War God set, the number of components can be superimposed to increase the ultimate strength, at this moment, Lin Chen's pure power is unstoppable, soaring to all new realm!

The golden divine splendor covers the top of Lin Chen's head, and the brilliant golden light glows with the absolute power of Myriad Realms. A pair of eyes are like the rebirth of War God, breathtaking, shocking Saint King of Haotian!

2.5 trillion dragon power, 2.900 billion dragon power, 3.5 trillion dragon power, 40 billion dragon power!

The qi and blood in Lin Chen's body were violent and chaotic for a moment, like boiling lava, which couldn't stop at all.

The flesh and blood began to collapse, Saint Physique was soaring blood, Lin Chen in the endless golden divine splendor started bleeding from the corners of his mouth!

The body has reached its limit!

This is the first time Saint Physique could not bear the blessing of the War God suit after Lin Chen became holy!

"It's not enough! With this power, I can't break through the two Great Demon Kings and the transformed Saint King of Haotian! I need more!"

Lin Chen angry Roar, staring directly at Haotian Saint King, engulfing the body of the vast divine splendor, he actually started to burn a ray of orange flame!

【Consumption of 300,000 innate talent points, the host has selected the target to complete, activates the orange innate talent, and is in desperate state of life and death. Amplifying the host’s power...]

An orange flame that lives toward death is like a breakthrough shackle, glowing with orange flames from the 22 six-pointed stars in Lin Chen's body!

This orange flame burns all his Holy Force, blood, spirit strength, and even his life force into strength!

Orange-level extreme singles out innate talent, desperate for life and death! This is Lin Chen's first use after upgrading this innate talent!

The power gained from burning Saint Physique's life force and the effect used during the Battle Sovereign period are completely two world levels!

4.5 trillion dragon power, 50,000 billion dragon power, 5.3 billion dragon power!

Through the effects of the innate talent of'Death and Death', Lin Chen gains the power increase of the War God suit bring it up a level, beyond the boundaries!

"Not good!"

The two Great Demon Kings all changed in color, and slammed into the void, like a lightning blast, and rushed behind Lin Chen!

The two demons blasted behind Lin Chen with a single blow. Both palms were like pitch-black vortex. With one shot, Heaven and Earth dimmed, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and the entire Myriad Treasures Secret Realm became Endless Demon Cave.

Only the splendid golden divine splendor does not fall!

golden divine splendor suddenly!

Shih~! boom! !

Demonic energy exploded, the black fog exploded and billowing fire beacon, Myriad Treasures Secret Realm ripped apart two Space Cracks of several tens of thousands of li, that was two Great Saint Demon Kings were bombed The direction seems horrible to see!

The two Great Demon Kings didn’t even see how Lin Chen made the move!

Finally, after Lin Chen's power soared all the way, before the final step of 630 billion dragon power!

9999 golden brilliance is criss-crossed from the void, the boy walked out of the golden beam of light slowly, and the terrifying force of teaching the world shattered the crystal wall of space.

Lin Chen levitated in the air, War God's right arm armor and left leg armor were worn at the same time, and between the golden divine splendor, even the Space Formation set by Haotian Saint King himself began to collapse!

He is shining like stars, divine splendor, invincible in all directions, like a War God wearing a golden Battle Armor came to the world, in charge of the universe of the sun and the moon, Sovereign everything is annihilated!

The two Great Demon Kings were repelled by Lin Chen with one move, awakening a bit of reason from the violent hostility, and for the first time showed shock!

"What trick does this Human Race make......"

"This king has never seen such a human race descendant!"

... …

Lin Chen's heart is throbbing. At this time, his life force is gradually passing away, but there is no panic and stage fright in his emotions.

Some are just fighting intents that dare to fight for Heaven and Earth!

"little fellow, go back, and leave it to me next."

Lin Chen's spirit sound transmission, and the little shadow immediately retracted his Qingxue planting sac.

In the next battle, even the extraordinary natural talent could not intervene, Lin Chen even scored a god to protect it.

The inverse Heavenly God power full of body gives him the illusion that Heaven and Earth can be overturned with a wave of his hand!

