Lin Chen and the others were flanked back and forth, and the high-end power of the entire holy prison gathered in the 16th-layer of the holy prison!

The balanced power of both parties was suddenly broken!

Although Pan Yunlong and the others have compromised the seven Nastar Realm Peaks, Peak’s Sacred Heart Realm battle strength is not less than one!

The number of powerhouses in the star realm and the holy mind is the key to this great decisive battle!

"It seems that we can only stop here."

"At any rate, I can come out and have a fight, staying in that broken prison all day, I'm almost suffocated Now!"

Many powerhouses have long looked down on life and death, but they look very indifferent to this desperate situation!

Even more crazy fighting intents have emerged on many powerhouses!

"Come on, the running dog of the holy prison, I am going to kill you today!"

"The old man smashed all the areas of the holy world back then. It is your turn to be judged by you beasts. The man’s life? If you want to eat the old man, your front teeth have to be broken!"

The entire 16th-layer of the holy prison, all around all directions, holy light glow, natural phenomenon!

A dragon phantom with eight arms turned out, pushing the mountains and rivers horizontally, and punching through the barriers of space!

Holy Force swept through the ten thousand zhang sky, and the star-like Holy Force condensed into countless Qilin, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon and other Immemorial remnants virtual images crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood rushing to the prison guard team !

The sky is falling in chaos, and the lightning glow of the holy thunder penetrates through the bodies of individual prisoners!

Shih~! The horrible Blade Qi slammed with swords, slashed thousands of miles and thousands of miles, split the sacred bodies of two criminals, holy blood rushed!

In the 16th-layer of the Holy Prison, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, an unprecedented fierce battle broke out!

All powerhouses have begun to die! Some are vicious and cunning, some are brutal and bloodthirsty, some are scheming, and some regard death as home, none of them retreat!

Its very ruthless degree, and even the degree of life-for-life, does not care whether it can survive to the next move!

Be aware that the sum of all the powerhouses on both sides is a full battle of 1,200 Saints!

These two hundred and thousand powerhouses, no are super powerhouses with a cultivation base lower than Life and Death Realm. They are also a top-notch powerhouse in the powerful Grade 6 sect outside the world!

But here, it's just a starting standard!

These terrible and tragic battles are extremely rare in the history of the Holy Realm. Almost only a few super events can happen in the world!

Life and Death Realm, Life and Death Realm Perfection, Na Xing Jing, Na Xing Jing Peak, there is a great risk of falling here! If you are not careful, you will be overwhelmed by a crazy offensive!

Even if you focus on defense, you are very likely to become the target of strikes. Once the Defensive Array is broken, it will be bombarded into scum in an instant!

If it were not the space barrier of the holy prison, it was one of the strongest planes of the holy world, this place would have been beaten to heaven falls and earth rends long ago. If it were the outside world, the whole domain would be boiling over!

The character who is imprisoned to the 16th-layer of the holy prison, who is not the Peak, the alternative of the evildoers, or even the extremely talented on the list of evildoers!

Their state of mind has already gone through the red dust, thousands hammers, hundred refinements, this so-called'desperate situation' does not scare them at all.

A group of wounded wolves is not terrible, but what is terrible is that these wolves things have reached a dead end, and they are not afraid of death!

"It seems that I did not pay a price today, it is impossible to break through."

"Do you want to use it, the same trick when you and I were in a duel."

"I'm afraid it's unavoidable. Our victory and defeat will be divided in the next life. Let's play this last knockout match."

Lang Fanyun and Fang Ling looked at each other during the battle, everything It's all in it.

"Have you been caught up..."

Lin Chen guarded the little girl in painful disaster and glanced around.

The space channel has been completely guarded by the four newly joined teams. If you want to break through, you must first break through the guards of the four prisoners!

Although the team of the four major prisoners acted, the main force of the Holy Mind did not withdraw. From its appearance, it was intended to guard the entrance!

