Shangguanchen is even more impressed by Lin Chen's growth rate!

Describe in four words: unimaginable!

Lin Chen's Body Refinement Realm before entering the battlefield of the Nine Clans, but around 2 trillion dragon power, it is now close to 30 trillion dragon power!

The magnitude of this jump is as ridiculous as the multiple of his acupoint expansion!

"Lin Chen Young Master, what are your plans next."

Yue Xiner asked curiously.

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"Of course I went to the battlefield of Dragon Clan."

As soon as these words came out, Yue Xin'er and Shangguan Chen were frightened!

This Lin Chen Young Master is really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth!

Does he do not understand, or pretend that he does not understand?

After the Nine Races battlefield is opened, generally speaking, other races will not cross the boundary. Once they cross the boundary, they will be attacked by the opponents!

If Human Race goes to the battlefield of another race, it means that it may be besieged by other race groups!

Lin Chen's move is equivalent to launching a challenge to all Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen who enter the battlefield of the Nine Clans!

Regardless of the conflicts between Dragon Clan forces, once they find that Human Race appears in their territory, Shibi will first take Human Race as its primary goal!

"Lin Chen Young Master, do you really plan to..."

Yue Xiner did not finish asking, Sacred Dragon took off, Lin Chen said with a big smile; "danger lurks within the riches and honour, don’t you, life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don’t accept it!"

Stay on the Human Race battlefield, there may be treasures, but the top grade baby must be his Lin Chen took the bits and pieces and stayed here again, it is not efficient.

Furthermore, Lin Chen must go to the Dragon Clan battlefield. His god dragon blood jade records information about the Divine Dragon ruins and bloodline. At the Dragon Clan battlefield, he is imperative.

The three of them looked at each other, only clenched the teeth followed.

Lin Chen did not stop the three of them. The battle strength of the three teamed up can be compared with the battle strength of his Avatar. Especially Shangguan Chen, which seems low-key, is actually no less than Shangguan's gift. , Even stronger.

On the way to the Dragon Clan battlefield, Lin Chen carefully calculated his spoils of war during this period.

"I harvested 8 middle grade spirit plant seeds, as well as middle grade divine fruit seeds, plus three middle grade alien crystals, and tens of thousands of Grade 6 Saint Level Tiancai Dibao There are also a lot of priceless and unique rare treasures in Grade 7 and Grade 8..."

Lin Chen was full of sighs. If he were outside, he would not be able to buy so many good things if he was bankrupt!

"Hehe, thanks to me and Xiaoying, how do you plan to thank me."

Lin Ping’an stood beside Lin Chen, crouching Xiaoman very proudly. Pingchuan's small breasts were held up.

Lin Chen rubbed her little head, said with a smile; "Yes, it's all your credit, I will give you a big reward when I get out."

As a disaster of pain, Lin Ping An has turned into Spirit Physique, and can freely perceive the birth and dissipation of Heaven and Earth's luck.

To a large extent, you can accurately perceive the birth and gathering of heaven, material and earth treasures.

These priceless and unique rare treasures are hidden, Lin Chen has a small shadow to discover them, and when they are born, Lin Ping'an will perceive them.

Yes, Lin Chen can be said to have the two major effects of "navigation" and "see through camouflage", coupled with his full firepower, the three-pronged approach, it is no disadvantage!

If this were not the case, this nine race battlefield is so vast, how could Lin Chen snatch most of the chances of the Human Race battlefield within a month!

Tear and pull~!

A high-ranking Saint Demon King suddenly flashed across the distant void, and when he sensed the breath of Lin Chen and the others, he was taken aback!

"Human Race?"

This is the territory of Dragon Clan, how dare a Human Race come here?

Lin Chen raised his brows; "Demon Race?"

Next, Lin Chen twisted his five fingers and shook his palm, and the 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm patted the other end like lightning. Demon King!

Boom~! Bang~!

All the defenses of his high-ranking Saint Demon King were smashed by Lin Chen's palm, his body was seriously injured on the spot, and his eyes were full of horror.

Why is this kid so strong!

Suddenly, the little shadow reveals itself, and the sound is transmitted to Lin Chen.

"en? Little fellow, do you mean that there is a Demon Race starting to gather?"

Lin Chen was taken aback, and then grabbed with one hand, tearing the airflow, and moving like lightning. The high-ranking Saint Demon King is pinched in his palm!

This Saint Demon King, at best, is the same as Human Race’s ordinary Early-Stage, or the lowest one. With Lin Chen’s current strength, it can be suppressed!

"Say, what do you guys want to do if you gather here. If you don't tell, you will die."

Lin Chen said indifferently, the Saint Demon King on the other end was full of surprises: "How do you know... …Our clansman has gathered..."

"Nonsense, handsome, I don’t know what."

Lin Chen's squeeze the Saint Demon King's strength more tightly and push it The position of the devil's heart is firmly grasped!

In this month, kill the top-level Qi Blood Attribute obtained by the high-level and top-level Saint Demon King, let the pure power of Lin Chen's fleshy shell reach 7 trillion dragon power, and worship the fleshy shell awakening function. With the blessing of, it has broken through 28 trillion dragon power!

Only with pure power, Lin Chen can suppress some Saints who have just entered the star realm!

"I...I said, the orders from the adults above, let us gather, plot against Dragon Clan with the seeds of the high grade spirit plant, and then go to the Human Race to encircle and suppress the unknown in the Human Race. Factors, it is said that Human Race appeared Human Race that can kill the top-tier Saint Demon King, so we gathered to act..."

Lin Chen realized it after listening!

The feeling that he killed too fiercely, attracted the attention of Demon Race.

"How many people do you Demon Race have on the battlefield of the nine races? Make it clear, otherwise I will kill you!"

Lin Chen threatens, the Saint Demon King dare not delay "No... I don’t know the specific numbers. I only know that there are ten strongest lords in the Demon Race battlefield, guarding this place. The strength of the ten lords is rumored to be comparable to the vast majority of the Open Heaven realm of Human Race. More than a dozen adults can also match your Human Race's Open Heaven Realm, and I don’t know the rest..."

If you don’t ask, I’m surprised if I ask! Yue Xin'er and Shangguan Chen's expressions changed suddenly!

Demon Race, there are so many Peak powerhouses here? This does not include the other top Saint Demon King?

Lin Chen looked excited; now, "Interesting! It seems that I have a chance, I'm going to the Demon Race battlefield..."

The trio of brows jumped wildly!

Are there any mistakes? Are you crazy too?

The Dragon Clan battlefield is dangerous enough. Do you still want to go to the Demon Race battlefield?


Lin Chen smashed this high-level Saint Demon King, only to find that its demon body quickly shrivelled, and the top secret became a stand-in!

"It's the Demon Race of old masters..."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed. This Saint Demon King actually let it'Golden Cicada unshelled', and it's top secret. Is done.

Even if Lin Chen can suppress it, but as a creature whose life essence counts in epochs, unless it is a sneak attack like before, it is still difficult to kill them.

"There is no time to chase this guy. It can shell out Golden Cicada. I must give up most of the cultivation base. It does not pose a threat to us."

Lin Chen and Lin Ping'an looked towards one direction almost at the same time, and the corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose.

"The seeds of the high grade spirit plant, this is a rare treasure. These Demon Races want to do the Dragon Clan, so the handsome book will give them an anti-do! Peace, let's go!"


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