A dozen light beams descended, Azure Dragon Clan all arrived at the Heavenly Plane, and descended to a gray and white mountain within the valley. There were strange rocks everywhere, no vitality, and the weight of every stone. It is a million times that of the outside world!


Mu Tianqing and the others just gained a foothold, an earth-shattering force poured into the body, and everyone broke out with a bone squeezing sound of'ka ka kha'!

"It's so heavy!"

Everyone had a thought in their hearts, this gravity is enough to easily squeeze Star Fragmentation Chen!

Million times of gravity, even the average Sacred Dragon can't easily bear it. Fortunately, Azure Dragon Clan Elder has increased cultivation, and they can barely resist.

"My dragon power is restricted to be close to one third......"

Mu Tianqing has frowned eyebrows, and the situation of others is not optimistic, even the strongest Great Elder, pure power has also been suppressed 1/4/2021!

"Fortunately, the new king helped us transform the bloodline. With the background of my Azure Dragon Clan, everyone who arrives here will at least be suppressed by the dragon power of 2/3/2021! So many suppressed! Strength is equivalent to being slaughtered!"

Great Elder was secretly shocked, and his admiration for Lin Chen was even higher!

However, Lin Chen alone has a peaceful appearance, floating in the air, as if he was not affected at all.

"hahaha, I gave such a big gift when I came in unexpectedly. Azure Dragon new king, you were very arrogant outside just now..."


A dozen huge monsters fly across the sky, the dragon wings are burning with red flames, the dragon scales are red, with four claws tampering with inflammation, and the whole body is burning with red flames!

"Red Dragon Clan?"

Several Elders of Azure Dragon Clan cried out in surprise, Mu Tianqing's cold cheeks appeared to kill!

The crowds in the Wanlong venue witnessed the encounter between the two races, and couldn't help but stare curiously at the thousands of light screens, which belonged to the Red Dragon Clan and Azure Dragon Clan.

"Red Dragon Clan has joined a distant Ancient Dragon clan, which has developed rapidly over the past few thousand years. The strength of the participating team is comparable to Peak’s Ancient Dragon Clan team. Azure Dragon Clan is afraid I’m in trouble."

"Hey, let’s take a look at what hole cards the new king of Azure Dragon Clan has. Maybe Danger Land can fight back?"

"Fight back, just Azure Dragon Clan’s bloodline level is at least suppressed by more than half of the dragon’s power when entering, and its foundation is weak, so it’s still a shame!"

"Any trump card depends on the user’s own background. I think this Azure Dragon Clan is the poor worm trapped by this so-called new king."


"gē gē gē, the dark horse of this conference will have to be robbed by us. Dragon Clan took it."

A female dragon in the Red Dragon Clan made a human race-like laugh.

Red Dragon Clan has a total of 4 heads with more than 5 billion dragon power, and 3 billion dragon power with nine heads. This power.

In contrast, Azure Dragon Clan only has Great Elder and Second Elder with more than 50 dragon powers, and five of them with 3 billion dragon power Elder, and the rest are around 2 billion dragon power.

Regardless of the number of people or the strength of battle, Red Dragon Clan has surely surpassed Azure Dragon Clan!

However, Lin Chen said with a smile to everyone Elder-"How about giving them a surprise? I want you to deal with this kind of stuff now, and you don’t need spare no effort anymore, right?"


The Elders looked at each other, full of confidence, and with a bang, they flew into the air!

"Remember, don't keep your hands, kill them all!"

Red Dragon Clan's Crown Prince a violent roar, all the red dragons open their mouths, and the condensed dragon breaths out ten Several flame storms surrounded Azure Dragon Clan!

shua! shua! shua!

one after another rushing azure light rushing out of the flame storm, the clansman of Azure Dragon Clan stayed in human form, enveloped in azure light, unscathed ?


Red Dragon Clan everyone lost their voices and was horrified. With Azure Dragon Clan's trash bloodline divine ability, they could actually withstand their strikes?

