Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.


With a blast, Yunding Building was blown up on the verge of collapse!

"Damn! I'm scared to death, it scared me Second Brother!"

"What happened? Can you feel relieved to exercise!"

"The handsome people have already begun to exercise, and the ugly people are still making explosions!"

The people in Yunding Building were terribly scared. Fortunately, the people in Yunding Building Every plane in the private room has Space Formation, which exploded.

"It's Lin Chen's closed room."

"What did he do with moths."

When everyone looked towards his room, the door was hit Pushing away, Lin someone refreshed and walked out.

"Lin Chen's appearance, it seems that he has gained a lot."

The Maid old man of the Elder Council of Danyu who is waiting outside said with a smile.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "This is thanks to the refining outline you sent."

This retreat, Lin Chen found a new Alchemy Technique! The refining operation that belongs to someone in other Lin alone!

Lin Chen's conversation turned, "By the way, what is the dividing line between Grade 7 Saint Level Alchemist and Grade 8 Saint Level Alchemist?"

Lin Chen to Elder When the Council asked this question, the faces of everyone became particularly exciting!

Has the benefactor reached the Grade 7 Peak Saint Level Alchemist?

This evildoer is too much!

He participated in the Tianxuan Conference a year ago, and he was only Grade 6!

All the Elders in their presence did not reach Grade 7 Peak!

There are not many medicine pills refining in this retreat, but Lin Chen always feels that he is one line behind. He is far from the Grade 8 Saint Level alchemist and has never met the requirements in the refining outline.

If Pill Recipe is available, Lin Chen refines the Grade 7 sacred pill, and the success rate should be about 50%. If all the Avatars are used together, the success rate of almost any Grade 7 sacred pill can be infinitely close to 99 %.

However, Grade 8 Sacred Pill is still one line behind.

Lin Chen can't find out what's wrong with him. In each Grade 8 giant's refining syllabus, only one sentence is used.

Self-centered, transforming Saint Grade 8.

"I once... met a Supreme Elder refining medicine."

The old man in Mai suddenly said.

His eyes are filled with memories of the vicissitudes of the past, "The refining Grade 8 holy pill is different from the usual medicine pill. The medicine pill can only be made into a pill first, then a young pill, and finally Pill formation."

"If you can't make a pill when refining medicine, even if you use the same treasures as Grade 8 Pill Recipe and successfully condense into a young pill, the final medicine pill will be absolutely perfect. It’s not Grade 8, but Grade 7 Peak or Grade 7 holy pill."

"If you don’t become a core, eternal refining will not become Grade 8."

The old man Mai said seriously, Lin Chen blurted out subconsciously.

"Then this method of refining the heart..."

"No. There is no method of refining the heart in the world, this thing can only be understood, not in words."

" p>

The old man Mai shook his head: "I also heard what Wang Sheng senior said. Each Grade 8 Saint Level alchemist uses a completely different method of refining the heart. It is what a pharmacist has learned throughout his life and finally found himself refining medicine. Others can’t learn the essence of characteristics, only self-realization."


Each Grade 8 alchemist has a different refinement method. It is not a skill inherited from Pill Recipe, only self-realization.

There is no way to refine the pill, even if you get the Grade 8 Pill Recipe, you will only get the Grade 7 holy pill!

For Lin Chen, this can be regarded as the most difficult challenge of refining medicine. It is impossible to use the 【cultivation technique essence】to learn the path of the predecessors.

"It seems that this barrier has passed by himself."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment, but shook his head helplessly.

Lin Pingan pulled his clothes and muttered; "Lin Chen, I'm hungry."

"I know what to eat all day long."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed. Why is he surrounded by foodies?

Leng Yueqi, standing behind Lin Chen, suddenly smiled.

"Your little fairy is in Ye Family. He was calling you a few days ago, won't you go and see her."

"Uh...the little fairy is looking for me? "Lin Chen was astonished and immediately puzzled.

