Nowadays, Lin Chen can ensure that a single Avatar can also have a success rate of 90% to refine Grade 6 sacred pill!

Describe in one sentence: Lin Chen is now an Avatar, and the medicine background is stronger than all the Avatars who participated in the Tianxuan Conference that year!

If all Avatars are combined with pill concocting, the grade 6 sacred pill, maybe he will no longer be able to hold Lin Chen's sacred pill!

Three hours later——

"It seems that it is still an utterly inadequate measure..."

Lin Chen saw 17 people refining many Healing Saints During the Pill, the mental control had a clear view of the situation in the seventeen people's body. The recovery of the injury, let alone the recovery, did not recover even one tenth!

The amount of holy pill can be consumed, it has already passed half!

"Seven Grade 6 Saint Level alchemists, still not enough for them, at least Grade 7 or even the legendary Grade 8, but I don’t even have a Pill Recipe of this grade. , It seems that there is still a fight to escape this time. I don’t know if the 8% War God three-piece suit and the Sky Rebel can be killed. This time there is no turning back..."

In the eyes of Lin Chen Crossing the severe light of cutting off one's means of retreat, if he can kill it, he will truly become a'Big Fatty' in one bite!

Although it is a double-edged sword, but can subdue these seventeen Peak powerhouses, Lin Chen's foundation has increased countless times!

By then, it will be better than the Law Enforcement Group of the enchanting list. If you want to move Lin Chen, you have to weigh the group of super thugs around him!

Time continues to pass. The seventeen mighty powers are dreamlike, intoxicated, and able to recover from their wounds. This is something they didn't even dare to think about!

The other end;

It was the moment when Lin Chen unlocked the seventeen powerful seals.

Holy Prison, First Layer.

A great hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor stands in the sky, like the remains of Immemorial civilization that does not fall, a statue of Saint is walking in the void, as if returning to the ancient period, the holy power is overwhelming and the sky is shining, nine-wheeled sacred sun Hanging in the sky, hot and extraordinary!

In the Holy Sun Palace, in a secret room, the Golden Armored Man with a sun mark carved on the forehead and between the foreheads is a closed-eye cultivation. His face is like a crown jade, cold and holy, like the overlord of the Sovereign side. Angrily.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes suddenly, and the killing intent rose to the sky!


A huge wave of sun flame angered Zhou Tian, ​​and the entire Holy Prison First Layer suddenly rioted, and the space was shaken!

"This...what's going on? It's the direction of the prisoner!"

With a very terrifying aura, I have never seen the prisoner so angry..."

Many prison guards are frightened, and the prisoner can judge anyone’s life and death if he is angry!

Not to mention the prisoner of the First Layer, when the prisoner of the lower three layers leaves The prisoner of First Layer is the most powerful existence!

Because, the prisoner of First Layer is the starting point of the holy prison and the last line of defense of the holy prison!

Golden Armored Man body flashed, pedaling a round of fire waves and blazing sun, looking down below the void, his eyes were full of disbelief!

"What a joke, the seventeen nine-brake nails were unblocked at the same time! That was the seal that a few adults had personally set before they left! Could it be said that traitors have been mixed into the holy prison, and some have rebelled? "

Swipe~! Turn over the palm of your hand, and a sapphire token appears in your hand. This is the exclusive emergency communication token inside the holy prison. It is personally produced by the nine-turn Saint. It can be used for a limited number of times. Contact all prisoners in person!

"Attention to all, 19 layers have changed drastically. All the nine-chasing nails have been lifted. All of them will give Lao Tzu a bit of energy, close all the ascending channels, and stick to the holy prison! "

"17 layers, what is your situation? For such an important matter, is it because your people have gone out of the ghost? "

For a while, when the entire Holy Prison received the subpoena, it exploded instantly!

The last batch of'monster' from 19 layers was released?

"Tell Zhao Tianyu senior, there are not a few people on our side, I will go to Nineteenth Layer right now! "

In the emergency transmission token, there was the voice of the prisoner who was temporarily guarding 17 layers, pretending to be calm.

As soon as this statement came out, Golden Armored Man Zhao Tianyu's mind fell instantly. Come down!

If it weren’t for the inner ghost, then the situation might be even worse!

Someone got into the holy prison? Impossible! This is the holy prison that is as infallible and eternal!

Even if Saint King is here, it is impossible to break in!

"The 16th-layer prisoner listens to the order, this seat orders you to immediately mobilize the main force to support 17 layers, and another Authorize you with the highest right of life and death. If you have any questions, you can rectify the law on your behalf! "

Zhao Tianyu passed the order, the highest right to live and kill, and the prisoner representing the 16th-layer can execute even his own companions. This is the right that will be imparted only in the most critical situation of the holy prison!


"A group of guys who have been thrown into hell, who have been expelled from history, giving shameless dogs things, also want to get up? What can you do with your broken Saint Physique. "

Zhao Tianyu sneered at the corner of his mouth. Although his expression was solemn, he was far from panic!

History will not repeat the same mistakes. With his cultivation base of opening the world, In addition to all the prisoners, even if all the criminals rioted, they can suppress them!

The sacred realm of severe injuries and the sacred realm of peak state are completely different things!


Holy Prison 19 layers; the dark void faintly reflects the faint golden light.


At this time, a loud roar broke the silence!

Holy Prison 19 layers, here comes!

A full 20 holy realms entered the space vortex, expelled demonic energy, and broke into 19 layers!

"Quickly find out what's going on for Lao Tzu? "

"Not good, all the seals on the prison side have been unlocked!" "

"There is a fight! It is a sword saint and a group of Demon Race! "

Many powerhouses instantly perceive the situation of 19 layers, and their faces are shocked!


The sword glow is white, slashing across the sky, with a sword across the sky. For thousands of miles, when Jian Wuji beheaded a low-level Saint Demon King, his eyes narrowed.

"Is it finally here, but Lin Chen’s little fellow’s order did not come out, so I must die. , I have to block them! ”

Holy Force transforms the sword, the sword infinitely glows to provoke the Supreme sword qi of Nine Heavens, One Sword Shrouding the Sky is cut over!

bang! bang! bang!

The space is roaring, and the sword roars like a wyvern!

"This person is full of energy, and there is no time to entangle him. Let's fix the following situation first! "

The temporary prison lord of 17 layers totally shouted in a deep voice, and all the holy realm bodies flashed, rushing towards the direction of the seventeen prisons!

"I will meet you ! ”

An old man of the Star Realm prison guard with 61 holy caves in full bloom said with a malicious smile, hitting out with a claw, the white Death Aura exploded like Star Core, crushing the sword in front of it. Strong sword!

pu chi~! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The aftermath exploded, the sword infinitely retreated, every foot stepped on the space and shook, and the throat spread even more. There was a sullen cry, the other party raised him by a whole rank, and the higher rank challenge is extremely difficult!

"It's just Life and Death Realm Perfection, and I was not injured even after I got a paw from Lao Tzu, Interesting, no matter you What is the origin, dare to enter the holy prison and die! "

The old prison guard of Early-Stage in the Star Realm smiled sorrowfully, and when he stepped on his foot, he felt like a shocked electric shuttle!

However, the moment he acted, he shook the entire 19 layers. The young boy coldly shouted suddenly!

"Hit! Fight fiercely! "

Jian Wuji's face is happy!

It's Lin Chen's voice!

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