Looking at Shangguanzi, who was carried out and burned all over his body, even his hair was roasted, many people sighed.

Lin Chen took another one away.

When Lin Chen teleported back to the Three Purities Hall, facing the faces of the gnashing teeth in the Divine flame Palace, the corners of his mouth were raised and shrugged, as if to say--

That’s it? That's it?

Yue Xin'er looked surprised and unbelievable, and looked at Lin Chen who was at ease, marveling at him, "Lin Chen Young Master, how strong are you..."

Lin Chen looked up at the sky forty-five degrees and said deeply.

"Strong, what's the use? I still haven't been able to be more handsome than that man."

Yue Xiner: "..."

This At that time, Lin Ping An ran all the way, excited with pretty face, pulling Lin Chen's clothes.

"Lin Chen, take me into the battlefield of the nine races, right?"

Lin Chen: "Huh?"

The battlefield of the nine races, before the ladder game Only 500 people can enter, except for the creatures who have gained the protection of the nine races, they are not allowed to enter, and it is not acceptable to put them in the air transport planting bag.

Except for the special existence of Ultimate Shadow, Lin Chen also plans to put Bai Qianqian in the outside world this time.

"I have already asked, I can go in with confidence, this time you will take me! I will cover you!"

Little Lass's old-fashioned patted chest, confident The heart is full, causing Yue Xin'er to smile.

Lin Chen's eyes shine!

Lin Ping An’s Painful Disaster is not a fancy name. If she can enter, this trip will be much safer!

"This little girl was originally an energy Spirit Physique, maybe it can really be mixed in..."

It hits it off, Lin Chen decided to let Lin Ping have a try. Anyway, there will be any circumstances. Lin Chen can also teleport her out in a short distance with the innate talent of'super-dimensional teleportation'.

Since the first battle of Lin Chen, more evildoers have won and lost. In the end, when the ranking is released——

"The evildoers list: 2001, no sect belongs ·Lin Chen!"

"The evildoer list: 2002, Divine flame Gong·Shangguanchen!"


Lin Chen is definitely the evildoer list 2001!

He is the only one in the history of the enchanting list today who has been listed on the 2001 list with the expansion of the cave realm cultivation base. It is unprecedented and will definitely be the last!

When awarding the award, Lin Chen also obtained the qualification to randomly select a low-level orange-level cultivation technique, and a reward for a middle grade spirit plant seed, plus a Grade 5 Holy Artifact as a reward. Very rich!

After the rewards were issued, the drunk old man and other great powers personally summoned the 500 evildoers this time!

"Every time the Battlefield of the Nine Races is opened, some evildoers, Heaven's Chosen, will fall. It is really my Human Race loss..."

When the drunk old man announced to everyone, his expression Some are embarrassed, as if recalling some memories from that year.

"The opponents you have to face are the Demon Race on the surface, the Orcs and Dragon Clan in the dark, and the Shadow Race lurking inside. This is an extremely difficult search Adventure, but if you can come back alive, you will have the probability of impacting the higher realm!"

Drunk old man said solemnly: "The opening of the battlefield of the Nine Races will be opened in half a month. I hope you all prepare well. !"


All the evildoers answered, Lin Chen faintly looked forward to it.

The battlefield of the nine races, the wild ancient battlefield where all races gather, I don't know what opportunities can be encountered.

For Zhao Mingyu and Shangguanci, if they lose, they also have the opportunity to participate in the battlefield of the nine races.

However, what makes people realize and fear is that the injuries of these two people cannot be completely recovered, and the development is getting more and more expanded, and they can only rely on the top sacred pill to sustain their lives!

When awarding the Ladder Tournament prizes, Lin Chen happened to choose a rare and powerful orange step secret technique, "Lotus Dance", which is Flying Knife Absolute Art. Although it is not the middle level of the orange step, it happens to be Lin Chen is lacking now.

