When Saint King lay bare the truth with one remark, everyone knew that this child’s enchanting talent in refining medicine was of the same level as Ziyunqing?

He came this time to stop Lin Chen!

The enchantment of this child, even his Saint King felt threatened. He is the one who values ​​Lin Chen the most among the many powerhouses in the audience. He came here just to prevent him from winning the championship!

However, when he heard his laughter, everyone scalp exploded!

To the next level?

All elders of Zixia King Valley stand up subconsciously!

The Little Demon Empress clenched her pink fist, "Here is here!"

Long Yijing's pupils trembled!

Could it be said that the pile concocting of six Avatars is not his full power?

At this moment; all the young pill grades that Lin Chen's refinement have not been thoroughly seen, seem to be covered up by him with a very peculiar technique, but the energy fluctuations will not be inferior to Grade 5. !

"Going to the next level? A joke, do you think you can surpass this king? Now it is a problem for you to refine the finished Grade 5 high level medicine pill. What are you talking about bringing it up a level? "

Haotian Saint King is extremely angry and laughs.

pill concocting? The height of pill concocting he reached back then was enough to despise the Eighteenth Street of Lin Chen!

Want to counterattack in front of his generation of Saint King? Lin Chen is not qualified yet!

"Let's try it!"

Lin Chen and all the Avatars condensed in their eyes, and their spirits are sharp and sharp, pushing the young pill wrapped in brilliant spiritual rays of light to the sky!


Song Yilian's silhouette flashed, and she stood beside Lin Chen's square. Although she didn't say a word, it meant that everyone was tacitly aware that it was to prevent Haotian Saint King from making any illegal actions.

Haotian Saint King sneered, completely disdainful of shooting Lin Chen, both hands crossed near chest,

Behind Lin Chen, are his six Avatars, Fengshen is handsome , Eyebrows are like swords. Step by step, he stepped onto the void, and finally, stood on the same level as Haotian Saint King!

Everyone was shocked!

Zi Yunqing's eyes are stunned, does he really have something to follow?

But even if you are a big player, you can still shake the masterpiece of Saint King pill concocting!

Lin Chen opened his arms and his spirit strength surged! At this moment, the wind danced wildly, and the situation changed suddenly!

The youth's pride shook, mixed with vigorous spirit strength, spread throughout Qing Tian City!

"Dan is coming!"

The sound of Dan coming, as if penetrating the consciousness of all powerhouses on Raising Heaven Island, a trembling sensation instantly spread throughout the body, and blood was boiling!

bang! bang! bang!

Lin Chen’s 13 spirit plants dance with the wind, blasting endless streamers instantly!

Danxia soars into the sky, shining brightly!

Thousands of aurora-like meteors suddenly lased towards the sky!

Ten thousand stream of light, all lift off! Every stream of light is a sacred pill!

Wan Dao holy light levitation, like a shining crescent moon, a dazzling star that has never changed forever, when suspended in the void, the glorious brilliance of the pill, setting off the young Heavenly God Peerless spirit!

"What is that..."

"My God, ten thousand sacred pills?"

"What does he want to do?"

All Elder on the jury has a tingling scalp!

The various forces and powerhouses of Raising Heaven Island were stunned, it was incredible!

Don't say it is Peak's alchemist, even an individual almost fainted!

A total of ten thousand sacred pill, suspended the entire sky!

Slightly smiled young people with nine-color divine light, such as the immortal and dusty, the style is peerless.


His gaze swept away in an instant!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

As far as Lin Chen can see, the holy pill explodes!

A series of sacred pill is like a flower, and they all explode!

hong long long ~~! A burst of earth-shaking energy flow swept across the sky, covering the entire Raising Heaven Island, and spreading out of the entire island!

The endless nine-color brilliance spread to the end of Heaven and Earth, constantly exploding in full bloom!

One after another Aurora bursts, and blossoms of colorful energy mushroom clouds bloom between Heaven and Earth!

Like, the most beautiful fireworks in the mortal world bloom at this moment!

Heaven and Earth vibrates, and the space shakes. Outside of Qing Tian City, hundreds of thousands of li away can also clearly witness the scene of dazzling!

"This...what happened to the election conference?"

"There is a powerhouse at war? No, it's a pure energy fluctuation!"

"This It seems to be the smell of the explosion of the sacred pill?"

"Impossible! Who fucking fried the sacred pill! Isn't that sick? This is covering the heavens, shielding the sun, how much does it have to explode? !"


At this moment; the sky is completely covered by the glorious glorious glory, magnificent, extremely magnificent, as far as the eye can see, between Heaven and Earth only the nine-color aurora in full bloom!

All powerhouses on Raising Heaven Island have their mouths open...

The people under Qing Tian City are even more confused!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Even Haotian Saint King is no exception!

Fried Banten at a glance!

How can there be such a crazy move in the world.

How can there be such a superb view in this world!

This is the brilliance of the explosion of ten thousand sacred pills. It is breathtakingly beautiful!

The moment everyone was watching, it was when Lin Chen was extremely focused!

"It's now! Give me, condensed!"

All of Lin Chen's Avatars are in their best state, and their spirit strength is motivated to the extreme!

Like the sacred pill energy blooming in the sky, the spirit strength is also like the Star River hundred thousand li, horizontally and horizontally Raising Heaven Island. All the sacred pill energy in full bloom will be speeded up according to Lin Chen’s will and order. Draw!

I saw, one after another nine-color dazzling Dan Yao Guanghua, being stripped in one after another, began to be refining into his dragon eye size young Dan!

Like layers of compression, the nine-color dazzling Danyao brilliance is constantly being absorbed, and the energy of the young Dan rises at a speed visible to naked eye!

The first to notice this drastic change was the jury Elder and Song Yilian, followed by the spirit strength profound alchemist present, all staring at Lin Chen in amazement!

He is actually extracting the energy from the explosion in Banten for pill concocting?

"How is this fucking possible!"

"Perverted, so perverted! This boy, how could such a crazy Alchemy Technique appear in this world!"

All members of the jury, Elder, are crazy about losing self-control!

Pill concocting with the energy of the finished product? This is fundamentally impossible!

The energy of the finished medicine pill is indeed all the essence, but it is almost impossible to use for secondary pill concocting!

The refining of each sacred pill is completed by countless rigorous and meticulous combinations and screenings. The energy after their formation is extremely complex, unless they know the Pill Recipe of the sacred pill and reach the Major Perfection. Realm is able to extract some of the energy absorption of the finished sacred pill, but it is extremely difficult to use it for refining medicine!

Not to mention, ten thousand at the same time? This idea is not just crazy, it is crazy! No one dares to think, and no one can do it!

"He...he has such a means..."

Zi Yunqing was dazed in place!

When all the enchanting genius looked at the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth, when the glorious nine-color pill was shining, ghosts and gods thought of what Lin Chen said that day!

Surprise is an explosion. Explosion is art.

The Little Demon Empress slender her hands to cover her cherry lips...

So, this is what he called the "surprise"?

Seeing that Lin Chen’s young pill energy began to change rapidly, Song Yilian’s beautiful eyes renewed unprecedented rays of light!

"In this world, there is such a pharmacist..."


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