Why did you go to Ye Family again?

Bewildered, Lin Chen left Yunding Building.

Night, Lin Chen arrived at Ye Family.

Lin Chen teleported to a space plane according to the little fairy's instructions.

The moonlight is sultry and very enchanting.

Peach blossoms are in pieces, and the clear stream is filled with bright moonlight. This place is like a hidden land of peace and prosperity, making Lin Chen relaxed and joyful.


When Lin Chen stared at the distant mountain, he was instantly caught by the dancing lightly and gracefully.

On the top of the mountain, moonlight is embellished, Qi Luo is flying and fluttering, people's clothes are embroidered like enamels, and the beautiful and demon-like girl smiles and turns to look at the teenager in the distance.

Her cheeks are as beautiful as peach blossoms, beautiful eyes are blue and blue, and she is full of glorious glamour.

The graceful and snow-white collarbone is floating with a strand of jade-colored hibiscus, and under the light skirt like crimson clouds, it is elegant and charming, and the snow-white wrist rolls the neon gauze jade belt, waving layers of smoke. Like a peach blossom, dancing lightly and gracefully.

The slender waist of supple as if boneless twists and turns, and the pink skirt is rolled up like clouds and peach blossoms.

When she waved her jade hand, the neon yarn flew like two rising rainbows, which looked radiant under the moonlight, magnificent, the magnificent brilliance against the beautiful woman, her skin resembled this moonlight Under the crystal snow jade, her eyes are like blue waves under the moon, looking at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen is dumbfounded!

It seems like the most beautiful fairy in the world is dancing under the moon, and you can't open your eyes straight to teach people!

Ren'er's eyebrows lightly lifted, and when she closes her eyes slightly, her red lips lightly open.

The twilight world

I hope it will come slowly

You in the painting, come hurry up

please let me remember Your smile...

Lin Chen can’t help but indulge in this beautiful voice. He has heard the voices of different beautiful women, each with its own merits, Shangguan Bihan’s tenderness, Yue Linlin’s crispness, and Yun Manqing’s sweetness. , Yan Qianyun’s sweetness, Ning Qingxuan’s natural beauty, Bai Ruoyan’s elegance, Leng Yueqi’s elegance, and the grace of the empress.

But her voice is elegant and charming, like the pure laughter of an innocent girl, with a trace of charm and charm, sometimes like a girl of first love, and when it makes you feel fresh, sometimes like The whispers of the fairies make people feel soft and supple.

Your eyes are like the stars

I want to hug you tightly

The most precious thing

Maybe the twinkle in your eyes Stars.

The neon yarn is dancing, the hem of the pink skirt is swaying slightly, once the dance is over, Lin Chen is still silent in the dance for a long time, unable to calm down.

"Do you like it."

The fairy under the moonlight smiles like a flower.

Lin Chen nodded, clicking one's tongue in wonder: "Little fairy, where did you... dance?"

The little demon empress floats to Lin Chen and falls on him In front of him, he smiled and said: "I have been there since I was a child, but you didn't realize it. The name of this dance is my name, Ye Qingwu."

The Little Demon Empress’ eyes flickered, said with a smile.

"My mother and I, thank you."

Lin Chen waved his hand, grinning said with a smile: "It's okay, what kind of friendship do we have, a small problem."

Ye Qingwu pursed her lips and chuckled, "Compared to what you will do later, it is indeed a small problem. You have to go to the Divine flame palace to take back your Goddess, right."


"Hehe, you still know me. As for the Goddess, if sister Yan is a fairy, she will never be the Goddess of the Divine flame palace."

Lin Chen chuckled said, The two of them have a strong heart, as if they can think of everything together.

Ye Qingwu didn't tell Lin Chen.

The girl of the Ye Family, the first dance of Xihui at birth, can only be watched by one person in this life, and that is her Husband.

"Why tell him, this way, it will be fine."

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