Qianguan golden pupil dragon, bloodline mysterious, born with different pupils. As a kind of Dragon Clan with strong insight, if it talks about insight ability, it catches up with the Human Race Peak Prediction Master. After the defeat of the Crown Prince, he watched Lin Chen a dozen games and finally found the clue!

His pure strength has been climbing in the battle, from the real battle strength to about 5.5 billion dragon strength.

But in his battle, his hole cards seemed to emerge in an endless stream. Three signs of bloodline appeared one after another, and the divine ability could be used from one to five. What's more terrifying is that every time you reach the most critical node , His dragon power will always climb'a small part'!

It is this "small part" of the dragon power that makes the formidable power of the bloodline divine ability completely different. In this plane of abnormally high gravity, it forms a tendency to dominate the battle!

"This guy can'ignore' most of the 6 million times gravity! Otherwise, it is impossible to control his pure power so skillfully!" Out, the looks of the Crown Prince Princesses are extremely exciting!

Freely control the gravity here? how can that be! The Crown Prince of the Immemorial Dragon clan doesn’t have this method either!

"Aiya, have you been discovered. My movie, the actor who started with a tens of billions of rewards, can also be discovered. It seems that the Yuan Ancient Dragon clan are not all self-esteem guys~"


Lin Chen saw no one challenged, smiled harmless to humans and animals, took away all the dragon balls, and Heavenly Dao value skyrocketed!

"This guy broke the contract and lied to us first, damn it, besie him!"

"This Crown Prince still respects his position and is willing to lose. Didn't expect this guy to hide like this Dirty hand! Fuck him!"

The geniuses are flustered and exasperated. They don't know that being able to ignore the gravity of the barbaric plane is also part of the strength of the'Azure Dragon New King'.

Nearly a hundred geniuses cast aside all considerations for face, instantly surrounding Lin Chen, even if the strength is suppressed, if so many Dragon Clan Crown Prince besieged, even Human Race Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection It may also fall on the spot!

"hahaha, I won’t be with you, I won’t be with you!"

Lin Chen flicks with the finger, dozens of Rune of Slowness exploded and cost 10,000 points rune energy.

The space is stagnant, and everyone's movements are slow to a halt. Lin Chen's dragon body unleashes 5.5 billion dragon power, almost unaffected by gravity!

Swipe~! Brush~!

Several purple-red Phoenix flames flickered, the afterimage became a film, and Lin Chen disappeared!


Everyone was flustered and exasperated, anger attacked, and a roar of dragon roar!

"Elders, all go out and go to heaven. Go deep in the face and quickly capture the new king of the Azure Dragon One clan!"

The core area of ​​the Tianman plane suddenly rioted!


Lin Chen fought you in turn, the Crown Prince of the Ancient Dragon clan, once again aroused the clansman in the Azure Dragon palace to cheer, the name of the new king, deep into all Azure Dragon Clan People's hearts!

In the Wanlong venue; several Dragon Clan talents showed up at the venue and were amazed!

"This kid actually defeated dozens of Crown Princes from the Ancient Dragon clan?"

"hahaha, it seems that in this barbarous plane, except for the Immemorial Dragon clan this Outside of the stage, there are not many that can threaten this little fellow."

"There should be some wonderful opportunities or treasures on his body that can reduce most of the gravity pressure on him. However, it is a pity. , The bloodline grade is a flaw. If his true strength is under normal circumstances, he would be quite an outstanding genius of the Ancient Dragon clan."

"Farewell with a little crooked door, after all, he will go. Not far away."

"The only thing that can attract the attention of this seat is his bloodline divine ability, which will be divided into five types. If it is also applicable to the Perfect level divine ability, I am afraid that even this level 1 The number of powerhouses can't help but shoot him."

"According to my clan records, it seems that there has not been a bloodline divine ability similar to it. Is it a mutated divine ability?"

The Dragon Clan in the high platform of the venue was able to see the details of this'Azure Dragon New King' at a glance. Although most of them were amazed, they were not optimistic about his future.

It's like a short-lived, brilliant meteor. All Dragon Clan's great abilities believe that although he can shine in the first test, he is ultimately a'fanlong' with a limited future.

Tianman plane, close to an area of ​​8 million times gravity, in a rift in a mountain gorge.

Lin Chen has a restrained aura, sitting cross-legged in the void, and when he opens his eyes, if there is a divine glow passing by.

"According to the capacity of the body and Avatar, even if I enter the realm of tens of millions of times the gravity, I can compete with those Immemorial Dragon clan!"

several The reason why millions of times the gravity has no effect on Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon body is that the reason is Lin Chen's body!

Lin Chen's body and Sacred Dragon are related to the lineage origin. Sacred Dragon is a part of his body. All the gravity accumulated on the dragon's body is equivalent to the backlog in the Human Race body and share the burden!

Lin Chen’s Avatar is the same. While the Sacred Dragon bears 8 million times of gravity, there are Lin Chen’s body and five Phantom Clone in the Qingxue planting sac to share the pressure for the dragon!

The price of the body plus the Avatar, each body has 3 billion dragon power, and the pressure to share is equivalent to the current three-headed Sacred Dragon!

But this does not mean that Sacred Dragon can ignore the gravity of the heavenly plane. Eight million times the gravity is beginning to approach the limit of all Avatars and the body.

"To keep the body and the Avatar sharing the gravity without being injured, about 9.5 million times the gravity is probably my limit."

While taking Long Qingguo treatment With the dragon body, Lin Chen was lost in thought.

"If my dragon body enters the realm of 10 million times gravity, the battle strength will probably be suppressed by 20%. After entering the heavenly plane and stealing the attribute value of 18,000 Sacred Dragon, pure The power has risen to 5.6 billion dragon power, and if it suppresses 20%, there will be more than 4.4 billion dragon power... and there is still something to do!"

"Two days have passed, I don’t know if there is a purple dragon ball. I haven’t been snatched away, let’s go in first!"

Lin Chen just came out of the canyon, with a bang, thunder and lightning blew up from Southwest, like Wan Leiqi bang, Thunder Dragon swimming, electric scorching, galloping The lightning dragon's breath turned into a giant claw, instantly cracking Qianshan, and destroying Lin Chen!

"Where are the Xiaoxiaozhi, go away. This central area is already a blockade by the Immemorial Dragon clan. Any Dragon Clan dares to approach, die without a whole corpse, and the dragon core sacrifices to the sky."

Thunder is rolling, mixed with an old voice full of domineering and disdain.

Lin Chen stepped on his footsteps, and the Saint Phoenix Wings flashed past, which could not help avoiding the thunderous claw!

"It’s the Immemorial Dragon guy, I don’t know if it’s Elder or the Crown Prince, damn it, and the dragon core sacrifice to the sky, it’s really domineering!"

The eyes under the Silver Dragon mask , The fierce light is revealed!

This is at least a killer move by the Dragon Clan powerhouse with 8 billion dragon power from a far distance, but its formidable power is only half, about 4 billion dragon power. This blow is a warning.

Immemorial Dragon guys, young and old, are so arrogant!

Shoulder shock, the dragon body broke out crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, ten thousand horses galloping like imposing manner, Lin Chen's dragon body was fully fired, no longer concealed, 5.6 billion dragon power was revealed , Murderous-looking!

"This handsome doesn't want to follow the rules of these guys. If you want to do it, then I will make a big shot for you!"

Shoot Phoenix Wing, Lin Chen straightened Sweep towards the most central area of ​​the plane!


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