"Where did the ants come from, courting death?"

"There are always guys who don't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth want to come in!"

"This kid has the aura of the Phoenix clan on his body, and I shot him!"

"There is weirdness, this kid's power does not seem to be suppressed much by gravity!"

As soon as Lin Chen broke into the central area, hundreds of Immemorial Dragon patriarch always noticed his breath!

The Thunder Dragon shuttles, the dragon claw is torn off, the blue dragon's breath storm is like ten thousand horses galloping, and the dragon's breath swallows Lin Chen's all around space!

These Elders are all at the level of 8 billion dragon power, comparable to the Xeon Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection. Even if they are suppressed by gravity, they can display more than 4 billion dragon power. One shot is a killer move. , I want to forcibly kill Lin Chen!

"I have no time to entangle with these guys, Divine Sea!"

Lin Chen instantly emptied the 200 million Dragon Vein’s Dragon Qi from Sacred Dragon’s body, infused it with water, The two different crystal interiors of fire, the breath skyrocketed!

Sacred Dragon is part of Lin Chen's body. Lin Chen's refining crystals can also be used by Sacred Dragon!

'Tianyu Divine Sea' due to the effect of [bloodline enhancement] to +15, the effect is comparable to Peak-level divine ability, it can mobilize a large number of Water Element Spiritual Qi to temporarily increase its own strength, and it can also consume its own Dragon Vein to replace this One effect.

Swipe~! The sacred phoenix wings burst out with billowing purple flames, and Lin Chen stepped on the blue dragon light, turning into a sacred light of water and flames, rushing out of many dragon breath attacks!

Lin Chen's speed has skyrocketed tenfold in an instant!


"Not good, he wants to break into the center of the savage plane!"

"What do you want to do! Do you want to enter, Is it impossible to break the rules?"

Lin Chen broke through, and the Immemorial Dragon teams from all sides were in chaos, and their arrows were drawn.

They have rules between each other, no matter what happens, they cannot enter the center of the Heavenly Barbarian plane, otherwise it will be regarded as breaking the rules, and the clan who enters without authorization will be attacked by groups!

At the moment when many Elders wandered, Lin Chen had already rushed into the plain area in the center of the plane.


On the Deadly Plains, when many Crown Princes and Princesses are still making their final attempts, a few distant sound transmissions made them look very exciting!

"His Highness the Crown Prince, it's not good, someone from Azure Dragon Clan broke in!"

"Princess, Azure Dragon Clan’s Gil Yingbang kills Go in, you have to be careful!"

"Crown Prince, Britain is coming!"

Sound transmission just fell, with a boom, a flash of rainbow across the sky, Attracted the attention of all Dragon Clan geniuses!

The Crown Prince of Wanhuo has a cold face, a pair of red eyebrows ignited red flames, and shouted: "Azure Dragon Clan Rat, come down!"


When coldly shouted, the Crown Prince of Ten Thousand Fires grabbed into the sky, his five fingers burst into red flames and the dragon's breath, twisted into four flame dragons, and rushed away, burning aura covering all directions!

Shih~! The Flame Dragon shattered that shocking rainbow, it was actually an afterimage?

shua! shua! shua!

Almost the moment when the afterimage was broken, there were more than a dozen afterimages of water and fire rushing out of the all directions of the plain, shocking Crown. Prince and Princess are full of surprises!

A dozen people broke through? Where does the ability of Azure Dragon Clan come from!

Tear and pull~! The airflow was torn apart, and hundreds of gray talisman descended out of thin air, bursting from the heads of all geniuses!

The space is stagnant, and everyone's body is stagnant, and the operation of Dragon Qi is much slower!

Xuanzhen Crown Prince sneered: "This is what you rely on in Britain? Such insignificant ability, broken!"

His Dragon Vein is condensed, like a dragon Qi like a sea. Explosive, blasted the shackles of Rune of Slowness alive!

He also pointed, and the dragon's breath cut through the blade like a snow flake, and cut a silhouette in the middle!

peng peng peng!

Continuous explosions echoed, and all the Crown Prince Princesses showed their divine ability, and the instant breakthrough broke all the constraints!

An azure robe Crown Prince opened his mouth and spit out a dozen hurricanes, crushing two figures at once!

A dozen or so silhouettes were beaten by the Crown Princes at once. Five or six were left. Ji Shaochuan, who was buried in the shadow of the magic dragon, suddenly said.

"These are spiritual avatars, none of them are the main body!"

The faces of all the Crown Princes changed again!

Spirit Avatar? Even they couldn't immediately see through the spirit strength Avatar, this realm is at least above the middle stage of the Spiritual Entrance into the Holy Realm!

Ji Shaochuan tone barely fell, an afterimage appeared in the center of the plane without warning, only about ten miles away from the Purple Dragon Ball!

Lin Chen’s Avatar and Rune of Slowness condensed with spirit strength are both a vain shot. When the body is mixed into the spirit Avatar and rushes out, it has been quietly hidden. The real back hand is his heaven. Hidden rune'!

Tianyin rune can eliminate the attacking aura of the hidden host and the sense of presence of the host!

Everyone was surprised, what technique is this? They didn't even notice anyone approaching!

The beautiful eyes of Yang Anran of the Dark Dragon squinted, and the moment she found Lin Chen, her lovable body tilted, and her slender shadow was like an arrow from the string, she smashed a dark light and shuttled straight towards Lin Chen. !

"So fast!"

Lin Chen and even everyone in the room had similar thoughts!

Lin Chen has just stepped into the ten-mile range of the Purple Dragon Ball, and gravity has skyrocketed. Even with the sharing of the body and the Avatar, Sacred Dragon's power has been suppressed by more than four-fifths!

The main body of Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon is muddy. The gravity here is already the limit that the main body and the Avatar can withstand!

The fragrant wind swept across, and a black light afterimage whirled in the air, falling from the top of Lin Chen's head!

Lin Chen threw away another Rune of Slowness!


Rune of Slowness is blown up!

"The rune energy of 4000 points can't even delay for a moment?" Lin Chen heart startled!

Yang Anran's strength is beyond the bottom!

Lin Chen was forced to turn around to face the battle, running the "Wanzai azure light" body, crossed his hands and crossed, and with a bang, he took the powerful blow of this stunning beauty!

Lin Chen insisted and said with a smile: "This beauty, you are so enthusiastic and I am sorry, should I go to bed another day to fight?"

Yang Anran coldly The arrogant eyebrows picked out a fascinating murderous intention-"Isn't it better to fight now?"

The strength gradually sinks, and Lin Chen's pressure doubles, gritting his teeth said with a smile: "Would you like to change the day?"


Yang Anran twisted his waist, swept his jade legs like a whip, and flew Lin Chen with one blow!

In this area of ​​11 million times the gravity, she still moves faster than Lin Chen!

Lin Chen was kicked by this beautiful Princess and vomited blood. He was kicked for nearly a kilometer and fell directly into the field of gravity more than 12 million times!

"pu chi ~!"

Lin Chen's body and Sacred Dragon in the Qingxue planting capsule almost vomit blood at the same time, impossible to move even a little bit!

"Damn it, it’s only 10 million times the gravity, it’s so cheating, my day!"

Lin Chen controlled the dragon body to get up, but found that he was connected You can't move a finger, you can't even get up from the ground!

Yang Anran frowned her eyebrows lightly, did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, the field where Lin Chen fell, the gravity was so strong that she did not dare to approach rashly!

The pace flashed, and Yang An then retreated.

Lin Chen discovered that the flesh and blood in Sacred Dragon's body began to collapse, and the weight of more than 12 million times had reached the limit of endurance!

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