The three geniuses of Wanyan Temple smack their tongues secretly.

"Too...too can afraid right?, what kind of monster is this..."

"Expand the hole 1850 times, condense the hole 230 times, just talk about him ten times Expansion of the cave, if calculated by pure power, the basic strength has reached 925 billion dragon power!"

The ordinary 5th layer Saint Perfection, after expansion and condensation, only about 150 billion dragon power!

And Zhao Mingyu, only when he expands the hole Perfection, he can kill an ordinary Saint of the 5th layer Perfection!

Even the faces of the people in Zixia King Valley can't help but pale slightly...

They are very clear that expanding the acupoint realm is just laying the foundation!

"On average, a holy cave is expanded by 185 times, which is the basis of 92.5 billion dragon power! Calculated by 23 times of the average condensing cave in the Condensation Realm, 23 times the 92.5 billion dragon power..."

Proud as a purple Heavenly Tiger can’t help corner of mouth twitching......

23 times the 92.5 billion dragon power, which is 2,127.5 billion dragon power!

In other words, when Zhao Mingyu opened a holy cave in the Condensation Realm, he obtained more than 210 billion Holy Force!

To sum up the ten holy caves in the Condensation Realm, his battle strength when he is in the Perfection Realm alone can beat more than 22,200 billion dragon power! 22 trillion dragon power!

This battle strength is enough to blast the ordinary Saint of the Star Realm!

A truly peerless monster with a higher rank challenge, and it's also a monster that can cross two ranks!

The most important thing is that this is just the battle strength that he had in full bloom with 50 holy caves, and he had during the perfection period of the condensing realm!

The current Zhao Mingyu is the base of Life and Death Realm cultivation! 56 holy caves in full bloom! No one knows how strong he is!

Just as Lin Chen used the traces of Rune of Slowness on Zhao Mingyu, he didn't even stop him, he only delayed one percent of his breathing!

Lin Chen wants to beat him, even with the experience of Grade 8 sect, no matter from any angle, there is no probability of winning!

They recognized Lin Chen's courage and potential, and recognized his courageous courage at a young age, but this World is always the winner, and only strength is everything!

Even to be extreme, based on the intelligence Lin Chen has shown in Grade 8 sect, Zhao Mingyu's background, even only with Holy Force defense, he stood and beat Lin Chen, Lin Chen may not be able to break the defense!

So Ye Lixue has enough self-confidence, Zhao Mingyu, can crush Lin Chen! The level of expansion multiples alone is enough to stop him and take back the Little Demon Empress at the least cost!

Also, Lin Chen has just cast a new Holy Artifact. The essence of the suit has not been replenished yet. The War God four-piece suit is difficult to play too strong.

Lin Chen's only chance to win is Rune of Slowness and Diathesis!

Not only Yue Xiner, but even everyone subconsciously looked towards Lin Chen.

Yes, how sure is he to beat Zhao Mingyu?

I saw, Lin Chen was talking and laughing, smiling and said.

"Why can I be sure? I rely on my opponent, I don't know how good Lin Chen is."

Yue Xiner's heart trembled.

This sentence is extremely crazy! But there is a kind of watching the world, without any arrogant overbearing!

When Lin Chen broke into the holy prison, he fought with too many Peak powerhouses!

It is like an ordinary person who breaks into an environment where he fights with a tiger giant lion all day long, and suddenly puts him in the environment of a group of little wolfdogs. Not only will he not feel that the wolfdog is vicious, but he will feel that A little cute.

This is the absolute transformation from the state of mind!

Yue Xin'er's lips lightly opened, and when she was about to ask Lin Chen--

He pretended to be bad saying with a smile.

"hahaha, the beauty of the month, right? The show is still behind, don’t rush to know everything. Sometimes, it’s best to know everything in advance. Faintly discernible is art. It’s like you’re going to get married, and you know the size of the groom’s official in advance. Isn’t it boring? You have to witness this process and explore with your own hands, okay?"

Yue Xin'er is first Frozen, the pretty face was blushing immediately, and he took a sip of the prodigal son!

Lin Chen laughed and left with everyone, Heavenspan Pagoda, located in the center of wyvern city.

Lin Chen must first settle everyone in, prepare well, enter the Heavenspan Pagoda, and expand his acupuncture points in one fell swoop!

Wyvern City, Yunding Building, this building has one floor on the first floor, dedicated to entertaining guests of Grade 7 and above.

Lin Chen entire group just entered, one after another hearty laughter came.

"hahaha, let's see who is here, our protagonist is here!"

"tsk tsk, as soon as he strikes, he is snatching relatives. Lin Chen's temper is still the same. "

"How can we be called the champion of the Danyu Tianxuan, this is the courage that our champion should have!"

"The Little Demon Empress is the champion of the Tianxuan, she has a beautiful appearance. ah ha ha ha!"

A crowd of silhouettes sat in the lobby on the second floor of Yunding Building, waiting for a long time. When Lin Chen arrived, they all teased.

Lin Chen is overjoyed. It is actually the old Shen of the World Tower and a group of people, as well as the Danyu Elder Club, Song Yilian, people from both sides are here!

Hearing their ridicule, Lin Chen had guessed that they might have secretly observed the situation in Dragon City.

Everyone took their seats and gathered together.

At this moment, the aunt of the Little Demon Empress couldn't help but asked everyone in the Wanyan Hall.

"By the way, I don't know who the seniors are..."

The people in Wanyan Temple are also confused, only looked towards the old man Wanhuo.

The old man Wanhuo smiled and said. "The old man has already said that my little friend is predestined with the life saving benefactor of my Wanyan Temple, and can be regarded as the benefactor of my Wanyan Temple."

Ye Family banquet, meeting Wanyan Temple is indeed a coincidence!

The thing Lin Chen gave to Wan Yan Temple was the arrow fragment used by the Burning Sky Arrow Saint Qi Feiyan!

And this benefactor who saved Wanyan Temple is Qi Feiyan!

Back then, Qi Feiyan encountered several founders of Wanyan Palace. In a battle with Demon Race, they desperately saved their lives.

So far, Wan Yan Temple has an indissoluble bond with Qi Feiyan. It can even be said that if Qi Feiyan hadn’t made it back then, there would be no Grade 8 sect today, the Temple of Wan Yan!

Among all the servants that Lin Chen brought back from 19 layers, Lin Chen gave Lin Chen more or less a token, which allowed him to rely on the most trusted forces of the year to get no small help.

"so that's how it is ……"

Zixia Wanggu and the others looking thoughtful.

"Lin Chen, although I really want to discuss pill concocting with you, but now you have to accumulate energy, in a spurt of energy, expand the hole, grab your soulmate back!"

Song Yilian clenched her pink fist to cheer for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's old face blushed: "cough cough cough, good friend, not soulmate."

The Little Demon Empress rolled the eyes.

Shen Lao said with a smile: "I have always believed in this little fellow."

Lin Chen earnestly cup one fist in the other hand: "Shen Lao, back then The love of caring, the kid is unforgettable. If you have something to do, just say hello."

"che, the tower takes care of you Lin Chen, so we don’t take care of you!"

"Hey you guys Lin Chen boy, I said why we didn’t call us because of a fight. It turned out to be robbing our relatives. How long did you forget our allure?"

A group of silhouettes walked into the crowd. Lin Chen was surprised when he was in the room!

Everyone at Sword Domain, here too!

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