In the past, the probability of'perfect union' is absolutely impossible.

Even if these seventeen people are released, at best they will only fight each other, and will never deliberately cooperate for certain people or certain purposes.

But now, with a lord who is in charge of all their lives and deaths, what was once impossible will become possible!

"You can’t see through the fate of the lord...I really look forward to the next history...hehe, if the old man survives, it will be very interesting to see it in a few years."

In Jiang Taixu's eyes, there is a rare glimmer of excitement!

Retracted his gaze, finished a cup, Jiang Taixu poured another cup, keeping his eyes on the tea, lightly said with a smile; "After one breath, the four prisoners in the southwest will be exhausted, and there will be embers and earth. Kill the two and close the end of your hand."

tone barely fell ——


The horizontal line of the void is drawn one white and one purple. blade dao light, in the middle of the necks of the four desperate prisoners, fleeting, clean and neat!

After the white-haired boy'Tianjin' and a pair of purple-eyed'Earth Annihilation' succeeded, he immediately disappeared from the void, like the highest killer, there will be no hesitation and weak spot to kill the opponent!

"After the three breaths, the enemy will be in a state of first round exhaustion, Lord Zi Qianshou, leave it to you."

Jiang Taixu talked and laughed, and the handsome handsome The young man, Zi Qianshou appeared from the sky, his palms swirled, and the five Dao Palaces descended from the sky. When they were released, such as five ancient ruins suddenly came and surrounded everyone!

"Focus fire attack, Tie Xiaosheng has a backhand to escape, Southwest intercepts it."

bang! bang! bang!

The entire 19 layers holy prison , Instantly overturned the sky!

Lin Chen retreats and then retreats under the protection of You Wangsheng. In this battle, winning is only a matter of time!

"Going to live, first go to support Jian Wuji senior."

Lin Chen ordered, Good-Fortune Pill Sheng'you go to live' nodded said with a smile: "Master, no problem. "

After speaking, you will turn into a stream of light and move out of the sky!

On the other side; Jian Wuji tried his best to fight against a star realm with the Life and Death Realm Perfection cultivation base. Even if the cultivation base is not as good, the imposing manner that can be battled is not reduced at all, like a desperate Saburo. , Recruit and fight for life!

"hahaha, happy! It's so happy! I haven't fought such a refreshing battle in a long time. Come on, but it's just a life. How do you coveer? The guardian, a star-gaining realm persuades me and a life And Death Realm can't make it?"

Sword Infinite Sword and Sword killed the vital point, abandoned the defense, and attacked in all aspects. For a time, the Naxing Realm was irritable and violent!


A spirit strength came suddenly, like a global storm sweeping the sun and the moon, covering the prison guard!

"Not good!"

When the opponent wants to evacuate, Spiritual Storm sends out bursts of breathtaking mental shock, subverting his spiritual consciousness, the moment a fault appears, Jian Wuji Kill with one sword!

pu chi ~! When the point of the sword condensed by the Holy Force pierced the prison guard's chest, he barely got rid of the control of Spiritual Storm, and shook the sword back with a palm. The silhouette dived into the void, but a part of the palm suddenly passed through the void, patted him silently. On the top of the head!

Slap~! ka ka!

When the top of the head is broken, the holy cave disappears together with one piece, but the cultivation base of the star realm seems to be extremely powerful. The rapidly expanding holy cave wants to force self-destruct and pull people perish together!

Tear and pull~! The blade light passed by, the prisoner's head was in a different place, the holy cave was closed, and he couldn't even self-destruct before he died!

The silhouettes of the two people of Tianjin and Earthquake, appearing in the void, the prison guard murmured to himself without staring at him.

"How could it be that the big brother Tie Xiaosheng lost... so fast..."

When he fell, a lot of attribute light balls fell and Lin Chen cleaned it. On the battlefield, accept it all, and the value of the attribute ushered in an unprecedented surge!

Although he didn't kill it with his own hands, the fallen powerhouse of the star realm and the dropped attribute light balls are of extremely high quality.

Prison guards are not half-dead like the holy prison criminals. The Holy Force has no Saint, and it is the cultivation base above the star realm in its heyday!

Lin Chen couldn't ask the seventeen servants to severely wound them and give them their heads to gain more attribute value.

In the current situation, the seventeen servants are still seriously injured, and even one-tenth of their injuries have not recovered. They must be controlled forcibly, more than harmless It is ten times harder to defeat them.

What Lin Chen wants now is to break through, there is no need to put everyone at risk for the attribute value.

"Are you all here." Lin Chen looked around the audience.

"Fortunately, I didn't humiliate my life. No one was injured in the battle."

When Jiang Taixu led the crowd to appear, he shook his head regretfully.

"It's a pity that I let Tie Xiaosheng run away. The Holy Mind is not so easy to die. Lord, will you continue to chase?"

Lin Chen waved his hand: "There is no time to care about him. , The next time is the war, I still have some gold coins on hand, enough to support you to fight out!"

"By the way, the lord, this."

Jiang Taixu is very loyal Give Lin Chen the luck planting pouches of all the prison guards after their death. There are a total of twenty luck planting pouches, and the belongings are extremely rich!

"Good stuff!"

Lin Chen opened the air transport pouch and his eyes were bright!

There are more than a dozen Grade 5 Holy Artifacts and three Grade 6 Holy Artifacts in these air luck planting bags, as well as a large number of gold coins. For Lin Chen and the others, provide timely help!

"System, break it all down for me!"

[Consume 12.3 million Heavenly Dao points, decompose 19 Grade 5 Holy Artifacts, 3 Grade 6 Holy Artifacts, and get a set The essence attribute value is 960,000 points, 290,000 points, 1.02 million points...]

Lin Chen decomposes all of them to obtain the essence attribute value of the suit!

Next, he threw the Qi Luck Planting Bag to everyone, with one hand, and asked: "I have added another batch of gold sacred yuan coins, so I can absorb them while moving forward."

Lin Chen raised his head, the evil eyes stared at the demonic energy vortex in the sky, evil said with a smile.

"Go, put on 18 Layer! I want to play big, let the madness come more thoroughly, and release all the people of 18 Layer!"

After changing, they looked at each other one after another, and their hearts became more and more excited!

18 Layer...

There, there are quite a few old friends of them!

This wave of Lord Lord is to fully open the War Saint prison! !

"My mother, I encountered this kind of battle as soon as I came out, so happy!"

"The character of the lord is very appetizing for the old man, showing off one's ability, full of vigor , I like it!"

"Fuck the holy prison, I've been holding back most of my life! His grandma's, roar!"


Holy Prison 17 layers, space channel, aggressive many powerhouses are here!

The lead prisoner, Pan Yunlong, has eyebrows like a knife, and looks like a forty-year-old cold man, with an indifferent and ruthless face like a generation of formidable person, partial and incorruptible, cold and solemn.

He was covered with baleful aura, this killing intent, as if slaughtering countless Saints and Demon Kings, almost condensed into substance, and the void he walked through was actually floating in patches of gray snowflakes!

It is the powerhouse of a true Peak of Sacred Heart with 80 holy caves in full bloom!

The strength of this team is completely different from that of the 17 layers temporarily stationed there. A total of 21 people, each of them, are terribly strong!

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