Before entering Qingyao City, Lin Chen observed the Space Formation of Secret Realm here. If he rushed in, it didn’t show up. At least he had to take out the power of the War God two-piece blessing. The Formation may be forcibly broken.

I have used my killing move for this little thing, it’s not necessary. Lin Chen intends to pass the barrier head-on.

Lin Chen's glazed enchanting glow above his head, Shengwei Huanghuang, imposing manner introverted and calm, walked in front of the scarred man and said calmly.

"The enchanting list, Lin Chen, asks to open the Muhai Azure Secret Realm."

Lin Chen's tone is not to discuss, but to direct!

This is the right of the enchanting list! Compared to other evildoers, Lin Chen's tone is considered polite.

"My friend, this Muhaitianqing Secret Realm is managed by our Nangong Family, and above it is the Nine Heavens Sacred Dragon Hall and other Grade 7 forces that are jointly controlled. Our Nangong Family’s Young Master..."

The scarred man was about to stand up, Lin Chen raised his hand on his shoulder!

Boom~~~! !

The terrifying power, such as landslides and tsunami, the overthrow of Heaven and Earth! Suddenly it erupted from Lin Chen's palm. With infinite strength, he firmly suppressed the scar-faced man, so that his Holy Force couldn't move him, his face was horrified!

He is the cultivation base of Expanding Acupoint Realm, and he is suppressed by this kid with one hand?

The pupils of the geniuses trembled!

This man with a scar face, his strength is second only to some of their Outer Elders! Now let this evildoer genius single-handedly press it impossible to move even a little bit?

This...this is probably the general enchanting list genius also impossible to have this kind of strength!

"I'm not talking to you, you can't make a decision." Lin Chen smiled carefreely, fascinated by many women. He turned his eyes and looked towards a drinking and drunk old man next to him.

Lin Chen said indifferently: "Old Mister, what do you say."

The old man took a sip of strong wine, his eyes flashed suddenly, chuckled: " Where is the little evildoer, I have a bit of eye power."

The old man stretched his waist. When he stood up, the four holy chakras were brushed up on the top of his head. The holy power blessed him, and in a short time he became extraordinary and refined!

Dozens of geniuses immediately felt the power of overthrowing Heaven and Earth swept over them, and they stepped back dozens of steps, with horrified expressions!

"This...Is this Old Mister the one who is in charge..."

"Good profound cultivation base, his Holy Force, at least comparable to Saint Realm 5th Layer Elders!"

When the geniuses were shocked, Lin Chen stood still, and the old man's eyes narrowed. This youngster is not simple.

The drunk old man shook his head and said: "Youth, don’t make it difficult for the old man to be good. There is an order above, no people from any forces are allowed here."

tone barely fell, a flash of black light However, almost everyone failed to react, and the jade pendant around the old man's waist was empty.

"This jade pendant is very delicate." Lin Chen smiled and smashed it directly.

Boom~! A wave of Power of Space was quickly transmitted, and the space rippled.

The look of the drunk old man has changed drastically! !

A youngster can actually top secret and take away his jade pendant head-on?

What a terrible evildoer this is!

"Since you can't make a decision, let the person who can make the decision come over. Whether you can let it go, it's not who has the final say, but whether the fist is hard enough."

Lin Chen's swift and decisive action, chatting and laughing, domineering side leakage!

He even whistled frivolously at the geniuses, jokingly said with a smile: "You are right, I am hard enough."

"Young Master again Handsome and hard!"

The geniuses sincerely worshipped and shouted!

The corners of the drunk man’s mouth twitched...

"Cao Sheng, what happened, why did you use the jade pendant. The old man should have said that this thing can only be used in an emergency."

An old man with tiger eyes and sword eyebrows is awe-inspiring, stepping into the air, and his eyebrows are open and closed with thunder, without anger.

The drunk old man immediately respectfully cup one fist in the other hand and said: "I have seen Nangong Yan Elder! It is not that the old man deliberately used the jade pendant, it is the young man who wants to pass the Secret Realm... "

The drunk old man briefly explained that the expression of the old man in Nangong Yan changed a little!

When his gaze looked towards Lin Chen, he couldn't help but converge in an imposing manner, and said calmly: "Young Master, I have important things to do in the Nangong Family. Why don't you come to our house to rest for two days..." …"

Boom~! On top of Lin Chen's head, eight heaven-shaking, earth-shattering raging dragons, all of which are condensed from spirit strength!

His palm is disillusioned with the seal of the 9th layer of the burning sky, and all the Fire Element crystals are blooming with magnificent rays of light!

"Just one sentence, can you open it. If you can't open it, I will fight from here to your Nangong Family."

A line from Lin Chen peaceful makes every genius better It's suck in a breath of cold air!

Too overbearing!

If you don’t agree, start fighting! It is still the older generation powerhouse of the Grade 6 Aristocratic Family!

"Enter the Holy Realm Great Accomplishment period? No, it's not just that simple!"

Nangong was shocked. With his 5th layer Perfection's cultivation base, he actually got from that spiritual dragon, Smelled a hint of danger!

If you really fight, with this spirit realm, he really may not be able to suppress this boy!

"Lin Chen...this Young Master is called Lin Chen...Could it be that Lin Chen?"

Suddenly, a lady wore a goose yellow elegant dress, The female genius who was born in the Grade 6 alchemy department suddenly screamed with excitement, and her wonderful eyes were full of admiration!

"Could it be the champion of alchemy at the Danyu Tianxuan Conference, Lin Chen ranked 9815 on the enchanting list?"

Lin Chen smiled casually: "It's just a fake name, compared to mine In the name of being handsome, the title of this champion is not enough."

Champion of the Heavenly Selection Conference?

Nangong is deeply moved! The specifications of the Danyu Tianxuan Conference are so high that he has long heard of his name!

The alchemists who can stand out in it are all Mount Tai Big Dipper, the future alchemy world of the holy world. He is a youngster who can win the championship? In the past, only those old monsters won the championship!

“It’s no wonder that this child’s realm is so high that he is the champion of the Heavenly Election Tournament...”

Nangong is so stern and sophisticated. After a little thought, he immediately filled with smiles. "Little friend Lin Chen, I still have to discuss the opening of Secret Realm, don't be irritated..."

Dozens of geniuses saw Nangong Yan who was still arrogant just now. , While snickering in his heart, his admiration for Lin Chen has been raised to a higher level!

It’s cool for a person with strength to be headstrong!

I haven't talked a few words yet, the other party will let it go and open the door of Secret Realm.

Lin Chen put away his killing intent and flew in. Many geniuses who are not clever ghosts immediately followed Lin Chen's silhouette.

There are not many opportunities to enter a high-level Secret Realm. Although it is difficult to get in, it is easy to get out. There is a special sect transmission space channel, which is totally worthwhile.

After the release, the drunk old man cup one fist in the other hand asked in doubt—"Yan Elder is this?"

"Nangong Family directly provokes this child and returns There is some trouble, so it’s okay to let him in. If he dares to delay our major event, he will naturally have Nine Heavens Sacred Dragon Elder to deal with him. The background of Grade 7 sect will not be shaken by being a pharmacist!"

Nangong sternly showed a'smart smile' and smiled knowingly.

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