The orange-level intermediate cultivation technique is not so easy to find. Even if you buy it, you must have enough time and opportunity to buy it.

This cultivation technique of "Lotus Dance", when the flying knife is out, the endless blooming lotus will fly. The real lore will only hide in the flying lotus in the sky, making the enemy dazzled. Play a wonderful effect of hiding murderous intention.

When he left the Three Purities Hall and returned to the Dragon City, Lin Chen felt that he had completed another thing, and he was so refreshed!

As soon as Lin Chen and the others appeared, they immediately caused agitation in Dragon City.

With his current reputation, he will spread for a period of time. In the 36 domains, with a power of Grade 5 and above, he will be known to everyone and known to everyone! Living Legendary!

"You won, Lin Chen."

The cold voice echoed in my ears, Ye Lixue appeared, and when she walked slowly, the people of Zixia Wanggu couldn’t help but again Be alert!

They are really not interested in this'Mrs. Valley Master'!

First, they split their Zixia Wanggu, and second, they tried to make Qingwu a bargaining chip for her to negotiate a strong Great Family.

"Auntie has anything else to explain. I won't, let me take care of the clichés like Qingwu."

Lin Chen smiled casually, this woman His scheming is not trivial.

His Lin Chen can only save the goblin at best. If he wins or not, he may still be in the plot against others.

"The current situation in Zixia Wanggu offends the Zhao Family. Someone must secretly engage in small actions. Now it’s up to you alone to pull strongly against a crazy tide. No, I hope I can see you set up by yourself in the future. Qin Wu is my daughter no matter how you say it. I don’t want to see her relying on a general without an army."

After Ye Lixue finished speaking, Lin Chen said meaningfully: "Yes. Yes, it must be as you wish."

Swipe~! There was a sound of breaking wind, and a group of silhouettes appeared in Dragon City.

It is the entire group of Danyu. It seems that there are two more old men.

Danyu Elder Council, halfway through the start of the ladder game, it seemed that something important had left. Now the rush of return has made the all influence who just left the field a little unintelligible.

Next moment, everyone was shocked——


The Tsing Yi giants and the old man Mai Yi, led by them, actually knelt down to Lin Chen on the spot!

All Grade 8 players are full of question marks!

What's the situation!

The Elder Council in the Sacred Domain is also a region's Overlord. There are people and organizations with heads and faces. If you say you kneel, you can kneel?

Is this fucking popular recently for Lin Chen to kneel down?

"Thanks to the great kindness and virtue of Lin Chen, my Elder Council, I am unforgettable!"

The old man Mai was extremely excited, and even tears all the time on the spot!

Originally, when Lin Chen accepted Song Yilian’s "Bodhi-Human Pill", he threatened to return a gift from the Elder Council. At that time, everyone did not know what it meant.

Now, they know!

This great gift can be regarded as being included in the annals of Danyu's history!

Because, this gift is the legend of the alchemy of the pill domain, Good-Fortune Pill Saint, traveled to life!

That peerless pill concocting genius, who was hidden in history, was hailed as the closest pharmacist to Grade 9 Saint Level pharmacists in his contemporaries!

However, such a great character, at that time, died in vain for his beloved, rushed into the Saint King domain, and finally became a prisoner of the Holy Prison! A generation of legends came to an end and was obscured by history.

Until some time ago, Yu Wangsheng returned to the Danyu Elder Council alive in person! Shocked all the senior leaders of the Elder Council! Only then did everyone in Danyu be recalled, and the senior management held an emergency meeting overnight!

Lin Chen flicked his sleeves, let the two old men get up, said with a slight smile: "You two are polite, come, let's find a time to sit down and talk slowly."

Night Li Xue turned her eyes, staring at Lin Chen's back, she couldn't help but feel intense curiosity and dignity.

How many secrets this young man still has.

Can't see through, until now, she still can't see through this child at all.

"Perhaps, it is not a bad thing that Qing Wu was rescued by him..."

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