Lin Chen’s ultimate move has really begun to reveal!

Lin Chen raised hand, the nine-color starlight turned into a stream of light, overflowing with color, beautiful as the ultimate meteor falling, flashing by, and divided into five!

After expanding the acupuncture point, the first spare no effort'Nine Tribulations Stars'!

Zhao Mingyu's pupils trembled, and the gorgeous and magnificent stars of the Nine Tribulations made him feel the crisis of death!

If it is normal, he is absolutely not afraid!

But Lin Chen's "super chaos" and the innate talent of "Extinction Ripples" in him, especially the effects of the upgrade of Extinction Ripples, are simply terrifying! Not only could his injuries be unable to be completely recovered, but the wounds would get bigger and bigger with the ebbing of time. It was simply a weapon for the saint!

The Tianyao enchanting demon fan once again protected the lord, fanning out the infinite talisman and delaying the speed of the nine-color stars, Zhao Mingyu clenched the teeth fiercely, and all the holy caves in his body exploded into the sky!

He forcibly rushed out of the influence of the'super chaos', dancing battle halberd again and again, with his fist like a dragon!

"Tianwu Jiulong Jue! Jingang Town Tianquan!"

hong long long ~~!

The nine-color starlight is in full bloom, turning into a slowly rotating nine-color beam of light, five nine-color beams of light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, swallowing all the battle halberd dragon shadows in the sky!

The plane of the giant elephant is completely penetrated in half by the nine-color starlight!

In the Temple of Three Purities, many powerhouses in the sacred mood and the star powerhouse are very solemn!

This move is too terrifying! Even the Saint Heart Realm smelled a dangerous aura. Who would have thought that this was a killer move that could erupt from the Acupoint Expansion Realm Perfection?

In the plane of the giant elephant;

Zhao Mingyu’s Tianyao sealing magic fan was swallowed into nothingness by the rotating starlight of destruction!

A Grade 7 Holy Artifact, Lin Zheyu, see a lot of Grade 7 sect horrible to see!

The Xue Guangyu behind Zhao Mingyu covered all the way, and his aura was dim. Only then did Zhao Mingyu reluctantly withdraw from the range of the stars of the Nine Tribulations.

"pu chi ~!"

Zhao Mingyu vomited blood, face deathly pale, shoulders, chest, multiple wounds on his body revealing bones, torn skin and gaping flesh!

Almost everyone can see that the outcome is divided!

However, to the horror of the powers of the Sage State of Mind, Zhao Mingyu's injury has not been repaired!

Be aware that Saint above Life and Death Realm, as long as there is Holy Force, the speed of recovery will be extremely efficient and fast!

Yes, Zhao Mingyu's injury not only does not recover, but it is gradually deepening and becoming more serious!

This is terrible! Lin Chen's weird ability is equivalent to restraining all Saints below the Holy Mind.

"How deep is this guy hiding..."

"This kind of trump card was played earlier, Zhao Mingyu had already stopped forcing it, so he kept it for now?"

Several powers looked at each other, thinking carefully.

Patriarch Zhao in the Temple of Three Purities clenched his fists. In a calm manner, there was a terrible rage hidden!

Everyone knows that the trend is over!

When Zhao Mingyu vomited blood, he was about to speak.

"I vote..."

Boom~~! !

A gray talisman covering the heavens, shielding the sun turned out, bursting and starting, Zhao Mingyu couldn't even speak!


A dragon roaring shook Heaven and Earth, and a dragon roaring Sacred Dragon was born!

Sacred Dragon breathes, the water is filled with giant elephant planes, constructing the heavenly heavenly Prison, which binds Zhao Mingyu’s Grade 7 Holy Artifact Xue Guangyu and battle halberd!

Tear and pull~!

Lin Chen urges the movement method to rush, moving towards Zhao Mingyu is a punch!

Boom~! Zhao Mingyu was punched by Lin Chen. This time, instead of vomiting blood, he vomited a lot of Dragon Qi!

The Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi inside his body and the holy cave was beaten out by Lin Chen?

Then, Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon quickly exhales and exhales, absorbing all the rivers, and attracting all the Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi, forming a vortex into the dragon's body!

As soon as the Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi enters the body of the Sacred Dragon, the Dragon Vein opens wild in an instant! Straight through the 900 billion Dragon Vein mark, the pure power breakthrough 9 trillion dragon power!

However, the speed of climbing is still increasing, and the like a hot knife through butter has entered the 15 trillion and 20 trillion dragon power mark! Sacred Dragon is faster than any previous breakthrough!

Zhao Mingyu's arrogant and unstoppable eyes finally revealed a bit of horror!

Yes, Lin Chen’s goal is Zhao Mingyu’s Nine Tribulations, Dragon Qi!

At first I just wanted him to be a sparring partner, but the'Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi' is really an unexpected surprise. The nine-headed Immemorial Dragon clan had the purest mouthful of Dragon Qi before dying, and it is an item for any Dragon Clan. of great nourishment!

Otherwise, how can it be called a unique treasure that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it?

This time, his Sacred Dragon's strength can be greatly increased!

In the Hall of Three Purities, the powerful people who sensed Lin Chen's intentions finally showed different expressions, which is very exciting!

The people of Zhao Family are furious, Patriarch Zhao tore the void in an instant, and wants to forcibly break into the battle space!

Boom~! A sword roared like a dragon, and two peerless sword saints of Sword Domain cut off his actions and stood in front of him.

"What are you doing? Do you want to violate the rules? Your son hasn't surrendered yet. You are so anxious!"

"I didn’t say anything when I used the Dragon Qi of the Nine Tribulations just now. When it’s your turn to lose out and make small moves? Do you treat us as if we don’t exist?"

Several bosses of Sword Domain sneered and sneered, Patriarch Zhao looked cold and was about to fight hard--


A Dragon's Might breaks through Nine Heavens, and it can be clearly sensed from the plane of the colossus. It is Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon breakthrough!

5 trillion Dragon Vein, Sacred Dragon broke through 50 trillion Dragon Vein!

"hahaha, thank Zhao Family for the gold medal sparring. I, someone from Lin, gave you five-star praise."

Lin Chen laughed, and when he liberated Zhao Mingyu, he lost his eyes. driven to distraction.

The loss of "Nine Tribulation Dragon Qi" and his cultivation base will have no effect, but if you want to become the patriarch of Zhao Family, you will always be a bit short, not perfect!

The most important thing is that his core method will never become Perfection!

[Get 6 Intermediate Strengthening Points, 12 Intermediate Strengthening Points, 500,000 Top Spirit Strength, 3000 Top Rune Energy, 450,000 Set Essence, 900,000 Set Essence...]


Lin Chen collects attribute light balls all the way!

This time, he blasted one of Zhao Mingyu’s Grade 7 Holy Artifact, and the other two Grade 7 Holy Artifacts suffered different damages. The essence of the suit is almost out of the table, far more than Lin Chen’s previous one. !

"Lin Chen won this victory!"

At this time, the referee announced the result, let Zhao Mingyu protect his body,

The result was announced Shi——

The people of Ye Family showed a suspicious expression of life!

The people of Zhao Family were so angry on the spot!


Real play!

From beginning to end, their Zhao Family was trapped by this kid.

Lin Chen this child has enough strength to kill Zhao Mingyu and win the game head-on!

But this kid really regarded Zhao Mingyu as the target of practice?

In other words, Zhao Mingyu has been playing for so long, and Quante has been practicing!

What's more damn annoying is that their'Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi' was taken away!

The people at Sword Domain also complained for Lin Chen just now, thinking that Zhao Mingyu’s use of "Nine Tribulation Dragon Qi" is against fairness, and even that he bullied Lin Chen!

Look now...

Who the hell bullies?

It's obviously Zhao Mingyu who was bullied miserably!

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