Behind the mysterious black robed youth, a silhouette stepped out slowly,

"Finally, I got a not bad body."

The person who came, looks like a young man, calm and composed, and his expression reveals the vicissitudes of the past, but when he thinks of the person who has disturbed the overall situation, the baleful aura between the eyebrows suddenly exploded!

Boom~! The young man was startled by the boundless demon prison, surrounded by eight-armed barbarians and nine-headed heavenly demon. The demonic energy on the left was monstrous, and the holy light on the right was endless. The ten thousand zhang radiance shone the rays of light around him.

Human Demon actually coexists with the two methods?

"Lin Chen, this little bastard has ruined this king's plan. If he doesn't blood sacrifice this child, this king can hardly swallow this breath!"

The young man’s face is twisted and ferocious, like a crazy angry beast .

black robed youth said indifferently: "Alternatives, he will definitely participate. We can intercept him there, anyway, for you, the body is enough now, isn't it."


Hearing this, the young man's anger subsided a bit, and he licked the corner of his mouth, strangely and violently.

"Hehe, I don’t know the current list of enchanting evildoers can be compared to when the king participated."


A certain palace, The young man held the middle-aged man for the last breath in one hand.

His pair of golden pupils are surging with three thousand sharp points, as if they can penetrate the void at a glance, the sword qi is vertical and horizontal!

The youth asked indifferently.

"Where's the person?"

The man struggled and said: "I...I don't know, but...if he's okay, he should participate in the evil spirits of the Blue Territory Tower Ranking alternatives."

The middle-aged man tried to get out of the palm of the youth, and the Holy Splendor was shining all over the holy cave, only to find that he had even pinched the entire space in his palm, and his strength was so powerful that he sent cold. shivers down one's spine!

"What is his strength? Acupoint expansion? But how can there be such a perverted acupoint expansion in the world today!"

The middle-aged man trembled with fear, he At any rate, it is also the 4th layer of the Holy Land in full bloom with 37 pieces, the cultivation base of the late expansion stage! Was actually suppressed by this young man!

"Oh? You seem to be a bit dishonest."


The young man twisted his palm and squeezed the man's neck with a cold expression.

"Lin Chen...the Chishen Seven Ling is not something that mortals like you can hold!"

"The enchanting list alternative meeting? What kind of rubbish meeting, I'm Lin Xingchen a sword Turn it off!"


The youth turned into a sword light, sweeping thousands of miles and thousands of miles away!

This young man is impressively Lin Xingchen who infiltrated the mountain range of the funerary saint himself! !

The enchanting list candidates will gather together!

The Great Wasteland.

A thin black robed sillhouette appeared quietly, and when I lowered my head to look at the magic mark on the palm, it flashed again and disappeared quietly.

On the other side; Wanlong venue.

"In the last round of the representative match, Azure Dragon Clan vs. Dark Sky Dragon Clan. Gilying State vs. Yang Anran!"

"Please, both sides enter the battle plane, the winner, Will become the King of Wanlong in this Wanlong Conference! Have the qualification to enter the Seventh Layer of Wanlong Hall, and all clansman of the race will get Immemorial Dragon baptism once every 100 years!"

When the old woman announced, Wanlong was boiling!

The Wanlonghui, the final battle!

The King of Ten Thousand Dragons can benefit the entire race. In each session of the King of Ten Thousand Dragons, most of them are taken over by the Immemorial Dragon clan. Only three million years ago, the Ancient Dragon clan had a shocking experience. Genius, won the King of Ten Thousand Dragons. Since then, the honor of the King of Ten Thousand Dragons has never belonged to Dragon Clan other than the Immemorial Dragon clan!

Not to mention Ancient Dragon Clan! If Azure Dragon Clan can accomplish this unprecedented feat, it will become the brightest clan in Dragon Clan history!

Lin Chen, Yang Anran enters the battle plane!

Yang Anran still wears a capable short skirt today, black clothed like the night, like a rose under the night sky, and there is a deadly and obscure murderous intention hidden in the beauty.

She smiled slightly, her smile is breathtakingly beautiful!

