The old woman in gray on the high platform stared at Lin Chen's light screen, her eyes glowing with refined rays of light, as if she wanted to see through everything about him!

"Even the old woman didn't see his move trajectory, how many secrets does this child have?"


【Get 8900 intermediate points Heavenly Dao value, 200 million points of high level qi and blood, 10,000 points of advanced talisman literary energy, 1,000 points of intermediate innate talent points, 200 million points of Battle Qi Essence, 1200 points of dark energy...]

[ The host opens a five-light Supreme treasure chest and obtains: 100,000 points of the essence of the suit. 】

Kill the three dragon prison criminals, Lin Chen’s attribute value is advanced by leaps and bounds!

"a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, this sentence is true! No matter how badly it is injured, the eighth rank intermediate Sacred Beast that was once comparable to the 4th layer of the Holy Land, can even fall out of Supreme Treasure chest, kill a few more, my Sacred Dragon breakthrough 7 billion dragon power is only a matter of time!"

Put away the three eighth rank intermediate holy beast cores, Lin Chen is excited in his heart, and the attribute is worth his attention. Only the'high level qi and blood' attribute is continuously transferred to the body of the Sacred Dragon, helping its Dragon Vein to open wildly!

"Xinwang, should we find a place to hide for 29 days this time? The three criminals have already received 300 Dragon Points, which can allow you and Miss Tianqing to enter the third test, we It doesn't matter if these Old Guys are eliminated. As long as someone advances, the honor of Dragon Clan has been achieved."

The more conservative Third Elder suggested, although his strength is soaring, his heart is not swollen.

With their strength, one-on-one encounters with any Ancient Dragon Clan can be easily handled, and they can also fight against the Far Ancient Dragon Clan!

But if you encounter the Immemorial Dragon clan, the situation is not so good!

There are too many powerhouses in the Immemorial Dragon clan. They don't always have the chance to pick up both sides suffer this time. If they are not careful, the whole army may be destroyed!

In addition to the too terrifying level of the dragon prison criminals, Azure Dragon Clan and Elder have all recognized the abnormality of the difficulty of the second test! Most Elders just want to get the honor Dragon Clan, and let Mu Tianqing enter the third test alone.

Lin Chen laughed frantically-"Counsel Lanzi, this king has a handsome friend who once said, Counsel, not qualified to be a powerhouse!"

Lin Chen Domineering wave!

"all elders, now it is one of the grand ceremonies of the Ten Thousand Dragons Club and the Ancient Dragon clan. We, Azure Dragon Clan, have broken through. Everyone, how many times have your dragons stood here? Under the big stage? Don’t leave the green hills, there must be firewood, no matter how beautiful the green hills and clear water, someone must guard it! If you are willing to cut it all, dare to pull the emperor off the horse!"

Azure Dragon Clan, all Elders suddenly froze!

Yes! This is the Ten Thousand Dragons Club, one of Dragon Clan’s 10,000-year ceremonies!

The once-declined Azure Dragon Clan, like a child shivering in a corner, faces the ridicule and humiliation of all races from the outside world, pressing his lips and gritting his teeth again and again, and enduring humiliation.

Where did they ever think of standing on this stage to make the wind and the wind, come out first!

If you don’t fight now, when will you wait! !

Even if you die, you will die at the Wanlonghui! Die at the door leading to the honor of Dragon Clan, and die without regrets!

"I would like to follow the new king and fight to the end for the glory of Azure Dragon Clan!"

Azure Dragon Clan Elder screamed, the hesitation and hesitation in their eyes disappeared, some only Terrible fighting spirit like raging fire!

Lin Chen glanced at everyone with satisfaction.

He didn't tell all the elders of the effect of Purple Dragon Ball, Lin Chen was testing them.

He is not Dragon Clan, he will leave this race sooner or later. Those who have power and no bloody pride will eventually acknowledge allegiance to other races.

He wants to try, this Azure Dragon clan is the last fire, is there any courage to let him help!

Mu Tianqing's cold and moving cheeks rarely show admiration.

The rise of the new king is bound to be unstoppable!

Lin Chen waved his hand freely and suddenly coldly shouted!

"Azure Dragon Clan Elder, follow me, as long as you can survive, this king guarantees that all of you can enter the third test, and everyone can get the baptism of Divine Dragon Totem!"



On this day, the plane of the giant whale began to set off a legend that the dragon became terror-stricken at the news!

There is a Dragon Clan team that appears and disappear unpredictably, galloping on the plane of the giant whale!

They either do not appear, or they enter the battle desperately as soon as they appear! Ancient Dragon clan became terror-stricken at the news, courage entirely to break!

Any area where they have appeared, the Dragon Prison criminals have no chance to escape. They are desperate and arrogant, and even spread to the Immemorial Dragon clan team!

Some Immemorial Dragon clan even couldn't help but actively search for this team, but they didn't get anything!

The mist on the plane of the giant whale is too strong, and even with the Immemorial Dragon clan's methods, it is impossible to search a large area at the same time.

Finally, after nearly ten days of fierce battle, many Dragon Clan also encountered each other, this Dragon Clan team, unveiled the mysterious veil.

This team is like the Azure Dragon Clan that has become the target of public criticism before!

What makes the teams far away from the Ancient Dragon clan feel even more fearful is the new king of Azure Dragon Clan, the brutal British nation!

As long as he appears, he must be a sneak attack behind him. At the same time, he is so sinister and strong that his scalp is numb. The criminals in Dragon Prison have no chance to escape defense!

This new Azure Dragon king is even more so called by all teams: Chrysanthemum Terminator Gilyingbang!

For Lin Chen, the attack from behind can trigger the sneak attack effect of the innate talent of the'strider', and the attack power is tripled!

With the effect of Purple Dragon Ball and'Tian Yin rune', Lin Chen and Azure Dragon Clan are simply taking advantage of the time and place! If you bless the "Instant Light and Split Shadow", a perfect sneak attack can make Lin Chen hit 15 times the formidable power of a full attack!

For example, Lin Chen is like a sharp and sharp young man with a knife who can perceive the audience, and all Dragon Clan teams are like strong masked fierce men!

No matter how strong the fierce man is, when he can’t see clearly, isn’t he a dish of meat?

In the Wanlong venue, those Dragon Clan teams that were eliminated in the first test can't help but feel terrified and have lingering fears!

Before, they looked down on Azure Dragon Clan and thought they were the weakest in terms of overall strength?

Now it seems that it is not a new king of Azure Dragon, and Azure Dragon Clan is not weaker than any ancient Dragon team!

If you count this perverted British state, even Peak’s Far Ancient Dragon team may not be their opponent!

If the first test provokes this guy, they will be the end of the second Red Dragon Clan!


As well as many prisoners of dragon prison lurking in the plane of the giant whale, after hearing this name, the criminals of wily old fox also felt their scalp numb!

Some criminals in the Dragon Prison have even begun to form large-scale teams and coalitions. Don't dare to act rashly!

The situation has changed since the twentieth day!

The dragon prison criminals have formed several joint forces, which are solid, with the momentum of sweeping, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to sweep the whale plane. Once some Dragon Clan teams encounter, the whole army will be bound. Annihilated!

If this goes on, let alone passing the assessment, some Dragon Clan teams that are not in Peak strength will even have a problem with life-saving!

In the Wanlong venue, all Dragon Clan could see this weird situation, their mouths twitched, and their brows trembled!

"This British state... actually scared those criminals!"

"It's too cruel, just hit all the criminals in a joint team action!"

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