"Are you so impatient to meet my big baby? It doesn't seem to be as cold as the legend."

Lin Chen jokingly smiled; one sentence The words made Ziyun black face.

He looked down at the magic mark on his palm.

"There are very few people who will drop the spirit strength attribute light ball this time. It seems that I can take the pill concocting at ease. "

Lin Chen look at the young man who is pill concocting with a dragon corpse and looks pale but evil.

He probably guessed his true identity!

"Unexpectedly, he, the old monster, also came to participate. It seems that I have to give it a go this time!"

Lin Chen sighed, the corners of his mouth raised, full of madness !

"If you want to see it, then it will fulfill you!"

Lin Chen stepped out, his shoulders shook suddenly!

shua! shua! shua!

Divine light shuttles, at this moment, the sky is falling!

Nine-color divine light shuttles through the sky, blooming and flashing from Lin Chen's side!

Six "Lin Chen", turned out!

All Phantom Clone stood next to Lin Chen, with a graceful appearance, abundance of handsomeness, and a dashing and domineering madness, there was a decisiveness between the eyebrows cutting off one's means of retreat!

"Avatar cultivation technique? So mysterious!"

"It's not as simple as a spiritual Avatar! Even an old man can't see through it, it's hard to tell if it's true or false!"

The jury Elder exclaimed, their spiritual realm at this level, the ordinary Avatar cultivation technique in front of them, is not worth a look at all, they can see through the real body at a glance!

There are seven Lin Chen standing together in front of you, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake!

If you don't know the position of the body at first, no one in the room can really see the true body!

"What a mysterious cultivation technique. If this cultivation technique is obtained by me, in time, Palace Lord of Qianyingliuhuadian should also change this Young Master to do it!"

" This cultivation technique is of great use!"

The eyes of the enchanting evildoers of the enchanting list are shining brightly, and they have swept away some greed and fanaticism!

As soon as the Avatar came out, Lin Chen imposing manner skyrocketed, waving his hands across the void!

Ripples in space, new space planes on both sides overlap and bloom, and a hidden land of peace and prosperity like Immortal Realm is coming!

On the other side is spring and blossom, and the valley stands tall. An iceberg mountain range is spread all over, Lin Chen actually opened his Qingxue planting sac and Taoyuanzhi planting sac!

Of course, only half of the two Qi Luck Planting Pouches were opened, and the other half contained Lin Chen's undisclosed secrets and treasures.

Many powerhouses are shocked!

Several old men from Zixia Wanggu have tingling skin!

Qingyao is dotted with Taoyuan Township, and Longqing is still lying with the Coiling Dragon. Ten thousand immortals stood among the clouds, and the dragon blood flickered with red glow.

See flat peaches on Changshan in sunny snow, Five Elements spirit plant grows around elephants. Red gold winding vines wrapped around the fairy mountain, surrounded by Qingxue wandering gods!

This scene is too shocking!

"Ten... thirteen kinds of spirit plant?"

"He actually installed 13!"

"Five Elements spirit plant was actually collected by him Is it complete? And Longqing Tree?"

"Visit Divine Tree! Holy Peach! My God, where is this guy from the monster! He is the legendary Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will People? There are such rare two spirit plants!"

Some well-informed old powerhouses were shocked!

Even genius, which has many enchanting lists of thick family property, is stunned!

Become the enchanting list and get the reward of five spirit plant seeds, which is well known.

But according to normal rules, part of the spirit plant seeds obtained must be handed over to the sect or force! This is the nurturing that sect deserves to cultivate talents.

In other words, genius, the actual spirit plant carried by the individual is between 3 and 4 spirit plants.

Only some real families and big business, Hegemon's forces, will give all the spirit plant seeds to their own dísciple. This kind of like Ziyunqing can also hold a middle grade spirit plant, very few cases!

However, now there is a Lin Chen and a middle grade spirit plant. How can this not be shocking! There are countless pharmacists in the legend that yearn for something even in dreams, visit Divine Tree!

Five Elements spirit plant, the spirit plant of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, is the reward of the enchanting list, and it has also been collected by Lin Chen!

The value of this kind of spirit plant will be slightly inferior to the higher value of the spirit plant, but if the five types are complete, the value will be doubled, which can produce'Five Elements treasure', which has a positive effect on cultivation Great help!

Seven Lin Chen stood in a group, and at one thought, 13 kinds of spirit plants shook one after another! Thousands of medicine ingredients floated up!

Lin Chen suddenly raised his head, his eyes condensed, dragged by the force of the dragon, glowing with a low roar of the dragon, like the spirit strength of Boundless Starry Sky, turning thousands of ways, viewing freely, and instantly forming a seal!

Thousands of medicine ingredients have completely merged into seven torrents of energy, which are quickly refined!

More than that!

The speed at which Lin Chen uses medicine ingredient is extremely fast! The continuously medicine ingredient is beginning to be injected into the torrent of energy!

shua! shua! shua!

Streamer criss-crossed, medicine ingredient of different attributes, and different types of energy are condensed accurately!


Last moment, many reclusive alchemists who were still talking about it, while drinking hot tea and blowing the coquettish pill concocting of the past, they saw this scene and sprayed all of them in an instant. !

Several Elders of the jury stood up suddenly, their eyes trembled and shocked!

Under Tian City, countless alchemists were stunned!

This scene is too shocking!

The rumors are after all rumors, and they are far from shocking to witness.

Not to mention that some people have not heard the rumors of Lin Chen, or simply don't believe it!

The humpbacked old man got up slowly, his teeth creaked, and his calm expression was shocking and shocking like a stormy sea!

"There really is such an outrageous thing in the world?"

Song Yilian's lovable body on the high platform of the void is straight, beautiful eyes blooming, and his eyes are staring at Lin Chen!

The seven'Lin Chen's hands are folded, their eyes are like swords, and they look down upon the sky!

one after another The sharp and sharp spirit rays of light flickered from his pupils, the wind and clouds changed suddenly, and the energy flew!

There is no seal on even a finger, only those sharp and radiant eyes can make all medicines move together!

Ziyun frowns, her glamorous cheeks seem calm, but her heart rarely makes waves.

"He is actually pill concocting with his eyes..."

Shangguan Liuli and Chi Mei'er and other women have witnessed Lin Chen'eyes pill concocting', now When I see it again, it is still so shocking!

Those who have seen Lin Chen'eyes pill concocting' before, feel palpitations inexplicably, and think of what he said that day.

Also, a realm!

Now, they finally understand!

On that day Lin Chen was only pill concocting on his body, and he had not resorted to his Avatar killing move yet!

Last time there was a Lin Chen, this time, there were seven'Lin Chen'!

This kind of behavior, maybe only he can do it in this world!

"Can he really contend with Long Yijing..."

The azure clothes Pianpian Young Master couldn't help swallowing, but Long Yijing was pill concocting The man who defeated him, even he himself was ashamed of being inferior Long Yijing, can this kid shake Long Yijing’s pill concocting talent?

"Is this what you said bring it up a level? Interesting, the gap between Grade 4 and Grade 2 Medicine Pill can't be hit by the superposition of your number!"

Long Yijing's eyes swept Lin Chen from the corner of her eyes, and she was about to sneer, but stopped abruptly!

Next, a scene that exceeded everyone's expectations, appeared in front of everyone!

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