Wanzai Azure Dragon? This name is too strange!

Even in Ancient Dragon Clan, few people have heard of this name!

The dragon patriarch at the venue always checked the Ancient Dragon angles and letters of Lin Chen and the others, and reported to Dragon Clan in the sky.

"Is that the infamous Azure Dragon One clan?"

"hahahaha! Isn't it, this kind of goods can also participate in the Wanlonghui? Also Azure Dragon new king, which The new king here?"

"Hey, kid. Go back to have milk, don’t wait to get scared to pee! Hahahaha!"

"Hey hey hey, these guys can pay back What about the dragon flag? I even brought out my own dragon flag. Is it so heroic to be cannon fodder!"

"Why are you smiling, be serious. The dragon flag represents the honor and survival of a family. Isn’t this a highlight moment of honor for Azure Dragon Clan to be able to participate in the Ten Thousand Dragons Club?"

In the Dragon Terrace venues on both sides, ridicule and sarcasm burst out.

The law of the jungle, weak are prey to the strong. In the Great Wilderness, you have played vividly and thoroughly, without the strength, you don't even have the qualifications to let others look at you!

Be aware that the Ancient Dragon Clan candidates are all well-known figures in the same level, and they are top-notch ones.

What is Azure Dragon Clan? An Ancient Dragon Clan that was once the bottom?

Now it’s even more rubbish Dragon Clan that doesn’t even have the name of Ancient Dragon Clan. It’s like a feast between Imperial Family nobles, mixed with a group of beggar?

It's just laughable and generous!

However, in the face of all the doubts, ridicule, ridicule, disdain, verbal abuse, and the powerful oppression caused by so many gazes, Azure Dragon Clan entire group appears calm, standing still, like a thousand Hardened rock, wind and rain, Motionless As Mountains!

Even, the dragon pupil has several points of more intense fighting spirit burning!

ten thousand zhang Above the void, a small space is opened up.

A group of back figures that are close to the sky and the earth stand one after another in the space plane, like an insurmountable mountain.

"The Ancient Dragon horns and the letter are indeed true. It seems that they have met the conditions. According to the rules of the conference, we have no reason to expel them."

"No. Look, This little fellow of the new king of Azure Dragon Clan is something wrong! Remove the bloodline breath of Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon, and it has several points of Hongyan True Phoenix and Tianyu Rain Dragon!"

" I’ve seen a few of the Dragon Clan with double bloodline, old man, and even the Dragon Clan Heaven’s Chosen present has a double bloodline, but the three bloodlines coexist in one, or the dragon and phoenix together? It’s weird, Immemorial is weird!"

"Is it a spy of the Huang clan? Do you want to get caught and tortured?"

"Do you think this is your own courtyard? This is the Wanlong Club. So many clansman watched, To arrest them without authorization, what is it like? Is it breaking the rules?"

"If you were a member of the Phoenix clan, would you make such a stupid mistake? Send this person in front of us? He has a Saint Realm 5th Layer or 6th-layer cultivation base, and it’s only a matter of thought that we want to destroy him."

"It’s just a junior with a fortuitous encounter that’s all, how about the three bloodline Except for the Hongyan True Phoenix bloodline, the quality of other bloodlines is not worth it!"

A group of Dragon Clan powers who dominate the Wanlong Club have actually developed a lot of interest in Lin Chen!

However, they didn't shoot Lin Chen. In their eyes, it was an interesting ant that's all.

Dragon Clan, the bloodline innate talent determines the upper limit, this child three kinds of bloodline are rare, and at best, there are three kinds of Grade 3 or Grade 4 bloodline that's all. This innate talent is inferior to any Crown Prince of the Immemorial Dragon clan!

Suddenly, as if feeling the gazes of the powerful Dragon Clan, Lin Chen in the dragon platform looked up directly at the sky, and actually met the powerful gazes of several Dragon Clan!

"Hey...this kid temperament is pretty good... he can perceive our gaze, and he is not humble or humiliated."

"The three kinds of bloodlines are relatively low-level, unless he can Advance the bloodline, but this matter is difficult to heavenly ascension, even if we take the shot, the success rate is not high. Even more how the advanced bloodline may not be able to control at the same time, this child has a limited future, and it will not hurt to participate in it."


In the Dragon Terrace, Lin Chen felt a cold glow piercing into his body. He knew that it was the sight of the powerful Dragon Clan. Attempt to look at all of his secrets.

"Fortunately, I didn’t let Jian Qingcheng help. The Dragon Clan powerful cultivation base is extremely terrible... If it weren’t for the Sacred Dragon I trained myself, I wouldn’t be confident that I could pretend to be a fierce beast in front of these powers. "

Lin Chen's heart jumped, and then looked around the audience, and the "God Stealing Omen" was launched again!

[Consume 92,885 intermediate innate talent points, activate the omen of theft, steal attribute values: 89.9 million high level qi and blood points, 100 million Battle Qi Essence points, 200 million high level qi and blood points, 1549 points High level Water Element energy, 2000 advanced talisman literary energy, 4000 intermediate Heavenly Dao value...]

Lin Chen’s attribute value is an unprecedented trend!

The attribute value of more than 18,000 Sacred Dragons! It was all stolen by him last time. Compared with the more than 1,000 Saints who were buried in the mountain range before, they are totally insignificant!

While absorbing the attribute value, Lin Chen led the people of Azure Dragon Clan into the dragon platform.

Also, the Ancient Dragon Clan and the Yuan Ancient Dragon clan cast their eyes on Lin Chen.

The Crown Prince and Princess of the Immemorial Dragon clan glanced at Azure Dragon Clan like rubbish and looked away with disgust. They seemed to have dirty eyes.

Only the black skirt beauty of Dragon Clan in the dark sky, beautiful eyes shimmering dark, seem to see everything about Lin Chen...

"Hey, I can’t think of you Azure Dragon Clan I found a new Ancient Dragon horn so soon to compete. Mu Tianqing, is it because where did you find the lover, the Ancient Dragon horn that you got by blowing, playing and singing?"

Ironically There was a sweet smile, and the charming and charming person, who was as beautiful as a prosperous fire, twisted the waist of the water snake and walked over. Mu Tianqing's face was frosty, and the killing intent was revealed!

"Red Dragon Clan, you fooled my father and took away our Ancient Dragon horn! Between us, irreconcilable."

Mu Tianqing's voice is as cold as cold Judgement under hell.

red robe, the charming woman giggled and shivered--"Look at what strength your Azure Dragon Clan has now to participate in the Wanlong Club? Will you come in and die? We, Red Dragon Clan, can have Eighteen fierce generals!"

Azure Dragon Clan Elders were outraged, Lin Chen stopped them, calmly said with a smile: "I have the strength of Azure Dragon Clan, you will know later . Who knows how to play and sing, it will be clear from the meeting."

Om~! A spiritual sound wave came out again, everyone withdrew their gazes and listened attentively.

"cough cough cough..." The old man's voice was very weak, as if it had been replaced by another Dragon Clan power.

The weak and feeble voice spread to everyone's ears--"The first test of the Ten Thousand Dragons Meeting will be held on the Heavenly Savage Plane. As long as you can stay on the Heavenly Savage Plane for three On days and nights, each clan collects two White Dragon beads, which is considered to have passed the assessment. In the center of the plane, there is a purple dragon ball. If the clan obtains the purple dragon ball, they will receive special rewards and care in the next level of assessment."

As soon as the four characters of the Tianman plane came out, the faces of many Dragon Clan candidates were shocked!

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