"Bingbang, this time you..."

Boom~! Lin Chen blasted out with a palm, Dragon Vein drained, and the water was shining!

Heaven and Earth is overturned, the universe changes! The huge Heavenly Prison fell from the sky and swept the entire battle plane!

All the powerhouses in the Wanlong venue were stunned!

This kid didn't play the card according to the routine!

Is it super Ordinary Level divine ability?

But it's much more than that!

bang! bang! bang!

The air waves are rolling, the power is shaking the sky and the earth, ten gray and white talisman hundred zhang are big, exploded out of thin air, burst out the invincibility that seals all things imposing manner, seal men seal the ghost, seal the devil town dragon!

[Expend 50,000 rune energy to activate Level 7 Rune of Slowness. 】

The whole body of Lin Chen is burning with'golden flames'. This is a sign that burning gold coins will quickly replenish the Dragon Vein!

"The beauty of Dragon Clan in the dark sky, I'm very good at pinching things. If I can't bear it, I remember to surrender."

When Lin Chen laughed, his hands were fiercely angry. Grip, the huge Heavenly Prison quickly tightened and compressed, constantly squeezing Yang Anran's lovable body, and her hot body was constantly highlighted, as if the weight of infinite planes was instantly suppressed on her!

The horrible pressure of Rune of Slowness made Yang Anran unable to move even a little bit. Lin Chen's Rune of Slowness is unprecedentedly high!

ka! ka! ka!

The space crystal walls of the plane began to crack, although this time through the powerful reinforcement of Dragon Clan, it still cannot stop the fighting trend!

Always keeping arrogant, Yang Anran, who is arrogant and disdainful, has finally changed his expression!

The formidable power of Perfect level divine ability is probably equivalent to Lin Chen's after the increase of "Mirror Moon God" or "Sword Fury Qingtian", Peak Perfect level, or comparable to "Tears of God" and "True Dragon Flurry.

While exceeding Ordinary Level, it is directly following the Human Race orange-level intermediate cultivation technique. After Lin Chen's enhancement, it may have orange-level intermediate formidable power!

This Heavenly Prison can be offensive, defensive, and expendable. For Lin Chen, it is a real heavenly attack!

Boom! boom! boom!

Heavenly Prison kept cracking and exploding, one after another dark dragon Qi shattered the void, and the Heavenly Prison was not destroyed, but was hit hard.

"I can't stop her like this, this woman is a bit tricky..."

Lin Chen accelerates the speed of absorbing the gold sacred yuan coins, Dragon Vein quickly replenishes, and waits.

The sneak attack just now, combined with Rune of Slowness, had to be squeezed by him in the middle of the 4th layer of the Ordinary Sacred Realm. Can Yang Anran break a corner?

hong long long ~~!

ten thousand zhang Dragon Qi pushes three thousand miles horizontally, like a torrent of torrents pushing away a corner of the Heavenly Prison, and breaking out of the Heavenly Prison!

Yang Anran darkly added Dragon Qi, her red lips were bleeding, and the blue silk was scattered. She looked charming and bitter. She smiled evilly: "You really didn't disappoint me, Yingbangbang, don't stop hahahaha!"

Yang Anran repeatedly stepped on the void and stepped on the dark dragon phantom, jumping like a star pill, and only a few people in the Wanlong venue could see it clearly!

His show arm transforms the scales of the dark dragon, and hits Lin Chen's top of the head!

"Wanzai azure light!"

Lin Chen spurred the dynamite bloodline, his azure light skyrocketed, defended with all his strength and swept the dragon tail at the same time, took out the azure dragon sword to blast and slash. Ever!

Five dragons slashed and slashed, and the claws of the dark dragon were torn and crushed!


One blow crushed Lin Chen's azure dragon sword, and the Dragon Qi penetrated the blue sword light, bombarding it to the top of the'wanza azure light', smashing Lin Chen's Perfect level divine ability defense alive!

"pu chi ~!"

Lin Chen's mouth hemorrhage violently, many Dragon Clan complexion slightly changed!

"Yang Anran actually broke through to 20 billion dragon power?"

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