"You should know the value of the dragon offering value in your heart. After clearing the level, the dragon offering value will be recorded in the card. You can go to the Immemorial Dragon Hall to redeem yourself after the dragon club ends. The treasure you want."

Everyone quickly jotted down the rules.

Dragon contribution value is a reward mechanism established in Dragon Clan. Only those who make a great contribution to Dragon Clan or complete some very meaningful and difficult tasks can get rewards. Every 1 point Long Xian value is extremely precious!

Can you get 100 dragon points for killing an enemy? I'm afraid it's not that simple!

Lin Chen thought that if this rule is used, his team must collect 1100 dragon points, otherwise someone will be eliminated to advance to the next level.

If the Azure Dragon Clan team only collects 100 dragon points, only one person can advance to the third test!

"In this assessment, the number of people is not the advantage. Unless the team like the Immemorial Dragon clan has the background, otherwise the number of people who need to pass the dragon contribution value will be more."

Lin Chen looked all around, some of the Ancient Dragon Clan teams had shown signs of faint uneasiness.

Yes, according to the difficulty of the first test, the second test is definitely not that simple!

You must know that the awards obtained in the final assessment in the past are the honor of the honor of Dragon Clan. This second test has come out, which shows how difficult it is!

"In this assessment, although teams of contestants are allowed to fight against each other, if contestants who are the same contestants kill each other, 50 dragon points will be deducted for killing a dragon. If the team is in In the event of a negative dragon contribution value, the obtained dragon contribution value will be given priority to deduct the negative number."

The rules allow fighting, but the killing is also a candidate, and the dragon contribution value needs to be deducted!

Many eyes fell on Lin Chen!

This guy has Purple Dragon Ball, or Ancient Dragon Clan! Killing Yingbangbang is the safest one!

In the face of many gazes, Lin Chen shrugged——"Why are you staring at this king one by one, don’t make me wear a green hat for you. Is it a sin to be handsome? If so, wouldn’t this king be sinful?"

Individual Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen is so angry that they gnash the teeth!

"The above are the rules for this time. You can enter the venue and rest. It will officially start in five days. Old woman I look forward to your performance."

The old woman in gray has a profound meaning. Laughed looks very strange, especially her last gaze fell on the new king of Azure Dragon.

After the rules were announced, many Dragon Clan teams immediately began to talk about friendship, trying to join forces.

Qing Great Elder Long followed Lin Chen and suggested-"New King, should we go find someone to unite?"

Lin Chen said nothing, Mu Tianqing shook his head—"Great Elder, impossible. We have become the target of all people. Whoever unites with us is against the Immemorial Dragon clan. Even if it is really united, it is just a plot to mislead that's all."

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "The king and Princess have seen the same thing. Let's go and go back to the lounge first. I still have a second hand!"

Everyone looked forward to Lin Chen's head and left the venue first.

Staring at the back of Lin Chen leaving, several Dragon Clan on the high platform sighed: "It's a pity, the only drawback of this child is that the bloodline is too low, otherwise the old man must focus on training He!"

The corners of the white clothed youth's mouth rose up, wicked and evil--"I think if he can pass the second test and reach the third test, he might get a little bit of dignity in the ancestor's Totem. There may be chance."

A white eyebrows old man with divine poise and sagelike features shook his head--"Dust evil, the more you talk about it, the more ridiculous. This little fellow has multiple bloodlines as an advantage. It is also the most deadly disadvantage. Multiple bloodlines coexist together. Once the bloodline grade is improved, the probability of coexistence decreases. In the past, the shocking and stunning double bloodlines in Dragon Clan mostly died here, maybe this child Will repeat the same mistakes and die for the third test."

The white clothed youth picks out a strange arc——"I think this little fellow is not that simple to die..."

He looked towards old woman: "Mr. Mo, how many criminals did you put on the plane of the giant whale?"

