Sword Domain, a sword city in the sky, with wheels of ten thousand swords hanging high in the sky, glowing with the brilliance and artistic conception of swords.

In Sword City, in front of a sword monument, Sword Qingcheng red robe is bright and worried.

The middle-aged man on the side narrowed his eyes, closed the jade glass list at hand, and asked seriously.

"Qingcheng, you said earlier that Lin Chen, the kid, is returning to Qiyu to find Six Finger Xuanyuan, right."

Sword Qingcheng nodded: "Well, if you count the days, Danyu My space channel will be able to arrive at Odd Field recently..."

The corners of the elegant middle-aged man's mouth twitched slightly.

It won’t be such a coincidence, the genius who just died is also in the strange domain...

This kid is really the center of the chaotic storm in the holy world, where can something go wrong!

"Daddy, in case it is really him..."

Sword Qingcheng bit his teeth lightly, and his pretty face was full of worries.

Don’t say anything, Jian Qingcheng is almost certain that Lin Chen is the one who killed Xiang Wentian on the enchanting list!

To say why, it is based on Jian Qingcheng's understanding of Lin Chen and a woman's intuition.

He is not afraid to face Saint King, even Spiritual God's will is not in vain, how can such a guy abide by the rules of the enchanting list...

The elegant azure robe man With a weird look, he stared at his daughter for a long time.

"Father, what are you looking at?"

"This...Qingcheng, you won't really like this brat like other Elder said, do you?"

Jian Qingcheng's cheeks were blushing for a moment, and he hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No, he is just the goal I want to surpass..."

Before finishing talking, the azure robe man shook his head and exclaimed!

Lin Chen, what an amazing kid! He has never seen him, his lover of Heart Sword Dao, showing this little woman-like posture!

His dear girl, she was surprised by how many enchanting geniuses she had seen before, and she didn't even look at one. On the contrary, she was praised by a kid who had no background and had no background!

Be aware that Lin Chen broke through nine holy caves in a row when he was sanctified, while Jian Qingcheng broke eight holy caves in a row.

Although there is still a huge gap between the two, her potential is definitely not weak, even much stronger than many enchanting lists. What she lacks is only growth time.

Sword Qingcheng's white teeth bit her lips tightly...

"Why, expect your father to save him?"

Sword Qingcheng said: "You If you don’t save him, your daughter will have one less goal to surpass in the future!"

Listening to her own daughter’s botched excuse, the azure robe man said with a smile ——"Your father, I But I can't beat those old sects of Grade 8 sect. One or two words are easy to let them take a few rounds, but they are a bunch of big beehives, and if they are stabbed, a bunch of old bees ran out."

"Then...How can we save him!"

Seeing that the smile on the corner of his father's mouth grew stronger, Jian Qingcheng was anxious, "Father, tell me! When is it? Now, you still want to make a joke!"


The azure robe man raised his head and laughed, "What a Lin Chen, can make my baby Allure become like this, You're quite something, I'm really looking forward to seeing what this kid is like."

Boom~~! At this time, three silhouettes fell from the sky, three white robed old men.

All of them have divine poise and sagelike features, white hair and long beard, detached from the outside, and a look of Immortal Qi, like immortal that does not care about the world.

Seeing these three elders appearing, the azure robe man immediately became serious, but with the corners of his mouth raised, he seemed to be holding back a smile?

After the arrival of the three elders, he did not speak, and walked around Jian Qingcheng, his face calm and detached.

"Hey, your father, I definitely can't do anything. To mobilize many forces in Sword Domain, it depends on what your three Great Grandfathers mean."

Azure robe man shrugged, There are no traces of suffocating a smile, and he is very professional.

Sword Qingcheng looked towards the three elders, bitterly saying: "Qingcheng has seen the three Great Grandfathers of Jianjin, Jiansha, and Jianming......"

"Well, there is What's the matter?"

The old three asked knowingly, with a calm expression on his face.

Sword Qingcheng said: "Well, can you..."


"Can you..."


The three old men couldn't get in. Jian Qingcheng looked towards his father with the help-seeking eyes.

The azure robe man couldn’t help but reminded-“You got into trouble when you were a kid, and you want a sword. How did you express your opinion to the Great Grandfathers? Now try it with any attitude, maybe there will be A miracle appeared."

Jian Qingcheng was a little dumbfounded...

When I was young? How long has it been...

At this moment, Jian Qingcheng's mind inexplicably appeared like Lin Chen, and he seemed to have made great determination and walked up with his head...

Then, The jade hand grabbed the arm of one of the old goatees, his teeth biting his red lips.

"Great Grandfather~~Qingcheng begs you~~help Qingcheng’s friends~"

Sword Qingcheng twisted his mouth and shook Great Grandfather's arm like a little Said coquettishly as a girl.

The old man with goat beard said solemnly: "Allure, mobilizing the power of Sword Domain, it is not Great Grandfather who has the final say, and you have to think about the overall situation!"

" But, but Qingcheng can’t ignore him... Qingcheng will beg you for the last time~ I will definitely not trouble you again~ OK, just one time..."

The beautiful lady was tearful, and the old man gave one. Answered ambiguously, and then threw the question to another old man.

Jian Qingcheng pleaded with the three elders in turn and acted like a baby. Finally, in the mouth of the most powerful sword inscription, Great Grandfather, he finally got an answer.

"Let’s go, Great Grandfather will help you barely once, remember, I won’t be so lucky in the future."

Jianming Great Grandfather said with a straight face and said seriously, Jianming. Qingcheng jumped up with joy, holding Great Grandfather and weeping with joy--"Thank you Jianming Great Grandfather!"

Seeing the granddaughter shed tears, a trace of distress passed through the eyes of the three old men vaguely!

"Then I will call the Uncle on the left right now!"

After Jian Qingcheng wept with joy, he quickly left the Sky Sword City.

After Jian Qingcheng left... the azure robe man covered his ears very professionally.

"I'm back! Qingcheng, she's back! This little girl is finally willing to treat us as grandfathers!"

"Just like when I was a child, my baby granddaughter! You can count back! !"


A moment ago, there were divine poise and sagelike features, like three elders like Sword Immortal, the next moment is a strange roar of excitement!

The old man Jianming was so excited that he pulled out half of his beard.

The old man Jian Jin vigorously waved his fist, punching a few ten thousand zhang holes in the sky.

Sword Shao was so excited that he screamed, and after dozens of laps on the spot, the entire Sky Sword City shook three times.

Azure robe man holds his forehead...

These three granddaughters... just acted like a thing. They pretended to be one by one, and almost believed him.

Jian Qingcheng was very clingy when he was a child, and he was used to relying on others. The three Great Grandfathers held them in their palms for fear. Later, after his Master fell and died, his mood experienced a change. Jian Qingcheng had a great enlightenment and a heart. Sword Dao became more focused and alienated his family.

The three Great Grandfathers who petted her alone, lacked a clingy little cutie, it is conceivable...

The azure robe man smiled and asked. .

"So, what do the three Supreme Elders mean?"

"Dare to cry Xiao Qingcheng, I will go over and hammer that kid! But he has to survive. Hammer him."

"Adjust the power and go to the strange domain!"


Sword Domain is changing!

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