"senior, take medicine pill first, and enter my air transport sac."

Lin Chen said solemnly, Jian Wuji swallowed Tianxuesheng Yuan Dan, turned into a stream of light, entered Lin Chen's Taoyuan planting sac.

Now that his holy cave has just opened, his battle strength is not a hundred, and staying by Lin Chen's side is also a hindrance.

Before ten breaths, the female prisoner of Sacred Heart came so fast, a voice burst into the sky!


The female prisoner pointed a jade, and the void was constrained, and the corners of her lips were slightly lifted; "Where is the little white rabbit, dare to break into the king's territory." "

She flashed her silhouette, and she came to the cell, but her expression changed suddenly.

In the cell, there was only one handsome young man who was handsome like a jade tree. His face was delicate and pretty, and he seemed to be a delicate and pretty scholar who was still childish. He had no power to bind a chicken.

What surprised the female prisoner was that Jian Wuji had disappeared!

"Prisoner, it is better to sit down and talk."

The young man smiled politely and charmingly.

The one who stayed there was the Phantom Clone wearing a thousand phantom mask by Lin Chen!


At this time, the shadows were added, Lin Chen moved forward at full speed, and the heavenly demon nine wings spread out three pairs of magic wings, the speed is like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, a tens of thousands of miles!

This movement method of "Heavenly Demon Nine Wings", only the nine wings can be deployed at the fastest speed. Lin Chen still has six wings at this stage. If it hasn't reached Perfection, he can still pass it. Enhanced functions go one step further!

Lin Chen flies across the edge area of ​​the 5th floor of the Holy Prison, like a space channel of Nine Heavens, which seems to be closed at this moment!

"Sure enough, it was closed...It seems that it is impossible to return to the previous level, and the only thing left is to move on!"

The corner of Lin Chen’s mouth, He couldn't help but rose up.

Sure enough, the act of restraint is still not suitable for someone in Lin.

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it!

"Since it's here, then turn the holy prison upside down!"

Lin Chen flashed down, the little shadow spread out the void shadow, Lin Chen was like a stream of light, Shoot straight into the space giant entrance of Sixth Layer!

At this moment, Lin Chen clearly felt that his Avatar had been killed and fallen, but the delay time was over!


Sixth Layer, the vast ground is like a silver gauze, all around faintly discernable echoing the momentum of battle.

"Are we to the Sixth Layer?"

Jian Wuji sent out a mental idea to talk to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Here, the old witch is probably still looking for us on the 5th floor."

Jian Wuji said: "I heard about the prison of each floor. If there is a fault in the main guard area, it is a heavy responsibility. In serious cases, it may be removed from office and strictly handled. It is also possible to become a prisoner from a prisoner. Unless it is a very serious situation, otherwise, it shouldn't be a demonic girl. be immediately report our situation to the next level, we don’t have to worry about where our whereabouts will be exposed or alert in the Sixth Layer..."

Said solemnly said solemnly: "However, little fellow, Are you sure. According to your statement, you sneaked in from the Second Layer and the 5th floor was cut off. We are equivalent to no turning back! Even if I return to its heyday, there is no probability of winning against the demonic girl."

Lin Chen smiled domineeringly: "The so-called turning back is made by fists!"

"Senior, hurry up and recover, and leave the rest to me."

Lin Chen continues to explore the sixth layer of the holy prison, as long as there is an attribute value to obtain, his probability will not be zero!

"Fortunately, I got a lot of attribute points before, and I have sneaked into the holy prison until now. I just started stealing attribute points and consumed 400 million innate talent points. There are 3.7 billion points left, plus Xiaoqian. Little girl will produce innate talent points every other time, it should be enough..."

Lin Chen steals all the way and becomes the king of stealing!

[The host gains 100 million points of spirit strength, 39 million points of Fire Element Energy, 2.2 billion points of high level essence, 29 million points of enhancement points, 9.9 million points of rune energy, 3.2 billion points of high level vitality... …]

Of the criminals who can be imprisoned in the Sixth Layer of the Holy Prison, 50% of the criminals are the cultivation base above Life and Death Realm. This wave of Lin Chen stealing attributes, numerical explosions, and even Sacred Dragon. There is a kind of Dragon Vein that is madly open and getting stronger and stronger!

Sixth Layer, there are also many battles between criminals and Demon Race, which allows Lin Chen’s attribute value to be obtained and further improved!

Lin Chen was puzzled that he did not find the nine-sharp nails on the Sixth Layer that the dean had said that they could seal the nine'magic eyes' on the Nine Provinces continent.

"Is it at a lower level? I can only continue to dive and have a look!"

Five days later, Lin Chen approached the channel entrance of the Sixth Layer again and sneaked in!

Lin Chen, start to go to the Seventh Layer of the Holy Prison!


The boundless darkness is like an eternal hell.

Here, the baleful aura is monstrous, and the devil is rising. all around mountain range In the ups and downs, there is a desolation. There are seven demon eyes nearby. From time to time, a large number of horror Saint Demon Kings emerge from the demon eyes, which is almost hundreds of numbers!

"gā gā gā, finally squeezed out. The world of Human Race seems to be no different from ours."

"This king smells blood."

"The blood of Saint is so pure, how wonderful, it is a taste that the same kind can't match no matter how much you eat, hahaha!"

The Saint Demon King in groups , Burst out a howling and turbulent roar, aggressive towards the direction of the mountain range!

If placed outside, this Saint Demon King team can sweep many holy realms!

However, there was a sudden sweep of the Heavenly Cycle Star River, swallowing the starry sky like a mighty power, just like Mount Tai was overwhelming, a world-destroying storm came, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, sweeping away all Demon Race!

Boom~~! boom! boom! boom!

The brutal and brutal Saint Demon Kings were instantly shattered and exploded!

What’s even more frightening is that these Saint Demon Kings just appeared, and before a few breaths, they will be shattered by the Saint Wei separated by several tens of thousands of li, and the corpses are not there!

The fragmented remains of the devil's corpse scattered, making this eternal darkness a little more bleak.

At the center of the mountain range, more than a dozen thousands zhang giant prisons stand, each occupying one side, less than several dozen li apart!

On the top of each huge prison, there is a barbarian dragon-like iron stud, exuding a majestic atmosphere of suppressing all evils and all evils!

Previously, that shattered group of demons, Supreme's holy power, came out from these dozens of cages!

This cage is like the relics of a group of prehistoric civilizations, as if each cage imprisoned some terrifying existence that pushes the history Great Desolate!

Can the demons be shaken to death with just a trace of an imposing manner?

"Hey...Old Guy, you shook those little Demon Races to death. Didn't you just call them what they meant?"

In a cell, there was a hoarse voice. Strange laughter sounded like fingers scratching the wall, as if the throat had been dry for countless years.

"It’s not your turn to do things, I’m just upset at Demon Race, it’s not about the doggies."

The other voice is no Xian Budan responded.

Yes, this area is the deepest part of the holy prison!

Holy Prison, 19 layers!

To be precise, it should be 17 layers to 19 layers. These three layers are connected to each other!

And these dozen cells are the deepest prison in the holy prison!

People who can be imprisoned here are all those who have stood in the Peak of the times! !

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