Mr. Mo grinned with a mouthful of yellow teeth and smirked: "I don't remember the number anymore, there are two A criminal on the plane of the Dragon Prison, the old woman also promised them that anyone who can kill the three candidates will be pardoned and leave the Dragon Prison."

"hiss~! "

Several Da Neng gasped slightly, this old woman is really a fierce name back then!

white clothed youth tsk tsk exclaimed--"Mrs. Mo really wins my heart! Ruthless enough, I like it!"

"Aren't you messing up like this!"

An eagle-eyed old man blew his beard and stared, and said with anxious eyes: "If you do this, maybe more than half of the candidates present will die. For my Dragon Clan, this is also a big deal. Loss."

Of the criminals detained in the Dragon Prison, which is not surprising and heinous?

Some of these criminals steal the secrets of various races, endanger the profound and long-lasting Dragon Clan, or abduct the Dragon Clan genius, assassinate Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen, or sell the baby eggs of the Immemorial Orcs, or Secrets sneaked into the forbidden areas of all races to steal secrets, it can be described as everything!

Each of their existence is a super powerhouse in each domain, and the lowest cultivation base can be comparable to the 4th layer of the Holy Land!

Even if he was sent to the Dragon Prison, the cultivation base was imprisoned, or most of the Dragon Vein was abolished. But the giant dragon is still the giant dragon, and the giant dragon that loses its minions will still not lose its ferocity!

For such a terrifying group of terrifying creatures, what would it mean if they were given forgiveness and a chance to leave the Dragon Prison?

This second test will be the most difficult level in the history of Wanlong Club!

Mo Granny's eagle eyed old man glanced, and said indifferently.

"This is the meaning of the above, your Joe old man is on fire, send it to the dragon king, send it to the dragon king, stare at me at the old woman."

Of course. , She would not say that this assessment proposal was made by her.

"Uh...upper?" The eagle-eyed old man was stunned.

The eyes of the gray-clothed old woman transmitted rays of light, with a heavy tone—"Human Race geniuses are growing rapidly, not to mention the extraordinary and peerless list of sages, even the evildoers of the enchanting list As so many epochs have passed, it has become stronger."

"On the other hand, in my clan, under the Ancient Dragon clan, there are fewer and fewer geniuses. The strongest genius below the Ancient Dragon clan is well cultivated, and those who can pass this Ten Thousand Dragons Meeting will surely be an amazing talent. Even in the vast and long history of our clan, Jiguang Kataba can be left behind!"


The Wanlong venue and rest area.

A secret room; Lin Chen entire group gathered.

"Whh...what, what do you mean, Xinwang, can we also transform our bloodline to bring it up a level?"

Great Elder and Second Elder were full of consternation , Other Elders are even more surprised and happy!

"Well, the assessment of the second test is much more difficult than before. Although I can't raise your cultivation base by a large margin, it's okay to help you improve your bloodline level again!"

Lin Chen took off the Silver Dragon mask, squinted his eyes, and selected everyone in Azure Dragon Clan!

"system, continue to strengthen the bloodline level of all targets until +15!"


When the Great Wilderness Dragon Meeting is held in full swing , Human Race Holy Realm, within thirty-six domains, there was a news of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

Suddenly more than one hundred places were vacated on the evildoer list, and more than one hundred evildoers disappeared bizarrely! !

It’s about these quotas. There is no news. No one knows what happened to the more than two hundred enchanting evildoers on the evildoer list. They are dead or alive, and they did not reveal any news!

For this reason, the "Ten Years of Holy War", which is an alternative to the enchanting list, will modify the rules and release 30 places in the enchanting list!

Participating in this alternative conference is no longer a simple'candidate'. Through the alternatives, it is possible to directly become one of the 10,000 evil evildoers on the evildoer list!

This ten-year Holy War is not only a new melee for candidate geniuses, but also the previous'monster list candidate genius'.

Even, you can also get the right to challenge the evildoers on the spot! The exciting level of this ten-year Holy War will be far greater than any previous one!

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