It seems a long time, but in fact, for a moment, Haotian Saint King suddenly came back to his senses!

"You still have a back player..."

Haotian Saint King has a hoarse voice. He absolutely did not expect that Lin Chen still has such a powerful trump card!

"My trump card, there are still more, Lord Saint, the mountain range of the burial saint last time was almost smashed to pieces by your large array, now..." Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly.

"This account will be settled now!"

"The arrogant junior, die! Chilian seven kills!"

Saint King no longer keeps it, A finger pointed, everything is silent and floating. The huge finger of demonic energy engraved with seven'kill' characters turned out, and if there is a heavenly demon rolling in as far as you can see, one finger presses towards Lin Chen!

War God's right arm armor divine splendor is overwhelming, Lin Chen smiled madly, and shot it head-on!

This palm is astounding forever!

This palm, Only I Am Supreme!

Between the five fingers, the mighty power of suppressing Ghost God is shattered, like a global storm sweeping Sun, Moon and Stars, suddenly descending on Myriad Treasures Secret Realm, Heaven and Earth trembled!

Shih~! Tear~!

At the moment the space was penetrated, Haotian Saint King's "Seven Killing Fingers" by Lin Chen was directly photographed into nothingness!

Bang~! Lin Chen stepped on, shattered thousands of miles of void, and his body was shining with Divine Transformation!

Haotian Saint King’s scalp exploded, before he got away, a golden brilliance spun angrily, Lin Chen's speed was as fast as a jumping plane, and the golden leg armor divine splendor was on top of Saint King's head!

Lin Chen flashed to the top of Saint King's head. The dragon power broke out in an instant, the golden brilliance flashed, and his legs smashed Saint King's head like a battle axe, hitting the top of the head!

Shih~! boom! !

Haotian Saint King was hit by Lin Chen with one leg and fell, hitting the ground vein of Myriad Treasures Secret Realm!

The entire plane was hit by a meteorite, turbulent and shaken, directly smashing half of the mountain range in Secret Realm into two halves, and the foundations on both sides were overturned and cracked!

Song Yilian, who was in a bitter battle, couldn't help but shake her lips!

Be aware that the many rare treasures of Myriad Treasures Secret Realm are set up by the Supreme Elder of the Elder Council in the Space Formation. There is no specific method. Even Song Yilian can't destroy the flowers and plants of Myriad Treasures Secret Realm!

Lin Chen broke the mountain range of Myriad Treasures Secret Realm with just one kick?

How many secrets this boy has!

Boom! boom! boom!

Demonic energy rises, and when it explodes continuously, it generates one after another dark magic ring, hundreds of thousands, covering Lin Chen all around!

Each magic ring can easily crush a Saint 5th layer Peak and even severely damage Saint 6th-layer Early-Stage!

The two Great Demon Kings clasped their hands in angrily, and the magic ring shrank like lightning, squeezing the space, trying to tighten Lin Chen!


Lin Chen's shoulders shook, the divine splendor was overwhelming, the power of the dragon was all over the world, and his body shot thousands of golden light, turning into a golden divine splendor like a flower, shattered All the dark magic rings!

Lin Chen raised his hand into a fist, the golden fist light moved towards the direction of the two Great Demon Kings suddenly shot out, instantaneous countless afterimages, and blasted hundreds of punches like lightning! The formidable power of each punch is no less than 5.5 trillion dragon power!

The two Great Demon Kings are full of hostility, and the fierceness reveals a fierce battle. A Demon King's whole body of demonic energy is released and turned into a huge cover of thousands of acres of heavenly demon falcons sweeping across the sky.

The other one, the demon body splits a space plane that is like other time and space, and a demon claw protrudes from the crack, which shook Lin Chen's hundreds of punches!

Boom! boom! boom!

Myriad Treasures Secret Realm on the verge of collapse is blown up by the terrible energy!

The fist wind shining with golden light hit the two Great Demon Kings back and forth, and even the crimson Fairy on the other side of Secret Realm looked at him...

How can he be so fierce? Ah...can still have an advantage in one dozen three?

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