The powerhouse of Grade 8 sect is more surprising than the other.

Why did Wan Elder Huo kneel suddenly?

Why is the Grade 8 sect generation old powerhouse crying with joy?

Behind all this, is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?

Or is it a multiplayer sport that challenges the limit?

"What method did he use to make Elder Wanhuo so firm to help him?"

Ye Lixue's eyes fixed on Lin Chen, she felt more and more, This boy, the comer is not simple.

Several Elders and two enchanting Heaven's Chosen who came with Elder Huo to attend the wedding banquet looked bewildered.

What's the situation? Wan Elder Huo's status is equivalent to the most powerful Supreme Elder and Palace Lord.

His strength may not be the strongest group in Wanyan Temple, but his seniority and qualifications are extremely high. He is the Old Senior who existed when Wanyan Temple was founded. He is one of the very best people in the palace. !

He usually considers peace as the most important thing, and he will never do anything he can communicate with with a smile!

Even if the war started, he even smiled kindly, and he had never shown such a firm posture today!

Ignoring everyone's surprised eyes, Wan Elder Huo asked with a trembling voice.

"Your Excellency, is that lord... still alive?"

"hahaha!" Lin Chen laughed, ten thousand zhang with pride: "I cover him, he is good It's terrible, his life is safe and he will come back one day."

Boom~! Ten thousand fires soared into the sky, holy flames lingered, Wan Elder Huo stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Chen cup one fist in the other hand!

"Your Excellency’s grace to save Mr. is like saving me Wanyan Temple. It is too much to say. All the people of Wanyan Temple present today are willing to do your best for you!"

Wan Elder Huo's words stirred up a thousand waves! Even his entourage, Elder, looked dumbfounded.

Lin Chen is slightly smiled and peaceful.

"Don't worry, I will solve the matter today. You are responsible for protecting my people."

Just a word, his ambitions are fully demonstrated!

Many powerhouse corner of mouth twitching ……

How crazy is this boy?

Really don't give Ye Family and Zhao Family the face? A singlehanded person facing two Grade 8 Aristocratic Family?

Ye Lixue frowned: "Old Man Wanhuo, you have to think clearly, you know the rules between the Grade 8 forces."

Old Man Wanhuo stood In the same direction as Lin Chen, said with a smile.

"Mrs. Night, don’t say much. Today, the Young Master has any losses. The final result is that the two families go to war. If the Palace Lord and my Old Brothers are here, they will also Make the same choice as me."

hiss~! Some Sect Masters from Grade 7 sect took a breath of air-conditioning!

The two are at war!

Grade 8 sect, each one is a Hegemon of the holy world!

Slightly send a few more powerhouses to crush the grade of Grade 7 sect!

The full-scale war between the two Grade 8 forces will mean a real war!

Grade 9 sect In the era of ignorance, the power of Grade 8 is the culmination of the holy world!

Almost all powerhouse wants to break their scalp. What kind of fascinating soup did this kid pour the old man Wanhuo to make him firm to this point?

The people of Zixia Wanggu are ecstatic!

Sure enough, Lin Chen still has a trick. It took him a long time to win a Grade 8 sect. It’s too strong!

Is this the charm of the most handsome man in the holy world? I love it.

A Grade 8 sect Elder couldn't help but said: "I said, you're afraid it's not a fake old man, right? What kind of Ecstasy has he given you to make you so stubborn? "

The old man Wan Huo shook his head and said with a smile: "This matter, except for the Palace Lord and other insignificant people, no one will understand."

The atmosphere on both sides became more and more arrows. When the crossbow is drawn--


Zhao Mingyu speaks!

Everyone's eyes looked towards him.

If it is an ordinary evildoer Heaven's Chosen, there is absolutely no weight to speak in such a big scene!

But he is different, he is a super evildoer who must go down in history!

Even Patriarch Zhao has to weigh the weight of his words!

He walked in front of Lin Chen, the two youngsters looked like blade light and sword shadows, killing intents filled the air before they even started.

Zhao Mingyu said indifferently like Xuanbing: "come and announce your name, what thing are you, dare to disturb my game?"

His soles were stamped, the whole Ye Family The ground trembled and the space trembled violently. Most of the enchanting Heaven's Chosen present felt dizzy and almost couldn't stand firm!

Lin Chen stands still.

But he was wary of Zhao Mingyu.

This person is very strong. His Holy Force fluctuations far exceed the scope of Life and Death Realm, and even surpass some of the star realms Lin Chen once killed!

Lin Chen takes a step forward, and the two face each other very close.

The girl next to the handsome young man suddenly said: "This distance is usually either to fight or to kiss."

"Be quiet." Senior Brother glared at her.

"It's because of me that I brought a professional team today."

Lin Chen smiled and pointed to the black wooden coffin lifted by the six Avatars behind him.

Lin Chen?

The powerhouse of all parties was taken aback!

This child is to challenge Lin Chen, the authority on the enchanting list?

Grade 8 sect has a huge amount of information and intelligence every day. After Lin Chen made a big fuss, he sneaked into the holy prison and disappeared, so that most of the powerhouses have not recalled immediately!

"It really is him! tsk tsk tsk, our sweetheart of Goddess of Divine flame Palace, Lin Chen! He is indeed Goddess's favorite character, Grade 8 sect, just do it."

The handsome youth clicking one's tongue in wonder.


At this time, Zhao Mingyu pointed like a ray of light, pierced through the void with one finger, and stab Lin Chen!

"Sacred Dragon possessed!"

Sacred Dragon possessed, Lin Chen circulated the eternal azure light, and when a Rune of Slowness shot out, Zhao Mingyu’s shocking worldly One finger was stagnated for a moment!

Lin Chen blasted past with Sacred Dragon's 7 trillion dragon power backhand!

Shih~! boom!

The space between the two parties has exploded!

With a wave of the sleeves of Elder Huo, the nearest one, the space is sealed off in a large area, and the fluctuation of the two fights is instantly locked in the hundred zhang space!

The people in Zixia Wanggu even flashed left and right when Lin Chen took the shot, pulling the Little Demon Empress back to his side.

Ye Lixue is not in a hurry to make a move.

Today is the base camp of Ye Family, they don't have the slightest possibility of grabbing people!

The dust and smoke dispersed, the space where the two people were directly turned into an invisible vacuum, all the buildings disappeared, and the two were walking on air.

Zhao Mingyu snapped his fingers.

Lin Chen patted the dust on his shoulder.

Zhao Mingyu disdain: "Body refinement Holy Realm? With these seven trillion dragon powers, you are also worthy to stand in front of me and make trouble?"

Lin Chen laughed: "Don't worry. , My specialty hasn't appeared yet."

Ye Lixue waved.

"Expand the space array and prepare to take them down."

Patriarch Zhao slowly stood up, and all Ye Family powerhouses appeared empty.

The old man Wan Huo is standing on the side of Zixia Wanggu, and everyone is ready to fight!

At this time, a lazily's voice suddenly sounded.

"Aiya, youngster, forget it if you are anxious, what are you anxious about."

The powerhouse was shocked!

A stumbling silhouette ghost-like appeared between Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu, and they gently pushed them to a hundred meters away.

The drunk old man carried the hip flask and took a sip, then took a deep look at Lin Chen.

His gaze penetrated all the secrets of Lin Chen's body, and there was a deterrent in the lazily.

However, what shocked the old man was that Lin Chen not only did not panic, but instead smiled at the drunk old man nodded.

For an instant, a sober severe light flashed across the eyes of the drunk old man!

This youngster is a bit outrageous...

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