The top-ranked Saint Demon King plus four high-ranked Saint Demon Kings, against thirty-two evildoers Heaven's Chosen, among the strongest 500 people outside of 2000 on the evildoer list!

From the outside world, in the dark heavenly Prison, Heaven and Earth Shaking continues to tremble!

"If we continue to fight like this, we may not be able to leave alive!"

"If we don't fight, we have to fight. This bastard Demon Race has blocked the space. If we want to break through, we must have more than ten people. Only by focusing on the above fire can we break open, this group of beasts will not give us this opportunity!"

Dozens of enchanting movement methods demonstrated that the offensive retreats, retreats and punctuality, fast sound transmission conversation, always Not consistent!

The five-headed Saint Demon King was unscrupulous, with full firepower, and once suppressed the evildoers Heaven's Chosen to a complete disadvantage!

Just when the evildoers Heaven's Chosen were about to fight back to the death——

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

The entire Holy Demon bound Heavenly Prison, suddenly trembling violently!

Tear and pull~!

The 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm of covering the heavens, shielding the sun was photographed head-on, a piece of azure light claws broke through the air, and the strikes were on the Heavenly Prison!

There are even five red rays of red light like the divine glow that penetrates Heaven and Earth, shooting from the outside world, penetrating Heaven and Earth, and directly piercing the Heavenly Prison!

Everyone is shocked! The crowd is moved!

Who is it? It is so capable, breaking the divine ability of this top-tier Saint Demon King in such a short period of time!

Boom~! A Sacred Dragon flew into the sky, soaring into the sky, making all the evildoers horrified!

"It turned out to be Dragon Clan?"

"No, there is someone on Dragon Clan!"

"This Sacred Dragon, I remember it, yes Lin Chen!"

Shadow possession, Lin Chen body flashed, all Phantom Clone are released!

Sacred Dragon played the "Heavenly Prison" with a flash of light and split shadows, and instantly enveloped all Demon Races!

"such insignificant ability, break!"

Blood-eyed Demon King opened the bloody eyes and swept away, the blood light shone, piercing the Heavenly Prison!

Om~! The gray talisman fell from the sky, bursting from the heads of the five Great Demon Kings one after another!

Phantom Clone is completed, and the eight-headed spiritual dragon burns towards the sky and a roar!


The terrifying spiritual sound waves crushed the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, and the shock made the slow movement of Saint Demon King's mind shake.

Many evildoers changed their expressions and immediately gave way!

The other Avatar is just like an electric flint, thrown out with one hand, a faint pink all over the sky, escape from the sky, scorching flames, blooming the afterimage of the lotus in the sky!

The horrible edge and murderous intention lurking in the afterglow of the extremely fast spinning lotus are swept away! Piercing through the body of the four-headed Saint Demon King, the demon blood was spilled, and the sharp white light finally cut the blood eye of the Demon King!

Boom~! The Avatar pulled the Nine Heavens Starfury Bow, pulled the bowstring and shot it violently, and a purple star surrounded by clouds shot out, smashing Heaven and Earth!

Pu chi! Pu chi! Arrow light shuttled, five Great Saint Demon King’s were pierced! Was seriously injured on the spot!

Lin Chen’s Holy Artifact and cultivation technique have received a brand new 【Enhanced】formidable power soaring! Let alone being delayed by Rune of Slowness!


Lin Chen’s Avatar slashed across the sword, and a starlight that divided Heaven and Earth flashed past, like the stars that died hundreds of millions of years ago, the last afterglow released!

The sword glow was filled with bone-to-heart cold, and cut through all the bodies of the Saint Demon King, causing the four-headed high-level Saint Demon King to finally become a large number of attribute light balls and die!


All the enchanting evildoers present gasped coldly!

Dead? In addition to the top-tier Saint Demon King, the four-headed Saint Demon King who is comparable to the Perfection of the Nascar realm was destroyed like this?

Boom~! At the moment when Phantom Clone got all the Saint Demon King, Lin Chen kicked the sole of his foot and rushed to the top Saint Demon King alone!

The last blood-eyed Demon King burst out with a hysterical roar. It was angry and horrified, and its injury was unable to heal itself, even getting bigger and bigger!

"War God suit, right leg armor!"

Swipe~! golden light flashed, War God has his right leg armor attached, Lin Chen's pure power instantly rushes! Straight through 150 trillion, 200 trillion dragon power, 280 trillion dragon power!

"Human Race! you are courting death! Even if this king drags you to bury you, you will die here!"

When the blood-eyed Demon King roared, the demonic energy surged and his arms Like Azure Dragon, he blatantly grabs Lin Chen and pushes the infinite plane!

"Give me, climb!"

Lin Chen's figure volleyed, kicked in the air, the golden divine splendor flashed!

This blow is like a battle with the sun and the moon Star River!

This blow seems to sink into thousands of planes!

This blow is like destroying the world and collapsing the sky, a divine light shot, annihilating everything!

Boom~! The mushroom cloud exploded, the demonic energy shattered, and Lin Chen bathing in the golden divine splendor turned into an aurora, which penetrated the blood-eyed Demon King, tore its Demon Body, and crushed it completely!

[Get 190,000 rune energy, 29 million top quintessence, 100 enhancement points, 4000 rune energy...]

Sacred Dragon roll, attribute light ball is collected As soon as the spirit plant seed was caught, the luck planting bag opened, Lin Dashuai forced to fly into the air, stepped on the Sacred Dragon, the silver robe rolled, and continued to fly forward without looking back!

All the evildoers Heaven's Chosen, regardless of male or female, look surprisingly the same, they look like they have seen a ghost!

Second kill!

Damn, this kid was simply not serious in the ladder game at the beginning!

How strong is he!

A top-ranked Saint Demon King, kicked it to pieces!

Four high-level Saint Demon Kings, instant kill!

A shot is an instant kill! Finish working!

The whole process was smooth and flowing, without the slightest sloppy, no pause or hesitation!

It seems that the killer is not simply a Demon King, but an insignificant chicken!

The evildoers Heaven's Chosen are almost crazy, dumbfounded!

"This damn... is too strong!"

"This is shown by the battle given by Shangguan. It is simply not a level!"

"Too terrifying! He has such a battle strength. When he confronted Shangguanci at the beginning, if he wanted to, he could kill Shangguanci instantly!"

"This pretty boy, change Become light."


From this day on, the battlefield of the Nine Races, the battlefield of Human Race, has completely turned the sky!


Killed crazy!

Lin Chen crosses all the way from east to north! Wherever he went, slaughtering demons was like killing a chicken!

Lin Chen absorbs the Holy Force almost non-stop to make up for the consumption of gold sacred dollar coins. Meeting enemies is a trick!

It seems that only one trick is used, but in fact, Lin Chen used all the cards such as flash splitting, extinction rift and so on in a flash!

All high-level Saint Demon Kings can hardly get out of his trick!

As for the top-tier Saint Demon King...

Don’t ask, it’s Rune of Slowness to slap the face, directly open a single War God suit, and kill him in one shot!

This is Lin Chen with full firepower today! Pursue the fastest and most extreme kill!

Even if you lose the innate talent of the'Sky Rebel', as long as you catch a weak spot, the Saint Demon King who is'initiating' the top tier is a trick!

Lin Chen’s War God four-piece set, each of which has more than 25% of the charge. In addition to Lin Chen’s guarding power, his single-piece control power is higher than the previous three. !

It is as strong as the existence of the Saint Demon King who has just entered the top tier, and it can't stop Lin Chen at all!

The entire Human Race battlefield was overwhelmed by Lin Chen!

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