Allow ten thousand holy pill to explode Raising Heaven Island on the verge of collapse, and the other pharmacists are in Space Formation invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

But at this time, no matter who becomes a pill, its power is less than one percent of Lin Chen's power, and it is completely covered up!

The alchemist who came out of the pill couldn't help but smile wryly, and participated in the same heavenly election meeting with this monster-like existence, even if he lost, he was convinced!

The young pill energy is as terrifying as a small Star Core, and it has initially surpassed the scope of Grade 5!

In the nine-color vortex energy, a trembling energy wave suddenly appeared, and the jury Elder was shocked!

"Not good, spirit strength is unstable, Lin Chen's spirit strength is going to be exhausted!"

The hunched old man exclaimed!

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth are raised, and the tips of his fingers are imprinted!

Behind Lin Chen, a virtual image leaning against the sky suddenly appeared!

The virtual image ten thousand zhang is tall, half-length human, with a blue cloak on his shoulders, and armor on his head. It does not show his true face. There are orange eyes shining under the helmet.

The virtual image possessed Lin Chen, as if an ancient Spiritual God descended, the virtual image of the ancient Spiritual God descended, the virtual image of his hands clasped together, and Lin Chen's orange light soared, facing all directions, Lin Chen controlled the formidable power of Wandan energy Soaring instantly!

[The host launches the orange-level innate talent; the super god possesses, consumes 800,000 innate talent points, and the host's "True Dragon Sacred Hand" pill concocting mudra obtains the extreme god possesses class, which has the ultimate mutation effect. 】

At this moment, Lin Chen's "True Dragon Sacred Hand" spurred by the spirit strength of the seal, breaks through the shackles, temporarily surpasses the limit, and exerts the effect of the orange pill concocting handprint!

roar! roar! roar!

one after another True Dragon Qi blooms from the eyes of Lin Chen and all Phantom Clone, born out of thin air, Dragonflight Chaotic Dance, Skywind Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move!

"This...what's the trick?"

"Look, Cheng Dan is born!"

A wave of unrest has risen again, everyone The horror kept calling.

The changeable situation just above Raising Heaven Island, the energy of ten thousand sacred pill has just exploded, the vortex has disappeared, and the energy is all contained in a fiery-red medicine pill!

The aura of the fiery-red medicine pill transformed into a humanoid phantom, which looks a bit like the phantom of the'Extreme God' that appeared behind Lin Chen!

The aura is transformed, and the holy ring appears!

One, three, five!

The five holy rings take shape in an instant!

Whether it is Raising Heaven Island or everyone under Tian City, subconsciously staring with breathlessness, for fear of missing a detail!

Om~! The energy trembles, and the Six Paths holy ring turns white golden and begins to generate!

The hearts of many powerhouses and evildoers suddenly twitched, and their hearts trembled!

Time seems to stand still, and in the end, White Golden's Six Paths ring is perfectly formed.

Grade 6 Low-level Holy Pill!

The entire Raising Heaven Island, driving Tian City, fell into a short silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the young man in the sky.

While the energy of the holy pill slowly dissipated, the faint nine-color glorious afterglow, like a rainbow bridge, poured on the young man.

His head is covered with Six Paths. The holy ring covers the top of his head. He is handsome and handsome. From beginning to end, the young Junyi's face is full of wild and arrogant smiles, such as Heavenly God descending to the world, which makes many powerhouses. Can’t help but sigh--

There is such an outstanding young man in this world!

Ziyunqing stared blankly at the boy with nine colors of brilliance. For a while, he was stunned.

"He actually defeated Haotian Saint King...refining Grade 6 holy pill that even Saint King can't reach!"

When he knew his opponent was Haotian Saint When King, I couldn't even mention a bit of fighting intent, let alone challenge him!

Those who dare to confront Saint King head-on, since ancient times are geometric!

"This kid has such executive power and innate talent at such a young age. Given time and enough time, wouldn't he be like this world Supreme?"

Hao Heavenly Saint King’s blue veins were exposed. This time he personally came to prevent Lin Chen from having a fortuitous encounter in the Dan realm.

Entering the Elder Council of the Elder Region will give this child a change in advanced by leaps and bounds, forcing him not to take action personally. Unexpectedly, he still can't restrain his edge!

Grade 6, this grade of sacred pill cannot even be refined by the current Saint King of Haotian. He is already a half-dead person, and his mental mind is not incomplete. To support the refining of the Grade 6 holy pill, it is simply impossible!

Crimson Fairy stared at Lin Chen's back, as if making some determination, the gaze looking towards him became softer.

Song Yilian stared at Lin Chen as if she found a new continent!

This boy is amazing! The whole body is a secret!

She can try to reproduce or do better than the medicine recipe of Saint King of Haotian Saint King, but Lin Chen's "eyes are fried pill flow", she can't learn it for half a minute!

At this time, Lin Chen turned his head and looked towards Ziyunqing's direction.

Sweeping his gaze, Ziyunqing, who has always been cold and proud, was inexplicably palpitated.

Lin Chen is slightly smiled, charming and charming, Lang said with a smile.

"This surprise, do you like it."

Zi Yunqing's heart suddenly tightened, and a faint blush appeared on her cold and beautiful cheeks, which actually has several points of little women. Panic.

At this moment, in the VIP seat of the Zixia King Valley behind Ziyunqing, the two beautiful and enchanting Little Demon Empress gave two thumbs up, smiled joyfully, charmed all beings, and shouted.

"I love it! Lin Chen, you are so handsome!"

Until the Little Demon Empress shouted with excitement, Zi Yunqing only woke up like a dream, her face turned pale, pretty face pale, my heart throbbed a few times.

It turns out that he didn’t say to himself...

When Zi Yunqing raised his hand to speak, Lin Chen had already turned around and withdrew his gaze. He never looked at it from beginning to end. she was.

The white teeth bit her red lips tightly, and the tingling sensation in Zi Yunqing's heart becomes stronger.

"Six...Grade could it..."

Long Yijing fell to her knees in despair, her eyes blank and dim.

Grade 6, this grade is placed in the history of their Long Family and even the entire Long Family. There are only two alchemists who can refine!

How many years younger he is than himself, he can refine the Grade 6 sacred pill!

This will mean that, whether it’s medicine refinement or battle strength cultivation base, in this life, he will be impossible to surpass him, and he will always have to live in his shadow, even his back can’t be touched. To!

The dim six-pointed star of the 32nd holy cave in the Longyi crystal suddenly became completely devoid of rays of light, becoming extremely stable. He wants to break through the next holy cave, which is extremely difficult. Lin Chen has become the Heart Demon on the way to his cultivation!

The most important thing is that he is also impossible in his life to get closer to his Goddess who is yearn for something even in dreams!

"pu chi ~!"

Long Yijing, who couldn't stand such a severe blow, raised her head and spit blood.

The followers of Long Family panicked instantly!

"Quick! Yijing Young Master is vomiting blood, maybe the old injury has relapsed!"

"The medicine can't be stopped, Young Master!"

... …

Song Yilian retracted her gaze, and immediately stepped into the air to levitate. When the thin and thin shadow looked around the audience who could not be calm for a long time, she said.

"There is only one hour left before the end of this day selection conference. All the alchemists have completed the pill concocting. This seat announces that the championship of the conference is..."

"Monster List , Lin Chen!"

Until the moment Song Yilian announced, everyone woke up like a dream!

This is destined to be an unforgettable day election conference!

Lin Chen said with a pill, Pill Dao is honored forever!

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