"little fellow, let's go."

The little shadow wraps Lin Chen and turns into a silent shadow that shuttling through the void.

Lin Chen began to gallop in the Second Layer of the Holy Prison, wherever he went, he frantically stole the attribute values ​​of countless criminals!

For this, he is still a little grateful. Fortunately, this little girl, Xiaoqian, occasionally accumulates innate talent points. Otherwise, it is expensive. Just activating the innate talent points of the innate talent of the innate talent may be not enough!

A moment later, Lin Chen approached a cell. An old Saint was sitting cross-legged on the ground. His body was pierced by countless torture instruments. His holy cave was like a dry sea with a trace of Holy Force. will not have it,

The old man’s eyes still have sharp rays of light passing by from time to time, but more are sluggish.

But the most terrifying thing is a mysterious mark on the center of his brow with a nine-shaped hook pattern, which is filled with ripples and fluctuations that affect the space.

"This imprint is the main factor in the detention of prisoners, is the Nine Demon Seal..."

Lin Chen approached the wall of the cell, making very light movements and narrowing his eyes.

Nine-speed seal is the imprint of holy prison inmates being branded. This imprint can perfectly swallow Saint's Holy Force and transform into a brand new force to suppress the inmates, even a trace of the Holy Force cannot be restored.

With this seal, the Holy Prison suppressed countless prisoners, and even the mighty Saint had no chance to escape.

This mark can only be opened by the prison guards of the holy prison with the unique lifting handprint.

"It is said that there will be a prisoner on each floor of the holy prison. The prisoner has the highest right to use the nine-sharp seal, which can kill the prisoner on the spot. If I want to save people, I can’t be disturbed. Prisoner, otherwise people will hang up before they are rescued."

The method to remove the nine-sharp seal, Luo Yaoer has been engraved in Lin Chen’s magic seal, he can use it at any time, but now He needs to fully understand the details of the entire holy prison before acting.

body flashed, Lin Chen disappeared again after stealing the attribute value.

The next day, at the center of the Second Layer of the Holy Prison, a gray-white Heaven and Earth, connected with countless giant chains, held up a sky island.

This island is different from prisoners, the palace stands in great numbers, gold and jade in glorious splendor!

There were bursts of a prosperous scene, and wanton laughter echoed in the palace.

Lin Chen hovered in the air and was extremely cautious. He even launched the Tianyin rune to hide his spirit strength before releasing his spirit strength in an instant and swept away.

All the conditions in the island palace, he was obvious at a glance!

"Except for some ordinary Saint-powered dancers and guards, the guarding power at this level is mainly ten perfection realms, ten life and death realms and one star realm. Compared with the Law Enforcement Group Captain I encountered before, the aura of the star realm is not much better. It must be the prisoner of this level..."

The Saint Seven-layer Nasir Realm, facing the powerhouse of this realm, Lin Chen can't compete by any means, only the three-piece War God suit can fight against it.

Even, Life and Death Realm Perfection forced Lin Chen to use the War God suit!

The strength of the Second Layer guard alone is so terrifying. In this operation, as long as Lin Chen is exposed, it is most likely a dead word!

This holy prison is not outside the holy realm. Luo Yaoer's warning carved on his back will not have any effect here!

Lin Chen only retracted his spirit strength in an instant and looked towards directly below.

Just below the palace, is a huge space gate of a hundred zhang, which connects to the lower level!

It is the channel entrance of the Third Layer of the Holy Prison!

"Little fellow, are you sure to hide it absolutely?"

Lin Chen said to the little shadow sound transmission, little fellow was serious and nodded: "No problem gu gu!"


Lin Chen flashed to the door of the space, the place was desolate and dead, and almost no one approached.

Ordinary criminals will not approach here even if they are granted temporary permission to act. Who has brain issues thinking about the next level?


The body of the little shadow suddenly appeared like a tide of shadow, like a mist, covering the void of Lin Chen's radius.

From the outside, there is no change. This is one of Innate Shadow’s bloodline divine ability; Void Shadow!

Lin Chen's eyes are fast and his hands are quick, he urges the heart to mark the Heart Demon, and according to the familiar memory, his hands form an obscure mark!

"Move every week, the world of nine temples, enter!"

Swipe~! Lin Chen's whole person, turned into a stream of light, was photographed by the giant gate of space!

As soon as the giant space gate was rippling, the little shadow swallowed openly and swallowed all the space fluctuations without disturbing any powerhouse. The pupils of spirituality were full of contempt, as if to say; this?

After that, the little shadow followed Lin Chen for a flash, disappeared.


Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

"Mother, son of a bitch, Demon Race, I happen to be full of grievances, and today I will fight with you brutal things!"

"Kill! Kill, all I will die to this seat!"

Lin Chen just arrived at the Third Layer, the killing sound was shaking, the killing intent was like a tide, one after another violent Holy Force and the demonic energy of Xuntianhedi collided with each other Fight, get into a ball!

"This layer is actually full of Demon Race Demon Kings, and there is a legion composed of high level demon kings......"

Lin Chen stares in the sky in groups The demon king of the team, as if collectively rushing out from a certain direction, rushed out without fear of death, forming a one after another Legion that shakes the sky and the earth!

The vast Third Layer, at this time, was covered with blood and killings, all over the remains of the Earth Demon clan. If any holy realm falls, its flesh and bones will be eaten by the demons, and they will be extremely dead. Disabled!

In this imposing manner, even if Saint can instantly kill the high-level demon, he was counterattacked by the terrifying number of criminals in the holy realm!

The entire third floor of the Holy Prison completely overwhelmed the sky at this time!

Lin Chen has the feeling of standing upside down, as if he was in the once-barren ancient period, when Human Race and Demon Race fought fiercely, and the sages fought fiercely, and the demons rushed!

"hahaha, that's it, try harder. You scumbags who do everything in the outside world, the only use is to give this adult the only pleasure!"

In the very center of the third floor of the prison, on an island protected by countless Formation, a fatty dressed in a yellow robe sits on a noble Qilin sedan chair, inside a red gauze, his face is full of flesh, naked, and beautiful. Mei Di bowed her head in front of him, shaking constantly.

yellow robe fatty's hideous face is full of mad and frantic laughs, with pleasant lewd smiles from time to time.

"Na Star Realm Peak, this is the prisoner of this layer..."

Lin Chen quietly hides at the edge of the Third Layer. Although there are countless attribute lights in the war between the two sides of Human Demon The ball fell, but Lin Chen was safety first, condensed his breath to the lowest level, and hid beside an abandoned cell.

"no! This seat has been in the sacred world for 100,000 years and has been in the top 100 of the genius list. Why did you die here? It is because I did not comply with the orders of Grade 8 Aristocratic Family and did not hand my lover Going out, am I going to suffer this kind of fate? I'm not willing, I'm not willing..."

Not far from Lin Chen, a pale and handsome middle-aged man Holy Force withered. When the festival was defeated, he was bitten by countless Demon Races, separated from flesh and blood, and burst into hysterical madness before he died.

"History has always been written by the victors. After the death of these Saints, I am afraid that no one knows what injustices they have suffered during their lives."

Lin Chen sighed in his heart.

This holy prison, there are too many people who died in vain...

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