Qiyu Qingxuecheng, a Heavenly Dipper Realm boy pointed to the sky in amazement.

"grandfather, what is that..."

The cultivation base of its grandfather 9th layer Battle Sovereign environment, staring blankly at the endless sky, unbelievable dreams.

"The sky of the strange domain has cracked..."

At this moment, the vastness of the strange domain, encompassing thousands of rivers and thousands of domains, has quietly cracked the entire sky!

It seems that the law is breaking down, and the universe is collapsing!

Towards the northwest, all powerhouses stopped fighting almost at the same time!

The jade-like white jade hand squeezed the ultimate shadow into a biscuit. He raised his hand and threw it away, and a black skin-like thing was thrown away!

It's like shooting an ant to death.

Yin Tianzi’s pupils trembled, and he finally managed to stop Shangguan Jue at the cost of 10,000 alien crystals, and ended up with this result?

He has cooperated with Ultimate Shadow many times. This palm will not kill it, but at least it will be severely damaged!

One palm crushes the ultimate shadow? As far as he knows, the powerhouse that has appeared in the Holy Realm in recent years has not yet possessed the probability of this strength!

All the powerhouses stood in shock, no one dared to act rashly!

The strength of the ultimate shadow is clearly visible to everyone present. Only the protector of the Divine flame Palace, Shangguan Jue, can win it. Others can't even block it!

Such a terrifying existence was killed by a palm?

The void splits, the black robe figure walks out slowly, the veil is put on, a pair of purple eyes are as beautiful as the stars under the night sky.

Black robe looked around the audience, all those who were swept by her eyes would fall into hell, chill all over, as if being watched by a great will!

Both sides, simply is not on the same level!

"She, could it be that..."

Jian Cheng was somewhat shocked in disbelief.

"Can’t be wrong, it’s the woman, Fiend who broke the Holy Prison by the strength of oneself back then!"

"What does she want to do? Why did she come to Strange Land? Want to start a big war again?"

"Don't act rashly, we are not her opponents! Let's see how the Venerable Divine flame palace's attitude is."

The look of the three elders of Sword Domain Very dignified, even as far as the three old monsters are concerned, this person is the most powerhouse they have ever seen in their lives!

No one!

"Damn it, why did she come here?"

Yin Demon Sanguisheng had a dry mouth and his teeth trembled!

This woman, simply cannot touch her level! In the entire holy world, anyone who can rival her can't even imagine!

Shangguan Jue's lovable body trembled suddenly!

Is it her?

She actually descended to the Holy Realm in person?

Back then, although the Divine flame palace did not directly participate in the great battle, but it witnessed the power of its magic knife! A devil blade, kill all the kings of Human Race!

The only female emperor of the Fiend clan, Luo Yaoer!

Isn't she injured? How can you personally descend on the Holy Realm? Why did she come, is the war of the year going to repeat itself again?

If she has another fight, who can stop her now?

"Could it be that?"

Thinking of the situation at the time of the mountain range of the burial saint, everyone in the Zixia Valley was shaken!

Could it be, for Lin Chen, right? What kind of ability does this guy have? Can the Empress also act for him?

Yin Tianzi stared at Luo Yaoer's back, secretly frightened.

"It is rumored that the Saint 9th layer breaks through the ranks of nine, and becomes the Saint King after the ranks, and the king shall become a god. She is stronger than any Saint King I have seen! Could it be, The realm of gods?"

At this moment, not only all the powerhouses present, but also the entire Peak Saint of Qiyu, all feel the arrival of this breath!

If Luo Yaoer sneaked in, they would definitely find it impossible, but she came here blatantly!

What do you want to do?

"cough cough cough..."

The cough of the teenager broke the silence. Lin Chen flew out from the ground, covered in blood, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the little shadow was injured and he was taken back into the Qingxue planting sac.

"That guy used the power of Dragon Clan, the ultimate shadow is really terrifying! You can only fight to the end with desperate life and death!"

Lin Chen was about to find the ultimate shadow, I found that all around suddenly became extremely quiet!

When he looked up, he suddenly froze in place!

"Is it you?"

Lin Chen recognizes Luo Yaoer! The Heart Demon seal on his palm was having an unprecedented strong reaction at this time.

The difference from the past is that Luo Yaoer now gives him an extremely indifferent feeling, just like when he first saw it.

Moreover, more powerful! Compared with before, it is so strong that it is not a concept!

"You are going with me."

Luo Yaoer looked towards Lin Chen, her voice indifference hidden in her indifference.

Shangguan Jue turned pale with fright, and he passed by immediately and came to Lin Chen's side.

"Why did you take him away!"

Shangguan Jue said solemnly, with a firm attitude.

If Lin Chen, a little fellow, is taken away by Fiend’s empress, Bai Ruoyan will be broken when she learns about it, let alone Shen Lingshuang, a little girl, and the Divine flame palace will lose two hopes of rejuvenation!

It can be said that Lin Chen's death protection now is to protect the flame of hope for the future of the Divine flame!

Even if you desperately die, Shangguan Jue has to give it a try!

"The emperor never needs to explain things to others. Do you want to court death?"

Luo Yaoer is extremely indifferent, her eyes filled with purple radiance.

"Wait...wait a minute, this senior is my acquaintance, don't hurt yourself."

Lin Chen hurriedly said, Luo Yao'er's temper was very angry. He also couldn't figure it out, if it really starts to fight, wouldn't it be that his own person beats his own person?

"Your acquaintance?" Luo Yaoer narrowed her eyes, "Are you speaking for another woman?"

Lin Chen was taken aback; "Uh, this..."



Luo Yaoer’s purple light eyes condensed, and she shot upwards, she turned pale with fright, and the 9th layer of her palm was about to violently burn, and a purple light cage instantly confined her figure ,Unable to move even a little bit!


Many powerhouses in the audience suck in a breath of cold air fiercely!

too terrifying! A guardian of the flame palace stabilizing the mind?

Luo Yaoer raised her palm and grabbed Lin Chen as if she was jumping into the void, she was carried away by her!

Luo Yaoer stepped into the void, no one dared to stop, Shangguan Jue's expression changed drastically, unable to break the world!

"Lin Chen!"

Sword Qingcheng's face paled in the distance, and the expression of the Little Demon Empress also rarely showed a hint of worry!

The weird thing is that when Luo Yaoer left, she turned her head and glanced at her children. For the first time, there was a sweet snort from under the veil.


The empress left, and everyone couldn't calm down for a long time!

Unexpectedly, a generation of Fiend Empress will come for this young man. Whether he is alive or dead this time, no one knows.

"Father, he...what will happen to him..."

Jian Qingcheng flew in anxiously, Jian Cheng said with a bitter smile——"This time it is really beyond Your father, my abilities are in the range, and that person’s strength is too terrifying, unless the Sword God of our Sword Domain is born, otherwise there are only a few of us, and we don’t even have the qualifications to die in her hands."

Another sword saint said seriously.

"Didn't this kid have something to do with the Fiend clan? There seemed to be a female Fiend when the saint mountain range was buried?"

The old man Jianming shook his head.

"It’s not that simple. Empress Fiend is fickle. Who can guess her thoughts."

"I can’t explain to Ruoyan anymore. Oops, I will come here personally. This result..."

Shangguan Jue clenched his fists in Formation.


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