Mu Tianqing turned into an azure light and flashed on top of the red dragon's head, tearing it off with one claw!

Tear and pull~! Bang~!

In one move, the dragon ridiculing Azure Dragon Clan was beaten to the ground on the spot! The speed and strength are beyond imagination!

The afterimage of dragon claw, the breath of the dragon, the dragon tail burst, and the imposing manner of Azure Dragon Clan swarmed up, all of which were only part of the Dragon Transformation body, and they faced the red Dragon Clan head-on!

bang! bang! bang!

The sky is trembling, Azure Dragon Clan fights more with less, and the bloodline divine ability is constantly urging, but it beats everyone's red Dragon Clan back again and again!

"This...what's the situation?"

"Nothing! Azure Dragon Clan is more powerful than Chi Dragon Clan? They are much less restricted than Chi Dragon Clan! "

"Their bloodline divine ability formidable power shouldn't reach this level!"

"These guys have used several excellent bloodline divine ability in a row!"

Some Dragon Clan powerhouses were dumbfounded, and the performance of Azure Dragon Clan shocked everyone!

The bloodline divine ability of Orcs and Dragon Clan is also divided into grades, similar to the battle skill grade of Human Race, the divine ability is roughly divided into: ordinary, outstanding, outstanding, Peak, perfect, extraordinary, and peerless!

Ordinary class divine ability, there is a probability of inheriting the seventh rank bloodline. The divine ability of the outstanding class can only be inherited by the Sacred Beast bloodline.

Excellent level, most of them have to be inherited from the previous Dragon Clan inheritance, and if the bloodline level is not high, even if the inheritance is successful, it will not be displayed.

As for the divine ability of Peak series, Ancient Dragon Clan has only a few inheritance, but it is difficult to use. Generally, it is far away from Ancient Dragon clan to use.

And the perfect divine ability, each is a representative of the entire race civilization, it is extremely rare to see it once.

The supernatural class is the inheritance of the Immemorial Dragon family Peak. As for the peerless class, only the ancient dragon family has records.

The scene of Azure Dragon Clan beating Red Dragon Clan scared the clansman in Azure Dragon palace like a ghost!

This strength span is too terrifying!

Excellent divine ability, only Azure Dragon Clan can use it in their knowledge!

Does this mean that all Azure Dragon Clan Elder has the potential of the previous dragon king?

This is too ridiculous!

Some Dragon Clan's powerful gaze penetrates the space plane, staring at in the sky both hands crossed near chest, the cynical silver robe boy.

"This Azure Dragon new king, who are you after all!"

In the plane of Heaven.

"How could it be possible that although my clan has been suppressed by a million times of gravity by half of the dragon's power, even half of the strength is enough to beat these wastes, why can they become so strong in a short time! "

Red Crown Prince Long shouted in his heart.

They didn’t know that they were suppressed by gravity for more than half of their dragon power, and the dragon power of Azure Dragon Clan actually suppressed by gravity is less than the one third dragon power, because Azure Dragon Clan’s bloodline grade is obtained A great transformation!

For the same 5 billion dragon power, the four Elders of the Red Dragon Clan in the Tianman plane can only play 2.5 billion dragon power, while the two Azure Dragon Clan Elders can play 3.8 billion dragon power!

In addition, the Elder bloodline of all members of Azure Dragon Clan has been strengthened to +13 by Lin Chen, a total of 240% increased power! More than doubled!

The superior divine ability that could not be used in the past due to bloodline grade barriers is now completely burden-free!

"I didn't think that Azure Dragon Clan would have changed like this, but I look down upon you! Tomorrow, Elder, let's retreat and look for Dragon Balls first, and then pack them when the second test is unlimited!"

Red Dragon Clan couldn't fight hard. When Desire fled away, a silver robe silhouette stopped them in the air.

"Dragon Clan folks, what are you worried about. You haven't learned this king's methods yet, haven't you."

Lin Chen's domineering smile, baleful aura, Senran !

"Today, all of you Red Dragon Clan, don't even want to leave a hair!"

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