The time has passed a little bit, returning to when Lin Chen was negotiating with the Disaster of Pain.

Zhou Tian’s Life and Death Seal implanted the Spirit Source of the creatures with the spiritual Life and Death Seal, but this little girl, empty body and consciousness, but no Spirit Source, Lin Chen penetrated her Spiritual consciousness is more like a chaotic and boundless storm!

As the legend says; human-shaped disasters. Strictly speaking, this little girl is not a complete life!

Lin Chen said: "You said you can now fully control your own power, don't you."

The black-haired little girl is nodded, "Well, I can freely release control The body energy has exploded."

"I don’t want to stay here anymore. I want to find a chance to die completely. Being imprisoned here and having to endure endless years is a very It’s boring, death is a relief, isn’t it. Even if I go out, even if I want to hide in the ends of the earth, your Human Race will kill me under the slogan of just and honorable."

The little girl's tone has several points of loneliness, and then hehe said with a smile: "You are different from other people. Look at my eyes, there is no fear, you can kill me, right."

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Okay, I will release you, but without my order, you cannot act without authorization. If you violate the agreement, you will lose an opportunity."

"Master, don't!"

Xiao Ling'er quickly stopped!

The black-haired little girl ignored Xiao Ling'er, her wonderful eyes flickered like black light, and curiously asked: "What opportunity?"

Lin Chen stared directly at the little girl in prison , Carefreely smiled.

"A chance to leave the sacred prison, a chance to truly return to the ordinary without being chased by all living creatures."


When the shackles fell and the nine-sharp seal was lifted, the little girl stared blankly at the person in front of her.

Return to the ordinary...Can I also return to the ordinary?


"The lord is really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. I dare to let out the disaster of pain."

"It is indeed a shocking thing. However, if used properly, our chances of breaking out of the holy prison will be greatly increased!"

"To break through the holy prison, the powerhouse we have to face is far more than the current team. With the help of the disaster of pain, our success rate will be greatly increased!"

The power of 18 Layer gathered in the marginal space of 18 Layer to support the endless Holy Light Shield, and Lin Tuan Tuan Tuan Chen protects.

When they look at Lin Chen from time to time, they are full of awe and admiration. Invisibly, their admiration for Lin Chen has raised another level!

Although Lin Chen can control the life and death of these powerhouses, it does not mean that he can control their thoughts and consciousness. The previous performance of Lin Chen in the first battle exceeded all their expectations and cognition!

Strength is always the only way to express the truth and the best way to convince others!


Pan Yunlong drove the hundred zhang Yunlong, walking thousands of miles away, as if he had been seen through the encirclement, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun cut out one blade one sword again, and took him in midair. Stop it!

"Damn it, all save people!"

Pan Yunlong was furious and coldly shouted, the only one among the many Sacred Heart prison guards who did not fall into the encirclement was clenched the teeth, trying to do everything possible. Use the defensive cultivation technique, and rush into the area covered by the disaster of pain!

"It's now!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed brilliantly!

He waved his hand abruptly, "Keep up, while they save people, it’s when we break through!"

hua hua Wow~~!

The poison mist dissipated and faded away like a tide. From the direction of Lin Chen and the others, a hundred zhang-wide space avenue was opened. There was no poison qi inside, and it went straight to the space door!

The black-haired girl and Lin Chen looked at each other in the air, Lin Chen smiled and gave her a thumbs up!

The little girl spit out her lilac tongue slyly, which is really cute.

If you are not in the world's extinct disaster and poison mist, there is no difference from the innocent and innocent girl outside.

Everyone immediately followed in Lin Chen's footsteps, all swept to the opened space avenue, and rushed to the giant space gate to 17 layers!

There are tens of thousands of talisman-like spaces like myriad forms, layers of disillusionment void, entwining the entire space giant gate, such as the remains of Immemorial civilization standing here.

A huge space gate, its Formation is so powerful that it far exceeds the layout of any Saint in the outside world!

"How do you open this upward space channel?"

"Old Xia, your space Dafa should come in handy!"

"Use Just a hairy, the old man’s power has only recovered a little bit, use a ghostly space magic!"

The public powerhouse faces the giant door of space, has several points of helpless taste.

"Get out of the way! No matter how much it is, give it a kick first!"

Lin Chen screamed, everyone hurriedly backed away, and a vague divine splendor flashed past. !

Shih~! Bang~! !

Penetrate the ultimate divine force of Heaven and Earth to condense a little, and suddenly strikes above the giant space gate, shaking the sky and shaking, and the gap of the door splits a space gap of more than ten feet!

I saw Lin Chen who was raising his feet and closing his legs. The powerhouses had their mouths open and their jaws almost fell to the ground...

The lord was too fierce... The space giant kicked open!

There is no ambiguity when it comes to doing it!

"What are you doing in a daze! Your lord is handsome and he is not admired at this time, hurry up and yo-yo."

Lin Chen waved his hand and everyone was excited. I rushed into the silver white space channel above.

When Long Jiushan, who has always been known for his violent battles, left, patted Lin Chen's shoulder with a sigh.

"Lord, you are too fierce!"

Lin Chen is slightly smiled, confident with coquettishness.

"I have more fierce ones."


The black-haired little girl turned into a black glow in the sky, left the poison mist area, and shot Pan Yunlong. Direction!

Pan Yunlong has one's hair stand on end in an instant, and there is a sense of crisis that has been targeted by Great Desolate!

The black mist condenses into a slender jade hand, flashing with a weird black glow, and slaps it down with a palm!

Pan Yunlong's blade is blocked, and he cuts it head-on!

Shih~! Bang~!

The black mist exploded and the newly formed slender jade hand was shredded into nothingness, but it successfully covered the retreat of Jiang Taixu and the others!

"Do you want to play with me too?"

The black mist is surging, a slender and clear shadow emerges, and the long black hair is vertical like a waterfall, and the tips of the hair are soft and shiny. Set off against the girl's smile, it looks breathtaking!

The horror of the disaster of pain is that Peak Saint also you can't guard against it's epidemic storm, and the front combat capability is slightly inferior.

Even so, Pan Yunlong dare not be careless!

It is not the criminals who are imprisoned, but its power is the growing'monster' in the holy prison!

If you talk about the degree of threat, it is not too much to keep it at 19 layers!

At that time, it was imprisoned at 18 Layer to facilitate the prison owners on both sides of 17 layers and 19 layers to facilitate the immediate support of 18 Layer. If there is any movement, the strongest force can be gathered to suppress it in an instant!

"little girl, come back!"

When Lin Chen's sound transmission came over, the little girl's lovable body trembled, and Clinique's eyes flowed and quietly disappeared.

"Want to run?"

Pan Yunlong is hostile and his eyes flashed!

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