In the Bandung venue, thousands of light screens were listed again, clearly projecting the situation of each team.

"It's such a vague scene, in such a weird environment, even an old man can't see through it"

The plane of the giant whale is vast.

Somewhere near the abyss, Wanhuo Crown Prince took his nine Dragon Servant and five Elder to launch a siege operation.

After a while, the team of Wan Fire Dragon clan bathed in blood and flew out from the abyss, with cold eyes and killing.

"Be careful, these guys are very strong. Even though some of the Dragon Veins have been abolished, they are still experts in this field."

Manhuo Crown Prince has a solemn tone— — "Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince personally shot, plus the entire team, actually let the two criminals escape... It is worthy of the eighth rank Sacred Beast. However, fortunately, I asked for a little information, didn't expect those two criminals. A powerful person actually rewarded them by killing the candidates. This assessment is extremely dangerous!"

"This is a game of hunting and anti-hunting. In 30 days, we will do our best. May kill the enemy! Let’s go, and look for Lin Chen from Azure Dragon Clan first. This Crown Prince has a foreboding, the Purple Dragon Ball he has on hand is of great use!"

An Elder hesitantly said: "Crown Prince , The fog here is too heavy to be dispelled. Perception is limited to dozens of times the usual. Even our strength can only perceive a range of about ten miles. If we act rashly, it would be extremely dangerous..."

Wanhuo Crown Prince raised an angry eyebrow, and Elder immediately kept quiet out of fear and did not dare to say more.

"Remember, your duty is to help this Crown Prince enter the third test. When necessary, even your life must be given away. This is your glory!"

It was not a quarter of an hour before the candidates descended on the plane of the giant whale, and fighting broke out in multiple locations.

However, many candidates are still unknown.


Lin Chen masters the Purple Dragon Ball, and when he uses the Dragon Vein breath to stimulate the blood system alien crystals, numerous densely packed light spots flash in the dragon ball, and the dragon ball seems to be supported. Open a space, this space, only Lin Chen can see.

Some of these light spots are green, some are blue, and a few are gray.

The spot of Azure Dragon Clan entire group is blue, and each blue spot represents a candidate.

And Lin Chen himself is purple! The only purple!

Some green light spots began to approach the blue light spots. Lin Chen was very sure that these green light spots were the dragon prison criminals lurking on the plane of the giant whale!

"The special reward of this Purple Dragon Ball is to allow the holder to see through the entire plane of the giant whale! It is almost equivalent to everyone in the dark, including those dragon prison criminals, only the holder In the bright place! You can watch the whole plane!"

Lin Chen's heart is shaken. No wonder this reward has to be placed at 15 million times gravity. It's okay if you can't get it. Those who get this special reward will control the second test. The situation!

"The only thing I’m not sure about is what these gray light spots are. They seem to be living creatures, and some of them are still moving at high speed..."

Suddenly, Lin Chen saw Several teams approached in their direction.

"If you have a good show, let's hide it first!"

Lin Chen, without saying anything, bring the puzzled Azure Dragon Clan and everyone hides into a mountain within the valley .

After a while, everyone in Azure Dragon Clan vaguely saw a sea of ​​mist and clouds surging, an imposing manner mighty team flying from the distant void.

If the terrain is not open, the distance of this battallion team would be invisible at all, and perception would imperceptible its location.

These dozens of people are actually five Ancient Dragon Clan teams from the previous sneak attack Azure Dragon Clan!

"This..." Mu Tianqing stared at Lin Chen in surprise.

This team's approach to her and Great Elder can't be felt at all, and so is the other party. How does the new king know their location?

"New King, shall we do them!"

Great Elder made a gesture of wiping his neck!

Here, the time and place are favorable and beneficial to them. It is better than the opponent being a large team of dozens of people. Launching a sneak attack without perceiving them can at least severely damage this large team!

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don’t worry, the show is yet to come."

Lin Chen asked everyone in Azure Dragon Clan to converge again and again, just like the one in the forest. A willow, a stone.

If you are in the outside world and the distance between the two parties is only several dozen li, you can detect it with one thought. Right now on the plane of the giant whale is equivalent to a black eye. The fog hinders everyone's perception, but on the contrary, one can see farther as far as the eye can see.

In the team, a red-haired Elder cautiously said: "This place is too weird, let's not first..."


A condensed ash-gray murderous intention, like a giant palm, patted directly above the entire team!

"There is a sneak attack!"

The whole team also not to be trifled with, and quickly erupted with a colorful dragon breath, hitting the gray giant palm head-on, exploding the sky. murderous intention!

Swipe~! Brush~! shua!

The burst of light scattered like a blade sharply, and the three dragons patriarch Old Zhang spit out blue waves of dragon breath, covering everyone to resist the attack!

Tear and pull~! Suddenly, the blue wave exploded, ghost-like afterimages flashed past, many Dragon Clan powerhouses had not yet reacted, a few cold glow flashed, countless dragon blood thrown into the sky!

The Ancient Dragon Clan of the five teams were all injured, blood was flowing, and the dragon body was torn apart!

"What a weird attack!"

"Is an expert who is good at concealment, be careful, heal soon!"

The Elders in the team were immediately angry when they reacted. Drink, however, a nether shadow appeared above everyone's head!

"ga ga, Dragon Clan's blood, I like it!"

The handprints of the people of nether shadow suddenly changed, and the Dragon Clan team was torn to defense, wounding the Elders immediately. Tossing, dragon blood spewed out uncontrollably!

Dragon blood turned into a pillar of blood and was sucked into the mouth by that person. The pure Qi and Blood Energy continued to nourish the wounded body, gradually recovering his strength!

Some cultivation base powerful Elder suppressed this weird suction, and barely kept their dragon blood from being drained, but their strength was greatly limited.

Some of the cultivation bases are poor. Elder showed signs of look pale in a blink of an eye!

At this time, a pair of gray and white wings spread out across the sky, feathers like golden soup and solid iron, it is an eighth rank Yin Demon sword and eagle!

The sword and eagle's wings flared in rage, and they whizzed out hundreds of snow-like gray and white sharp edges, slashing swiftly!

Boom! boom! boom!

Many dragons, patriarch, were always repelled, and this sneak attack was caught off guard by the opponent!

Three silhouettes appear, one is Yin Demon sword and eagle, one is a dry old man with surging blood energy, one has hollow eyes, his eyes are dug out, but his body is murderous aura!

Every one is a super powerhouse. They are comparable to the powerhouse of the 4th layer of the Holy Land at the peak period. They are the criminals of the Dragon Prison!

They even joined forces! If it weren't for their animal veins and cultivation base to be abolished more than half, the heyday of these three people could kill all five teams!

"Damn it, fight with them!"

Ancient Dragon Clan is not a weak person either. Trying to fight back, the battle will start!

This scene was witnessed by some powerhouses in the Wanlong venue. After the battle was triggered, a lot of powerhouse horrible to see were seen. The methods of these dragon prison criminals are really cruel! It is very ruthless to the extreme.

Suddenly, the corners of the powerhouse in the venue twitched slightly!

They found that the scene of Azure Dragon Clan was in line with the former battle, and this British state actually took people to stay by?

When they saw them moving quietly, everyone's heart trembled a few times!

Mother, this guy is about to start messing up again!


Lin Chen: "Sneak into the village, don’t shoot."

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