On the top of the mountain, the horrified geniuses looked towards Long Yijing, Xiao Jing, and Mo Qingxu!

Shen Lao heard that he browses tightly frowns.

Lin Chen disagreed, and the corners of his mouth raised.

Shen Lao stepped into the air and walked to the three of them.

At this time, Mo Qingxu's shoulders were cracked, and a horrible to see wound was opened on his chest, the size of his bowl.

Long Yijing didn't have a good skin from top to bottom, her flesh and blood were blurry, her facial features were distorted, and her limbs were bleeding. Xiao Jing was tragic, her right arm twisted into a bent bamboo pole, her left leg drenched with blood, her chest and back were torn skin and gaping flesh, and her bones were white!

Saint Physique is not a mortal body such as Battle Sovereign. It is not trivial to cure a Saint.

At this time, the seven Saints of the Treatment Department deployed the Saint Pill and core method, but the three of them were not cured!

In this scene, even the great abilities of Grade 6 sect and Grade 7 giants are stunned!

What shocked everyone even more was that it was not that the expansion point of the Healing Department was useless, but instead healed and made up for the vitality of the three of them. The weird thing is that their wounds did not recover completely!

The vitality and life force of Saint Physique are made up for, but the wounds of the three of them show no signs of healing at all!

The wound is like a dissatisfied hole, no amount of energy can be filled! But they can't stop, once they stop, all the life force of the three may pass from the wound until they die!

Physical pain is one thing, the mental trauma of the three is more serious, like a fire violently'burning' their spirit Divine Consciousness Sea, constantly torturing they!

Shen Lao personally probed his hands to get the pulse of the three of them, and felt the situation of the three with one thought, and he couldn't help but be shocked!

"The wounds of the three people seem to have destroyed their self-healing ability, cutting off the possibility of healing from the root..."

Shen Lao's words aroused a thousand layers of waves. .

"This is too terrifying..."

"Is this poison? No, there is no such poison in the world. If it is poisoned, seven Old Seniors can tell at a glance ......"

Hundreds of evildoers have scalp tingling!

They have never seen such a terrible handwriting!

"It's the ghost of Lin Chen!"

The evildoers and geniuses of all walks of life looked towards Lin Chen with horror, Lin Dashuai forced a look of carelessness, and the corners of his mouth The upward appearance makes them even more chilly!

How many hands did this guy hide!

"My little friend, what exactly did you...you use. Now that the outcome is divided, why not spare them?"

The charming lady couldn’t bear it, Try to discuss with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen is slightly smiled, peaceful but full of dominance!

"I am a person who has revenge and gratitude. I said that this battle will make them unforgettable. In my eyes, All living things are equal. Not because they are on the list of evildoers. And shaken, they didn’t die just because Mr. Shen shot that's all."

Lin Chen walked to the three of them, casually——"If it was an ordinary fight, they would be dead now."

Everyone moved!

This kind of courage and spirit is really indifferent to life and death, not afraid of Heaven and Earth...

Shen Lao frowned, according to the rules, Lin Chen did not violate the rules, but who Also didn't expect, his methods were so terrifying!

"Ahhh! Kill me, Lin Chen, kill me if there is a species, death ends all one's troubles!"

Long Yijing roared hysterically.

Lin Chen smiled and said-"You can end up with a situation like this for about another month, provided that it can survive it."

This situation has to be over."

For another month? My God, isn't it better to die than life!

The desolation of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, and the fear of Lin Chen, can be described as extreme!

This teenager seems to be harmless to humans and animals, he is more cruel than anyone else!

These enchanting genius, for the first time gave birth to awe of a peer!

In the past, they relied on their status as the enchanting list and went wild. People in the world who dare to move their lives rarely act arrogantly, but Lin Chen is different!

He is a lively lunatic! They had no doubt that if Old Shen didn't make a move at that time, the three of them would definitely die! even more how, he still has the means to make life worse than death!

The injuries of Three Great Monsters cannot be cured, it is the effect of the Orange Innate talent'Extinction Ripples'! Mo Qingxu's situation is slightly better, the cultivation base is high, half a month may be over, and the other two are miserable, starting on the 30th.

For these 30 days, they must always receive high-intensity healing and recovery. Once they stop, there is a risk of death!

Even if the body survives these 30 days, whether the mind and mental ability can be preserved intact is another matter.

Spare them? For Mo Qingxu, Lin Chen will think about it a little bit.

The other two, Lin Chen never thought about it!

The burial saint mountain range Lin Chen became a saint. When the defense was the weakest, Xiao Jing killed him with a sword. If the Little Demon Empress hadn't taken the shot, Lin Chen would have already died!

Long Yijing leads a sneak attack, from coveting his own secrets to wanting to kill himself. If given the opportunity, Lin Chen will cut weeds and eliminate the roots! These two people are mortal enemies!

"Take along to withdraw, inform the forces behind them, and before that, keep their lives."

Shen Lao swept his sleeves and looked towards Lin Chen again. At the time, not only was there no blame, but it was full of appreciation!

Be vigorous and decisive. For Lin Chen, he is very satisfied!

The seven Elders sighed and led the three into the East Island.

Immediately afterwards, the alternate rounds continued to be held, and the challenges of alternate and enchanting selection continued to be staged, but after Lin Chen's stunning battle, other battles seemed dull no matter how exciting they were.


At this time, the sky was falling, ten thousand zhang glazed rays of light swept across the sky, East, South, West, North four islands reflected glazed brilliance, covering the earth, like Divine Vestige coming!

ten thousand zhang Liuli holy light rose to the top of Lin Chen's head, and his name disappeared from the Gold List on the genius list in an instant!

The glazed glaze crystal jade list in the hands of the hidden old monsters flashes a strong rays of light, and the new name replaces Xiao Jing of the'Absolute God's Gate'!

The Guanghua in the list is quickly listed, intertwined into a new name.

The new evildoer genius is born!

"9815 on the enchanting list·Heavenly God descends from the world, Lin Chen."

Boom~! A glazed token, like the Great Divine Ability, came across time and space out of thin air to Lin Chen's hand. The ten thousand zhang glazed brilliance above the sky continued to list the message of the enchanting list!

"The enchanting list is issued by Ten Great Sects, all regulations are not restricted by the holy world, and the first-born enchanting reward: five inferior spirit plant seeds."

"The enchanting list Enjoy the privilege: You can enter the Secret Realm plane alone in the space below Grade 7 of the Holy Realm, and you can ignore the expensive gift of the secular holy kingdom. The evildoer token will get the annual offering according to the ranking of the evildoer at regular intervals. 9815 annual offerings: 8000 gold holy dollars Coins."

"You can enjoy the right to live and kill in the world; below Grade 6 sect, you have no right to intervene in the behavior of the evildoers. Enjoy the dominance of Grade 5, any event banquet held below Grade 6 sect, the evildoers list has The right to directly interfere. You can enjoy the Grade 6 lease right. In the 36 domains, where the Chamber of Commerce below Grade 6 can unconditionally rent the resources required by the geniuses of the evildoer list. You can enjoy..."

The body was shocked, completely shocked!

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