clan were dumbfounded by the situation that turned over in an instant!

Some Azure Dragon Clan people even changed their bodies, watching the battle at Dragon Palace from a very remote distance!

"Enough, stop!"

The unbelievable Crown Prince of Tianyue actually stopped!

In his eyes, there is a shock that is hard to hide!

Mu Tianqing withdrew from the battle area, bathed in dragon blood all over, even if he was injured, he did not fall. The heroic posture is like a sonorous rose on the battlefield, proud, holy, tenacious and unyielding!

On the other hand, Qianhong’s dragon body is horrible to see, falling in a pool of blood!

The dragon scales of the upper body were torn more than half, the dragon scales were torn apart, torn skin and gaping flesh, and there was a hole drenched with blood on the chest!

The executives of Azure Dragon Clan, Elders, and clansman are dumbfounded!

Hanging! This is completely in a state of sling!

Mu Tianqing hasn't changed the dragon body yet, he has seriously injured the genius of the Immemorial Dragon clan!

Mu Tianqing's fighting skills and psychology are far beyond Qian Hong!

But more importantly, her bloodline divine ability formidable power has skyrocketed several levels! The other five Elders were horrified by Mu Tianqing’s battle strength. In their perception, Mu Tianqing was far from qualified to use the bloodline divine ability of'Wan Zai Po Dragon Spear'!

Mu Tianqing looked down at the dying Qianhong and said calmly.

"When you knelt down with other male dragons, I have already been fighting with the Imperial Father. You have an innate talent, but I am not a bonehead, Azure Dragon Clan. You want to bully me. And my clansman, I have to break a few teeth too!"

The last sentence, as if it were to Tianyue Crown Prince, is sonorous and powerful!

"Offend your Highness, you are courting death?"

A Dragon Servant was furious and rushed towards Mu Tianqing.

Swipe~! The silver robe silhouette crossed in front of the Dragon Servant, and said calmly: "What? The dignified Immemorial Dragon clan can't even play a game? Or do you want to break the rules of the Ten Thousand Dragons Club?"

Tianyue Crown Prince recalled Dragon Servant, said with a laugh.

"hehe...what a new king of Azure Dragon, what a gilded kingdom! Ben Crown Prince is looking forward to meeting you at the Wanlong Meeting, I hope you don’t be a coward, if you can’t be in Wanlong You will get results. After losing the Ancient Dragon corner, I will immediately let you rubbish Azure Dragon Clan disappear in this world!"

His eyes flashed with crazy and turbulent killing intent!

Lin Chen looked up to the sky and laughed, with unparalleled domineering intent.

"hahaha! Don't worry, this king has booked the championship, you go home and shit, this time Wanlong will not have yours."

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