If the battle strength of the painful disaster is still on the side of the prison escape team, there may be a turning point.

However, Lin Chen’s magic seal did not have a way to lift the'lock of robbery'.

"It's no wonder these guys are very confident. Judging from the current situation, our chances of winning are less than 20%..."

Lin Chen thought about countermeasures.

He looked towards the'failure lock' on the black-haired little girl. This lock is like a Dragon Mark sculpture, dripping blood and red gold. Lin Chen will lose his spirit strength even if he releases a little spirit strength. It is a powerful one. The extreme space Holy Artifact!

This thing has a master, he tried to decompose it, but it couldn't be decomposed!

Bound robbery lock is not absolute control, the air flowing inside the black-haired little girl is eroding it step by step.

Between this Heaven and Earth, there is nothing that can absolutely restrain the'disaster of pain', and the same is true of the Nine Demon Seals.

If you give her enough time, she may be able to untie it automatically, but this time will last enough until the battle is completely finished!

Suddenly the black-haired girl said with a smile: "Thank you."

Her eyes suddenly became jade-like pitch black and dark, and the tips of her hair faintly flowed black. Qi, one after another destruction aura like a catastrophe, is brewing from her petite body.

"You run away, let your people protect you with all your strength, maybe there is still a chance to charge ahead. Although this lock can restrain my strength, but if I explode all the energy in my body, I can break through this bondage. But by then, my power will no longer be the level I can control. You have to protect yourself."

The little girl's crystal cheeks showed a trace of relief.

As if some knots were untied.

Lin Chen feels bad, said solemnly.

"What will happen if the bondage is completely untied?"

The little girl said with a smile: "It will attract all the energy of Calamity Tribulation, until it is completely erupted, I may disappeared Okay. Although I can’t go out completely, but for me, it’s a good ending, isn’t it."


At this time, the seven people who encircled and suppressed the old man Mai flew over. , Flashed to Lin Chen's side.

Lin Chen said in amazement; "Why are you here, didn't you let you hold the Old Guy?"

"Pan Yunlong helped him break through, they don't plan to entangle us , I'm going to kill the people of 17 layers first, and plan to save us until the last one to encircle to death."

Xiao Ling'er frowned slightly.

Zi Qianshou shook his head and said: "These guys are not stupid. If we know that we are fighting to the death, once we liberate our true strength for a short period of time, it is completely possible to get them perish together."


You Wangsheng said: "These guys intend to drag us to death, drag the battle to the end, and then concentrate all their strength against us."

Yes, the powerhouse of 19 layers, each Even though he is extremely traumatized, his strength is inexhaustible, but the background and killing move of these seventeen people can far exceed the powerhouse on each floor, and all of them are monsters beyond common sense!

If not, how could they be the Overlord level figure who led the era of all domains back then!

If they really want to get a powerhouse perish together, they wouldn't even dare to look down upon the opening of the Saint 9th layer!

No one knows what killing move they are hiding!

Jiang Taixu's face is paler at the moment, and he seems to be using some expensive means. He said solemnly: "Master, I have deduced the trend of this battle. We are fighting, bode ill rather than Well!"

The atmosphere is particularly heavy when this statement is made!

The more powerful the Prediction Master, the more capable it will be when approaching the limit. Even Jiang Taixu said frankly that this battle is bode ill rather than well, which proves that the opportunities are indeed limitless. Close to zero!

Fang Ling immediately said: "The only option is to abandon the general and protect the commander. We will use our last strength to escort the lord out to kill."


Lin Chen smiled suddenly and rubbed the black and bright black hair beside him, and he smoothed the killing intent of the little girl's turmoil.

Lin Chen looked towards Jiang Taixu, said with a smile.

"When you deduced this battle, you missed one of the most important details and factors."

Jiang Taixu froze for a moment, cup one fist in the other hand with both hands, said respectfully .

"Please enlighten me from the lord!"

Lin Chen laughed frantically and domineering.

"That is, you didn't count the most handsome man."

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