Lin Chen stood still Yao Wang in a daze.

Shen Old Senior patted his shoulder, "Don’t look, everyone is gone."

Lin Chen said: "...Shen Old Senior, I’m not watching, I’m just I'm thinking about why my handsomeness has caused me so much trouble. Is it really a sin to be too handsome?"

Shen Lao: "..."

【Host Obtain 700,000 points of spirit strength, 90,000 points of Water Element energy, 100,000 points of Fire Element Energy, 90 million points of enhancement, 230,000 Heavenly Dao points, 60,000 set essences...]

, Sacred Dragon collects the attribute light ball dropped by Fengtianxue for Lin Chen.

Seeing the horrible increase in attribute value, Lin Chen couldn't help sighing: "It's so cool to beat these evildoers, it's much faster than hunting beasts to steal the attribute! If there are more of them like this Just call me!"

Lin Chen uses the War God armbands, and can only control its skyrocketing power simply, and can't use the battle skill.

The reason is very simple. The rapid surge of pure power brought by the War God suit, Lin Chen cannot be used as subtle as the power controlled by his own fleshy shell, and can be attached to many Holy Force attacks.

Even, many innate talents cannot bless the attack of War God's arm armor, unless one day, Lin Chen can perfectly control the power of its skyrocketing increase.

"Look at you still in the mood for joking, presumably not as unbearable as the old man thinks, how about a little fellow, do you want to join our tower?"

Always divine poise and sagelike Shen Lao of features showed a rare smile like the old man, and looked at Lin Chen with a squinting smile.

"I will think about it again, Mr. Shen, I will need to retreat for a while. Do you have a good cultivation Secret Realm here."

Lin Chen straight to the point .

Shen Lao did not reluctantly, said with a smile: "Naturally, you only need to pay a certain commission. The golden luan, in the name of the old man, will issue the emerald order to him."


A blond old man next to him was moved!

The Emerald Order, second only to the Xuanzhen Order, can get a 40% discount on all cultivation Secret Realm and item purchases in the Realm Tower! There are no more than a hundred emerald orders issued by the entire world tower in the past, and the winners are all powerhouses who have great affection for the world tower!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shen appreciates Lin Chen so much.

Lin Chen took a jade-colored token passed by the blond Elder, and saw the envy and amazement of other Elder's reactions. Lin Chen intuitively felt the preciousness of this thing.

"Since Mr. Shen admires me so much, then I will also give you something to Senior."

Lin Chen smiled, flicks with the finger, and flicks with silver.

Shen Lao shook his head and laughed. He has followed Lin Chen’s news. This youngster has a variety of spirit plants. But with Lin Chen’s background, he doesn’t think this youngster can give him anything. Useful things.

But it’s good to have this heart.

When Mr. Shen raised his hand and grabbed it, he saw something Lin Chen had sent, his face suddenly changed!

Ten lychee-sized fruits fell in front of Shen Lao, wrapped in silver gauze-like brilliance, gorgeous and dreamy.

"You divine fruit?"

The Elders beside Shen Lao were shocked!

This thing is nourishing spirit strength, the supreme sacred item that improves spiritual perception! Really priceless, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it!

This child actually has a divine fruit tour. Could it be that he has a divine tree tour like a divine object?

Among the spirit plants of the lower grade spirit plant, the Divine Tree tour has the highest value. A tour of the Divine Tree can be comparable to hundreds of lower grade spirit plants and more!

Lin Chen has all the spirit plant on hand for Shen Lao's level. They are not handy or actually helpful to him. Only this tour divine fruit is considered to be the best. treasure.

Looking at the back of Lin Chen's refreshment and leaving, Shen Lao couldn't help sighing.

"It's really a generation of evildoers, even these sacred relics..."


Two days later, Lin Chen recuperated and recovered, and his state was completely new!

The Sixth Layer of the World Tower, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The major business groups here are entrenched. Powerhouse stand in great numbers. Among the stranded Saints, some of the powerhouses in the Fourth Layer, Third Layer, and Cream of the Crop are located in the Sixth Layer. Harmony transaction.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, when many forces brought their own geniuses and evildoers to choose treasures in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a special landscape attracted everyone.

Those who entered the temple, Lin Chen and Han Yizhi, Jian Qingcheng, and Scarlet Fairy walked together.

That one after another stunning scenery with different styles makes one can't help but stop.

Seeing Lin Chen surrounded by three'extremely beautiful' like stars entrusting the moon, no one feels wrong, because this young man has such strength!

Han Yizhi said curiously ——"Squad leader, did you also go to the Tianxuan tournament?"

Lin Chen nodded said with a smile: "I was not interested, I heard the tournament The prize of the championship, I have to try it once!"

Tian Xuan Tournament is the Pill Refining Convention that you previously recommended for Grade 7 sect and Grade 6 sect Elders for Lin Chen to attend!

This Pill Refining Convention is held by Danyu. The specifications are extremely high. There is no limit to the age of participation. There is only one chance to participate in a lifetime!

Some closed-door cultivation old monsters who have not known for thousands of years will also come out for this purpose. The minimum requirement for registration is also: Grade 3 Saint Level Alchemist!

More important is the champion prize of the Tianxuan Conference: a roll of orange pill concocting handprints, two middle grade crystals, a middle grade spirit plant seed, which can become the highest Elder Council in the Dan region. You can enter the Elder Council Myriad Treasures Secret Realm to select the Five Elements Grade 9 holy mine!

Each of these rewards can be shaken in Grade 6 sect!

Especially becoming the highest number of Elder Council, it has a fatal attraction for some pill concocting giants who are trapped in bottleneck!

Pill Scripture Elder Council, collects thousands of medicinal scriptures and thousands of alchemy books, each of which is the most precious practice and record of practicing Pill Scripture in the world. It is one of them, and it can even win Grade 5, Grade 6 Saint Level Alchemist!

Achieving Grade 7 Saint Level Alchemist is not a lie!

It can be said that entering the Elder Council has the opportunity to touch the highest realm of Alchemy Realm!

But what attracted Lin Chen the most was the last reward.

You can choose a Grade 9 Holy Mine of Five Elements category!

For the production requirements of War God suit parts and right leg armor, Lin Chen can think of other ways, but this Gold Element Grade 9 holy mine cannot be purchased because of his financial resources and contact level. This is his only chance at this stage!

"Young Master is really courageous. My concubine heard that the Grade 5 Saint Level alchemists start each time in the top ten of the Heavenly Selection Conference."

Brim Fairy smiled lightly. , Pear vortex pink, sexy bearing and charming temperament.

Since the battle between Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen, Scarlet Fairy's eyes on Lin Chen have become ambiguous or weird. From time to time, there is a pretty daughter in a humble family, which is like a small Fox. .

"It's true..." Lin Chen couldn't deny it, saying with a smile: "It is said that many old monsters have been born in the past dynasties, and one is more terrifying than the other. That is a very small number in the entire holy world. You can see the big stage where a variety of orange pill concocting handprints bloom at the same time!"

"Grade 5 Saint Level Alchemist..."

Sword Qingcheng exclaimed, this level alchemist, even Her Aristocratic Family is also a VIP of the High Level seat!

The conversation of the four people did not sound transmission, and the powerhouses in the hall heard clearly, and some of their scalp numb!

He actually wants to participate in the election meeting!

It is boldness of execution stems from superb skill, Lin Chen is bolder!

In the past, in the top 20 of each session, there was not even a young alchemist!

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