rays of light, cannot shine into this area.

all around mountain range ups and downs, darkness envelops Heaven and Earth, like rays of light will never be born.

Lin Chen came here, and felt a very powerful sense of depression and suffocation. Not only was it enveloped by the demonic energy, but also the deadly and powerful pressure, which could completely destroy Saint. Squeeze!

However, Lin Chen is not even afraid of Saint King's coercion, and the power of this place can't stand him.

Yes, for Lin Chen, there is a dazzling array of attributes here!

"This is the Holy Prison Nineteenth Layer!"

Lin Chen looked all around, his expression became more and more excited!

He has a faint feeling that he must come here. According to his habits, the more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity for Lin Chen!

Lin Chen released Sacred Dragon in one go, and grabbed the attribute light orbs for him, and a large number of attribute light orbs were continuously incorporated into the body!

Here, there have been countless Demon Races, but the Xeon Saints who have been imprisoned here are completely crushed and crushed! The attribute light ball dropped by it far exceeds that of any layer outside!

It was almost the same moment Lin Chen arrived at 19 layers. In the four prisons in the center of the mountain range, dozens of surprises sounded in unison!

"en? There are little ants coming in?"

"Look at this feature, the space is not obvious, the breath is hidden in the void, resembles nature itself, without a trace of spatial ripples, has Several points of Innate, the taste of the shadow."

"How did the shadow of Innate sneak into this place? Even the king of shadows in the past, it is impossible to get here over the previous difficulties."

When many voices were talking to themselves, the breath they felt rushed in their direction!

The characters in the cage fell silent unanimously.

In the mountain range, a brand-new silhouette appeared. Even though the darkness is boundless, it can still be clearly seen for the detainees!

The comers have scales and feathers like ink, nine feet tall, and demonic energy rising, like Ancient Era's strongest Demon Race, evil and awe-inspiring.

"Demon Race? A small Demon Race dare to approach us?"

In a certain cage, a powerhouse sneered disdainfully.

The one who arrived here is Lin Chen after disguise!

He took the little shadow back into the Qingxue planting sac ahead of time. The powerhouse on the 18th layer of the holy prison can vaguely detect the little shadow, not to mention the 19 layers. Besides, the little shadow can’t be like him. Like Lin Chen, he can ignore the coercion of Peak Saint!

For this, he directly removed the little shadow, leaving him alone.

"Hehe, you must all be famous characters in Human Race. It doesn't feel good to stay here for so long."

Lin Chen is a handsome evil man disguised as Demon Race. A wicked smile appeared on the charming face, and he calmly said: "How about it, do you want to make a deal with me."


In a certain cage, the infinite power of suppressing the group of demons was suddenly released. The sacred rhyme was misty and vast, and the stalwart suddenly descended like a whole plane, suppressed to the top of Lin Chen's head!

Seems to be squeezed to pieces by imposing manner!

"a trifling smell of mother's milk not yet dried Demon Race, it is also worthy to discuss conditions with this forum, die!"

A human race Supreme said with hatred A sneer, the power suddenly increases, and he wants to force Lin Chen to death!


Lin Chen stepped out and continued to walk into their huge and high-profile prison. Peaceful, with an evil face, full of freedom and dominance. !

Simply is not affected!


"A small Demon Race, not as good as the high-level Saint Demon King, can actually resist the Saint Majesty of this seat?"

one after another Surprised eyes were cast. Lin Chen couldn't even suppress Saint King's coercion and God's will. These Saints couldn't suppress him no matter how strong they were!


"Everyone, I can let you regain your glory and free you from the shackles of this holy hell, as long as you submit to me and become my servants, you Everything that is lost has a chance to be regained!"

Lin Chen was awe-inspiring and laughed out loud.

When Lin Chen laughed, flicks with the finger backhand, and a ray of residual light shot into several prisons in the dark!


Holy power is like a sea, the light of the holy cave is like a new sun rising brightly, and the nineteen-sharp seals of the powerhouse of 19 layers have begun to loosen a bit!

"This...this is...!"

Seventeen prisons are filled with complex and shocking exclamations!

This is the seal art of unlocking the'Nine Demon Seals'. Can this young Demon Race really unlock their seal?

However, the surprise is only fleeting. Seventeen prisons burst into sneers and disdain!


"The cultivation base is not big, and the appetite is not small. You are a small Demon Race, and you deserve to wait for the acknowledge allegiance?"

"In this life, even if I die, I won’t lower my head to Demon Race! You kid is a bird!"

"I didn’t look down on Fiend when the empress of the Fiend clan came, you What a fart!"

"Different ways, can't make plans together. Even if you can unlock our Nine Demon Seals, this palace will hunt and kill Demon Race as its own mission, and how many Demon Kings, Demon Venerable has fought hard, even if he is dead, he will not be a Demon Race dog!"

In the seventeen prisons, sneers and disdain echoed, and a unique arrogance and arrogance were in the tone. integrity!

Some even burst into a terrible rage, several powerhouses, and at the same time released Shengwei, wanting to directly crush Lin Chen!

"Sure enough... these people are the bloodiest powerhouses in the holy prison!"

Lin Chen's eyes are even more excited!

He was not wrong, he was right!

During the seven months of sneaking into the holy prison, he has repeatedly eavesdropped on the prisoner’s talk about the destruction of the holy prison in the past!

Back then, Luo Yaoer infiltrated the Holy Prison and took away the most vicious characters in the three layers of 17 layers, 18 Layers, and 19 layers. He was also the pseudo-god who later made waves on the Nine Provinces continent!

However, she did not completely take away all the powerhouses, and a part of the powerhouses did not follow her away.

Anyone who follows the Fiend female Emperor must be loyal to the Fiend clan at the cost of his life and become the most loyal lackey of the Fiend clan!

However, the last group of people who stayed are the bloody people who would rather die than be a tiger for the Demon Race or the Fiend clan!

"hahaha, what if I say, I am not Demon Race, but Human Race?"

Lin Chen urged the Heart Demon seal to lift the'Demon King Reincarnation Dafa' , The demonic energy dissipated, his disguised face fell like a shell, the demonic energy tore, and the demonic energy all over his body faded like a tide.

He showed his true colors and restored the appearance of the cynical and handsome young man, with the corners of his mouth raised, evil and overbearing.

His right arm and legs, wearing a piece of golden armguard and leg armor, flowed with a faint golden Xiahui, reflecting the silver robe of the young man, like a snowy, seven-foot young man, Fengshen is handsome, and Junya is full of high and domineering fighting intents

The powerhouses in the seventeen prisons are shocked!

Human Race? This kid is actually Human Race? impossible! How can they make mistakes?

The powerhouses detained in 19 layers are all standing in the realm of the Holy Land Peak. Even if the cultivation base is sealed, the experience is still there!

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