The fallen Four Saints brought the panic of the entire 16th-layer of the Holy Prison!

Four defensive Life and Death Realm, just like this...were blown to ashes by this Demon Race!

That's not a little fish or shrimp, it's the Life and Death Realm Saint of the 6th-layer of the Holy Land!

Even if the defense is broken, severely injured, or even dead, they are impossible to be frightened, but instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke... What is the concept?

Sweeping mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, annihilating Life and Death Realm in one fell swoop!

This man is almost invincible! !

"The lord is invincible!!"

I don't know who made the hoarse voice first, the cry of excitement from the bottom of my heart!

At this moment, it is too shocking! Unforgettable forever!

The moment they became criminals in the holy prison, the life tossed by these jailers is not as good as death. This scene is simply unimaginable for them!

At this moment, all the powers and powerhouses who follow Lin Chen are one-knee kneels in the void, or shout to the sky with extreme excitement!

"The lord is mighty, the lord is number one in heaven!"

"The lord is invincible! The lord is the strongest!"

"Too fucking strong, have you seen it Have you seen it! Take a breath, take a breath! Without lifting your finger, what kind of tactic is this?"

"The bastards of the holy prison, have you seen it, One breath, one breath can blow you away!"

"Fuck! I have never seen such a hanged man in my life, I fucking chased this man!"


"I'm so special, hahaha! It's so cool, what kind of blessing did I have cultivated in my life to follow such a lord!"

"Dominant enough, fierce enough I like it!"

"I set it!"

In an instant, Lin Chen boosted everyone's morale and fighting intent, instantly ignited and reached the climax!

Previously, there were many reasons for them to follow Lin Chen, either due to helplessness or no choice, or to bet on Lin Chen's potential.

But it's different now!

Convinced! They came from the bottom of their hearts and fully recognized the lord Lin Chen!

Even, proud of him!

Every powerhouse of 18 Layer, if in its heyday, can kill Life and Death Realm Saint in the middle of turning hands, this is not difficult, and it is even possible to blow to death with one breath following the example of Lin Chen.

But they absolutely can't do it, and destroy the other party's Saint Physique into nothingness in an instant! These are two completely different concepts!

What age is he? Then he can have such strength. If he expands his acupoints, condenses, and breaks life and death, like a star, wouldn't the True Dragon fly to the sky and be unstoppable?

This kind of behavior that is almost against the sky completely conquered all the servants! No one refuses, no one is surprised!

At this moment, Lin Chen's silhouette has become unattainable in the hearts of all the servants, stalwart, like an insurmountable mountain!

The face of the prisoner of 15 layers is extremely ugly, so he gave an order!

"Listen to everyone! die for me guarding the 16th-layer of the holy prison, no one is allowed to retire!"


Demonic energy surges wildly, Lin Chen body moved, the pace turns, crushes the void, pure power is like a mad dragon grazing the sky, wherever it passes, it sweeps everything!

The four prison guards guarding the space gate exploded in an instant!

Here it comes! This monster is coming to them!

"Go with Lao Tzu! I don't believe that all of us can't do him a Demon Race!"

"Don't be fooled by him, the stronger the power, the more you need to pay the price , The old man can’t do it. He can turn the sky over with a body refinement Demon Race!"

"All die for me, no one can retreat!"

boom~ boom~ ~ ~!

All prisoners stand in the forefront of the team, and while stabilizing the hearts of the people, their power has skyrocketed!

A handsome and cold man rises in the void, with a faint holy light floating around millions li, flying like feathers, spreading holy wings.

The exquisite beautiful shadow bathed in hundreds of millions of moonlights falling from the sky, and the moonlight stood in the way, blocking the wasteland, invincible!

There is more one after another sword light flying horizontally and horizontally like a dragon, blade glow like a moon, high hanging Nine Heavens, and a cross blood light spilling over the sky, blocking Lin Chen's forward direction in every possible way!

Whether it is the life-saving Holy Artifact or the secret cultivation technique of trump card, all of them are used, and they are blocked in the direction of Lin Chen's raid!

Four prisoners, all the cards are out!

"Follow the prisoners and destroy this Demon Race!"

"He has only one head, we will concentrate on the offensive!"

The prisoners regroup, No one flinched!

"Let’s don’t let that guy succeed!"

Cleave a blade light high in the sky, like a dragon flying, Pan Yunlong gave an order, and all his sacred minds chase Lin Chen, follow closely from behind!

There are four great prisoners in front, Pan Yunlong and the others gradually approaching, Lin Chen seems to be attacked back and forth, and there is no way to retreat!

"Let's help the lord too!"

The powerhouses of 18 Layer want to act, Jiang Taixu silhouette blocks everyone in front of them, Shen shouted!

"Don't act rashly, believe in the lord!"

Jiang Taixu stared at Lin Chen's back, calmly but with a trembling expression.

"I have a hunch, the Lord Guild will lead us to break through, just follow his orders!"

Shi~! When the wind rushed through the thunder and the wind screamed, Lin Chen was the first to kill the four prisoners!

"What a Defensive Array battle, but, break it to me!"

Lin Chen's body shape volleyed, his legs fell like a meteor, pure power gathered momentum on top of it , The frontal force shakes the formation of the entire defensive team!

Bang~~! Boom~!

When pure power erupts, a golden brilliance flashes past the Heavenly Demon Qi. It is invincible and invincible. The golden brilliance is like a gun that pierces the sky, and will kill the four prisoners. Defensive Array is pierced frontally!

The cultivation base of the four prison masters is between 75 and 77 holy caves, located between the middle and late stages of the Sacred Heart.

The power that Lin Chen has achieved now is close to the peak of the Sacred Heart. With a single blow, it just broke the battle of the four prisoners, forcing the four prisoners to retreat again and again, although they were broken, Not yet injured!

Om! Hum!

The space roars, and the space near the entire space door is violently distorted, forming an unprecedented golden hurricane hole, and the center of this hole is the fist of Lin Chen who has just broken!

The four prisoners stunned in their hearts, and that punch was his back!

"Not good!"

The four people instinctively urge the strongest defense. The prisoners just came back to his senses, but they were a bit slow!

Lin Chen threw his fist up!

this fist, divine splendor came to the world, the war broke the world!

this fist, such as billion absolutely volcanic eruption, Divine Dragon soars, breaking through the barriers of the plane!

The entire plane of the 16th-layer of the holy prison, all the light, seems to be included in the fist of the glittering golden divine splendor, slamming to the four prison guard teams!

Pure power is like the birth of a mad dragon, strong wind scattering the last clouds, Heaven and Earth faded, pushing three thousand planes all the way, and the planes died!

Below the Holy Heart, the defense of Holy Force was penetrated by this force. When Saint Physique was injured, the life force of Saint Physique came to an abrupt halt and collapsed!

This is the moment of life and death with one punch! An offensive who can completely resist this fist can survive intact. If half of the defense is penetrated, the moment Saint Physique is injured, he will be instantly killed!


The sky is full of dust and sand, and the space is upside down. Everyone suddenly feels golden light flashed, and they are overwhelmed with sight, and endless roar echoes in their ears!

When everyone waited and watched, they froze in place for a moment!

What catches the eye is the faint golden divine splendor, paved into a golden light avenue, which leads directly into the broken space door and extends into the space channel.

Four teams of prison guards, except for the four prisoners who were beaten away, none of them survived!

There is only one person standing proudly on the golden divine light avenue!

The corner of his mouth smiled wickedly, and he gave a thumbs up speechlessly, and pointed to the space channel at the end of the golden light avenue!

Everyone's hearts trembled!

One punch, kill Hundred Saints! !

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