With the current strength of Sacred Dragon, using a super Ordinary Level bloodline divine ability, the formidable power is far beyond the past, and even Life and Death Realm can be completely blocked out!

Heavenly Prison rises up, and when the evildoers Heaven's Chosen are blocked, the secret voice transmission is given to Lin Chen.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth raised, and he couldn't help but sneer.

Do these people really treat him as a three-year-old child?

Now is the stage where Grade 7 Holy Artifact absorbs Spiritual Qi and condenses Spiritual Consciousness. If you rob Grade 7 Holy Artifact at this time, you can immediately recognize the Master when the Holy Artifact is in its embryonic form.

Said it hurts a little spirituality, but if you grab a hand, you will earn money!

These guys, sure comers are not good!

It's still delicious, so let's go to the hairy!


At this time, Lin Chen sound transmission spoke.

He smiled slightly, with a killing intent.

"If you want to rob, just tell me, why are you doing so many twists and turns? This handsome guy has always adhered to the principle of life and death, and you don’t accept it. If you don’t accept it, all come up!"

Boom~! Lin Chen released the Saint Phoenix Wing for a shot, personally rushed out of the range of the Heavenly Prison, and jokingly said with a smile when facing the enchanting Heaven's Chosen.

"Whether you are singled or grouped, singled is me singled out your group, group selection is you, I will pack it together!"

Heaven's from all walks of life The polite smirk on Chosen's face gradually disappeared, and the vocal Xu Daoqing said not salty nor light.

"Hehe, Brother's attitude, it seems that we don’t have to talk about it. Let’s break in first and talk to Xuanyuan senior!"

"Talk about a fart, I grabbed it. Besides, hahaha!"

"Don’t the little brother eat the hard but not the soft? Then your servant can only use his hands to extinguish the fire for the little brother."

Heaven's Chosen Glancing at each other, all the Life and Death Realm followers they brought gathered to the other side, planning to storm the'Heavenly Prison'!

This group of entourages, a total of 76 people, 5 of them are still the cultivation base of Life and Death Realm Peak!

23 evildoers Heaven's Chosen surrounded Lin Chen!

Grade 7 Holy Artifact, even Grade 7 sect is rarely held, they are simply worthy, like this kind of Holy Artifact, which has no background and was born in front of you, if you don't grab it, you are a fool!

What kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality, this huge benefit is all farting!

Besides, these enchanting Heaven's Chosen's abacus is more than that, because if you grab it, it is most likely their own!

Most of the pillars of the younger generation in its own sect are the strongest in the sect. This Grade 7 Holy Artifact will be passed to them after it is grabbed!

Even more how, they still have the status of the enchanting list, and taking ten thousand steps back will not threaten their lives!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

At the height of Green Cloud City, all Life and Death Realm Saints brazenly shot, Holy Force shining several tens of thousands of li, all the strikes are on the Heavenly Prison!

If 76 Life and Death Realm Saints join forces, the ordinary Star Realm can't completely stop them!

"What is this cage?"

"When I join forces, Naxingjing may not be able to bear it completely. This seems to be Dragon Clan's trick!"

" p>

"How is it possible? Blue Cloud City sneaked into such a powerful Dragon Clan, we would not be able to perceive it!"

"Don't keep your hands, do your best! Don't blow this thing away , None of us can break through!" Sacred Dragon is alone in the Heavenly Prison. The infinite raging waves turn into a high wall of waves, and the energy of cyan ripples like blue waves, and is repeated by Life and The Saints of Death Realm trembled violently!

On the other side, the Biyun City Lord forces also want to take a share and gather near Heavenly Prison.

"23 evildoers besieged a young man, the old man or First Layer saw this battle!"

"I always feel that this kid has been seen somewhere, I can’t remember... …"

"Hey, that Dragon Clan looks strong, but it may not last long. We will try to catch fish in the chaotic waters later!"

Biyun City Lord and the others Secretly lurking.

At this time; Lin Chen is surrounded.


Xu Daoqing and a coquettish woman took the lead and cut out the sword glow like a moon wheel in sunlight. With a sword coming to the west, the fairy spirit is full of spirits. The sword glow spins faster and faster, and finally Lin Chen's body The space before several hundred li is cut in half!

Many evildoers have already turned their attention to Heavenly Prison, without Lin Chen at all!

Only because Lin Chen's life fluctuation is younger than them, all the evildoers agree that this child is not a threat to them at all.

Heaven's Chosen, who can withstand their siege, does not exist in the strange domain!

Lin Chen casually punched and kicked, rushing out, and the trillions of dragon power broke through the sky and the mountains and rivers!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

Break the two offensive frontally, Lin Chen fluttered away quickly with the flap of the Saint Phoenix Wings!

"en? body refinement Holy Realm?"

"Be careful, this kid is a little Ghost Sect!"

The enchanting Heaven's Chosen immediately cheered up, No one wanted to be injured, and fell into a decline in the next Holy Artifact competition.

23 evil spirits Heaven's Chosen, the lowest cultivation base is also the middle stage of the condensing stage, all of which are in full bloom with 44 to 48 super evil spirits!

Among them, there is no lack of a holy cave that expands the cave 40 times, condenses the cave 15 times, and can even challenge the life and death realm of a higher rank super evil!

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose, and his shoulders shook sharply!

shua! shua! shua!

Six Paths divine light Like a phantom, Lin Chen's six avatars come out!

The enchanting Heaven's Chosen who had been peaceful before suddenly showed a solemn expression.

But, it’s not over yet!

Lin Chen didn't intend to entangle them at all. At the moment Phantom Clone appeared, all Avatars were pushed horizontally!

one after another Suppress the eternity, the peerless talisman, who is gazing across the world, descends like a torn firmament, shooting like lightning, blasting the heads of all evildoers!

[The host consumes 5000 points of top rune energy to activate Rune of Slowness. 】

The complexion of all the evildoers Heaven's Chosen has changed drastically!

"What is this trick?"

"My Holy Force, most of it doesn't work?"

"This Young Master has never seen it Go through this cultivation art!"

From their Saint Physique to the holy cave, and even the space, everything has become stagnant and slow!

Phantom Clone flashed in front of a silver armored evildoer, and punched out!

Rune of Slowness in the silver armored evildoer did not have much energy to retreat. Without reacting, the Avatar pierced the body armor frontally, vomiting blood!

The punches are like squally rain, knee bumps, whip kicks, uppercuts, Lin Chen’s Avatar fights without a pause at all, punches exploded with more than 1300 billion dragon power!

Boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen and the Big Six Avatars are killing them instantly!

"hahaha! You probably think that you are acting in the status of the enchanting list and will not be punished fatally, right? You robbed the least deserved person! Dare to provoke your Chen brother, everyone today, Don’t even want to leave!"

Lin Chen slapped the top of the head of the two enchantings with one palm, and blasted one of them with one leg, beating them all the way!


A dozen Saints from the Biyun City Lord's forces suddenly gasped for air-conditioning!

Fight, one-sided crushing!

In other words, it's not a fight, it's just a unilateral killing by the boy!

What's more terrifying is that this kid kills the enchanting list just like his mother's kills the chicken, without blinking his eyes!

Where did this lunatic come from?

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